
时间:2022-11-21 00:13:48

I'm building a Web app to allow users to view and manipulate data, particularly numeric and geographic data. It's important that the output be clear and professional (data grids, Google Map overlays, etc.). But in terms of the user interface, I'd rather start with the flexibility of a command-line interface before building GUI-style forms.

我正在构建一个Web应用程序,允许用户查看和操作数据,特别是数字和地理数据。输出必须清晰且专业(数据网格,Google Map叠加等)。但就用户界面而言,在构建GUI样式表单之前,我宁愿从命令行界面的灵活性入手。

Can you offer any tips, tricks, or suggestions to create an AJAX-based command-line interface that can drive the rest of the interface? Pointers to existing applications would be great, too.


The stack I'm using is Django/Python on the server side and ExtJS in the browser. If possible, I'd like to route commands to the Django shell and then just add some extra functions to output the results to a data grid, a map, etc.

我正在使用的堆栈是服务器端的Django / Python和浏览器中的ExtJS。如果可能的话,我想将命令路由到Django shell,然后添加一些额外的函数将结果输出到数据网格,地图等。


@Soviut Thanks for the quick response. I'm afraid I must not be making myself that clear. I want to use a shell to fire off commands on the server side that'll then feed back to output on the client side.


Here's an example I just found: http://shell.appspot.com/


It's just that I'd like to have that not just produce text output inside the shell but also produce output that will be picked up by other AJAX listeners for data grids and maps.


2 个解决方案


goosh is a great example of a command line web application. I had nothing to do with it's creation but I have used parts of it's design for something at work.



Get Firebug for Firefox. It has consoles for monitoring the DOM and network traffic, and has a command line for making calls directly. This works especially well for testing ajax commands in frameworks like JQuery and, I assume, ExtJS. The network traffic panel is especially useful since it can see AJAX errors that often get swallowed by ajax libraries.



goosh is a great example of a command line web application. I had nothing to do with it's creation but I have used parts of it's design for something at work.



Get Firebug for Firefox. It has consoles for monitoring the DOM and network traffic, and has a command line for making calls directly. This works especially well for testing ajax commands in frameworks like JQuery and, I assume, ExtJS. The network traffic panel is especially useful since it can see AJAX errors that often get swallowed by ajax libraries.
