如何将sqlite3模块导入Python 2.4?

时间:2022-05-02 00:16:18

The sqlite3 module is included in Python version 2.5+. However, I am stuck with version 2.4. I uploaded the sqlite3 module files, added the directory to sys.path, but I get the following error when I try to import it:

sqlite3模块包含在Python 2.5+版本中。但是,我坚持使用2.4版本。我上传了sqlite3模块文件,将目录添加到sys.path,但是当我尝试导入它时出现以下错误:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
  File "sqlite3/__init__.py", line 23, in ?
    from dbapi2 import *
  File "sqlite3/dbapi2.py", line 26, in ?
    from _sqlite3 import *
ImportError: No module named _sqlite3

The file '_sqlite3' is in lib-dynload, but if I include this in the sqlite3 directory, I get additional errors.


Any suggestions? I am working in a limited environment; I don't have access to GCC, among other things.


4 个解决方案


I had same problem with CentOS and python 2.4

我在CentOS和python 2.4上遇到了同样的问题

My solution:

yum install python-sqlite2

and try following python code


    import sqlite3
    from pysqlite2 import dbapi2 as sqlite3


Did you install it? That often works better than messing with sys.path.


python setup.py install

If so, you should then find it.


If, for some reason, you can't install it, set the PYTHONPATH environment variable. Do not make a habit of messing with sys.path.



You will need to install pysqlite. Notice, however, that this absolutely does require a compiler, unless you can find binaries for it (and Python 2.4) on the net. Using the 2.5 binaries will not be possible.

您需要安装pysqlite。但请注意,这绝对需要编译器,除非您可以在网上找到它的二进制文件(和Python 2.4)。使用2.5二进制文件是不可能的。


You must ensure your sqlite, sqlite-devel, python-sqlite are installed correctly first and then recompile Python.



I had same problem with CentOS and python 2.4

我在CentOS和python 2.4上遇到了同样的问题

My solution:

yum install python-sqlite2

and try following python code


    import sqlite3
    from pysqlite2 import dbapi2 as sqlite3


Did you install it? That often works better than messing with sys.path.


python setup.py install

If so, you should then find it.


If, for some reason, you can't install it, set the PYTHONPATH environment variable. Do not make a habit of messing with sys.path.



You will need to install pysqlite. Notice, however, that this absolutely does require a compiler, unless you can find binaries for it (and Python 2.4) on the net. Using the 2.5 binaries will not be possible.

您需要安装pysqlite。但请注意,这绝对需要编译器,除非您可以在网上找到它的二进制文件(和Python 2.4)。使用2.5二进制文件是不可能的。


You must ensure your sqlite, sqlite-devel, python-sqlite are installed correctly first and then recompile Python.
