Java exec()不返回管道连接命令的预期结果

时间:2021-01-27 00:11:46

I'm calling command line programs connected by pipes. All this works on Linux for sure.


My method:

protected String execCommand(String command) throws IOException {
    String line = null;
    if (command.length() > 0) {
        Process child = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(command);
        InputStream lsOut = child.getInputStream();
        InputStreamReader r = new InputStreamReader(lsOut);
        BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(r);

        String readline = null;
        while ((readline = in.readLine()) != null) {
            line = line + readline;

    return line;

If I'm calling some cat file | grep asd, I'm getting the expected result. But not all commands works correctly. For example with this:

如果我正在调用一些猫文件| grep asd,我得到了预期的结果。但并非所有命令都能正常工作。例如:

cat /proc/cpuinfo | wc -l

or this:

cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep "model name" | head -n 1 | awk -F":" '{print substr($2, 2, length($2))}

the method will return null. I'm guessing this problem depends on output formatting commands like head, tail, wc, etc. How I can work around this problem and get the final result of the output?


6 个解决方案



The pipe (like redirection, or >) is a function of the shell, and so execing directly from Java won't work. You need to do something like:


/bin/sh -c "your | piped | commands | here"

which executes a shell process with the command line (including pipes) specified after the -c (in quotes).


Note also that you have to consume stdout and stderr concurrently, otherwise your spawned process will block waiting for your process to consume the output (or errors). More info here.




Everyone who uses Runtime.exec should read this.




Still didn't found proper solution to execute piped commands with Runtime.exec, but found a workaround. I've simply wrote these scripts to separate bash files. Then Runtime.exec calls these bash scripts and gets expected result.




It might be a good idea to check the error stream of the Process as well.




The quick-and-dirty thing to do would be:


command = "/bin/sh -c '" + command.replaceAll("'", "'\''") + "'"

Normally, you'll have to watch out for shell injection (i.e. someone sneaks "; rm -rf /;" into the command). But that's only an issue if part of the command can be supplied from some other user input.

通常情况下,你必须注意shell注入(即有人偷偷摸摸“; rm -rf /;”进入命令)。但是,如果可以从其他一些用户输入提供部分命令,那么这只是一个问题。

The slow and painful approach would be to do the Bash piping yourself in Java. If you go down this road, you'll find out all the wonderful things that Bash gives you that's not directly available from Process.exec (pipes, redirection, compound commands, variable expansion, arithmetic evaluation, ...).


  1. Parse the command for | characters. Be sure to watch out for || and quoted strings.
  2. 解析|的命令字符。一定要注意||和引用的字符串。

  3. Spawn a new Process for every piped command.
  4. 为每个管道命令生成一个新进程。

  5. Create Threads that read the output from one command and write it to the input of the next command.
  6. 创建从一个命令读取输出的线程,并将其写入下一个命令的输入。



Probably a little too late but for others looking for a solution, try this...


String[] cmd = {
                        "cat /proc/cpuinfo | wc -l"

Process process = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(cmd);

All the best..




The pipe (like redirection, or >) is a function of the shell, and so execing directly from Java won't work. You need to do something like:


/bin/sh -c "your | piped | commands | here"

which executes a shell process with the command line (including pipes) specified after the -c (in quotes).


Note also that you have to consume stdout and stderr concurrently, otherwise your spawned process will block waiting for your process to consume the output (or errors). More info here.




Everyone who uses Runtime.exec should read this.




Still didn't found proper solution to execute piped commands with Runtime.exec, but found a workaround. I've simply wrote these scripts to separate bash files. Then Runtime.exec calls these bash scripts and gets expected result.




It might be a good idea to check the error stream of the Process as well.




The quick-and-dirty thing to do would be:


command = "/bin/sh -c '" + command.replaceAll("'", "'\''") + "'"

Normally, you'll have to watch out for shell injection (i.e. someone sneaks "; rm -rf /;" into the command). But that's only an issue if part of the command can be supplied from some other user input.

通常情况下,你必须注意shell注入(即有人偷偷摸摸“; rm -rf /;”进入命令)。但是,如果可以从其他一些用户输入提供部分命令,那么这只是一个问题。

The slow and painful approach would be to do the Bash piping yourself in Java. If you go down this road, you'll find out all the wonderful things that Bash gives you that's not directly available from Process.exec (pipes, redirection, compound commands, variable expansion, arithmetic evaluation, ...).


  1. Parse the command for | characters. Be sure to watch out for || and quoted strings.
  2. 解析|的命令字符。一定要注意||和引用的字符串。

  3. Spawn a new Process for every piped command.
  4. 为每个管道命令生成一个新进程。

  5. Create Threads that read the output from one command and write it to the input of the next command.
  6. 创建从一个命令读取输出的线程,并将其写入下一个命令的输入。



Probably a little too late but for others looking for a solution, try this...


String[] cmd = {
                        "cat /proc/cpuinfo | wc -l"

Process process = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(cmd);

All the best..
