Im trying to deploy my application using Capistrano, but I get this error message:
`deploy:setup' is only run for servers matching {:except=>{:no_release=>true}}, but no servers matched
`deploy:setup'仅对匹配{:except => {:no_release => true}}的服务器运行,但没有匹配的服务器
When running this command:
bundle exec cap deploy:setup
Here is my deploy.rb file.
set :application, ""
set :repository, ""
set :use_sudo, false
set :scm, :git
set :web, application
set :app, application
set :db, application
set :branch, "master"
set :user, "webmaster"
set :deploy_to, "/opt/www/#{application}"
set :deploy_via, :remote_cache
set :domain, application
set :port, 2222
set :bundler_cmd, "bundle install --deployment --without=development,test"
ssh_options[:paranoid] = false
namespace :deploy do
task :start do ; end
task :stop do ; end
task :restart_stalker do
run "cd #{deploy_to}/current && thor stalker:kill && stalker:init"
task :restart, :roles => :app, :except => { :no_release => true } do
run "cd #{deploy_to}/current && touch tmp/restart.txt"
after "bundler_cmd", "deploy:restart_stalker"
I'm using Rails 3.
我正在使用Rails 3。
4 个解决方案
You need to define some roles. E.g.:
role :app, 'myapphostname'
role :web, 'mywebhostname'
It seems you used "set" instead of "role", but you should confirm this before making the change.
Most people are probably using multistage with capistrano so you wouldnt put your roles in the deploy.rb, so if you have added environment specific roles in config/deploy/#env_name.rb then make sure to add these in your config/deploy.rb
大多数人可能正在使用capistrano的多级,所以你不会把你的角色放在deploy.rb中,所以如果你在config / deploy /#env_name.rb中添加了特定于环境的角色,那么一定要在config / deploy.rb中添加这些角色。
set :stages, %w(#env_name1, #env_name2...)
require 'capistrano/ext/multistage'
and make sure the capistrano-ext gem is installed.
并确保安装了capistrano-ext gem。
Seems that you've already set up your server with bundle exec cap deploy:setup
似乎您已经使用bundle exec cap deploy:setup设置了服务器。
If that's the case you should now run bundle exec cap deploy
如果是这种情况,您现在应该运行bundle exec cap deploy。
I'm going to leave an answer here that helped me that when none of the suggested answers here or elsewhere could help me - I spent days researching this issue before I found a fix.
我将在这里留下一个答案,帮助我,当这里或其他地方没有任何建议的答案可以帮助我 - 我花了几天时间研究这个问题才找到修复。
Make sure that if using multistage that the environment specific config files (e.g. config/deploy/environment.rb
) are the only files in the config/deploy
directory. I had an environment, dev
that I was unable to deploy too, turned out there somehow was a complete empty config/deploy/dev
file that was getting loaded instead of my config/deploy/dev.rb
file, causing every deployment to that environment fail with the posted error.
如果使用多阶段,请确保环境特定的配置文件(例如config / deploy / environment.rb)是config / deploy目录中的唯一文件。我有一个环境,开发我也无法部署,原来那里是一个完整的空配置/部署/开发文件,它被加载而不是我的config / deploy / dev.rb文件,导致每个部署到该环境发布错误失败。
You need to define some roles. E.g.:
role :app, 'myapphostname'
role :web, 'mywebhostname'
It seems you used "set" instead of "role", but you should confirm this before making the change.
Most people are probably using multistage with capistrano so you wouldnt put your roles in the deploy.rb, so if you have added environment specific roles in config/deploy/#env_name.rb then make sure to add these in your config/deploy.rb
大多数人可能正在使用capistrano的多级,所以你不会把你的角色放在deploy.rb中,所以如果你在config / deploy /#env_name.rb中添加了特定于环境的角色,那么一定要在config / deploy.rb中添加这些角色。
set :stages, %w(#env_name1, #env_name2...)
require 'capistrano/ext/multistage'
and make sure the capistrano-ext gem is installed.
并确保安装了capistrano-ext gem。
Seems that you've already set up your server with bundle exec cap deploy:setup
似乎您已经使用bundle exec cap deploy:setup设置了服务器。
If that's the case you should now run bundle exec cap deploy
如果是这种情况,您现在应该运行bundle exec cap deploy。
I'm going to leave an answer here that helped me that when none of the suggested answers here or elsewhere could help me - I spent days researching this issue before I found a fix.
我将在这里留下一个答案,帮助我,当这里或其他地方没有任何建议的答案可以帮助我 - 我花了几天时间研究这个问题才找到修复。
Make sure that if using multistage that the environment specific config files (e.g. config/deploy/environment.rb
) are the only files in the config/deploy
directory. I had an environment, dev
that I was unable to deploy too, turned out there somehow was a complete empty config/deploy/dev
file that was getting loaded instead of my config/deploy/dev.rb
file, causing every deployment to that environment fail with the posted error.
如果使用多阶段,请确保环境特定的配置文件(例如config / deploy / environment.rb)是config / deploy目录中的唯一文件。我有一个环境,开发我也无法部署,原来那里是一个完整的空配置/部署/开发文件,它被加载而不是我的config / deploy / dev.rb文件,导致每个部署到该环境发布错误失败。