
时间:2022-11-21 00:16:52

The symptom is:


TinyTds::Error: Adaptive Server connection timed out: EXEC some_stored_procedure

TinyTds ::错误:Adaptive Server连接超时:EXEC some_stored_procedure

It's execute_procedure a slow stored procedure on a slow MSSQL Server via ActiveRecord over tinytds. If I EXEC the stored procedure in SQL Query Analyzer, it takes 29 to 30 to finish.


So I added:


timeout = 60

in /etc/freetds.conf and:


read_timeout: 60
write_timeout: 60

to database.yml.

The same error still shows up. Is there any other configs I missed?


p.s. I did measure when the timeout error shows up with a timer after hitting return key, it's about 30 seconds. I have a feeling 30 seconds may not be the default timeout of freetds or activerecord and wonders why the error shows up somewhat close the time for the sql to finish ...


1 个解决方案



It has been pretty long time but someone may need this. I solved this by passing timeout: option for creating tiny_tds client depend on git doc, see the below:

这已经很久了,但有人可能需要这个。我通过传递timeout来解决这个问题:创建tiny_tds客户端的选项取决于git doc,请参阅下面的内容:

client = TinyTds::Client.new username: 'sa', password: 'secret', host: 'mydb.host.net', timeout: 30



It has been pretty long time but someone may need this. I solved this by passing timeout: option for creating tiny_tds client depend on git doc, see the below:

这已经很久了,但有人可能需要这个。我通过传递timeout来解决这个问题:创建tiny_tds客户端的选项取决于git doc,请参阅下面的内容:

client = TinyTds::Client.new username: 'sa', password: 'secret', host: 'mydb.host.net', timeout: 30