
时间:2020-12-16 00:08:22

The problem is that I need to know if it's version 3.5 SP 1. Environment.Version() only returns 2.0.50727.3053.

问题是我需要知道它的版本是3.5 SP 1。只返回2.0.50727.3053 Environment.Version()。

I found this solution, but I think it will take much more time than it's worth, so I'm looking for a simpler one. Is it possible?


19 个解决方案



Something like this should do it. Just grab the value from the registry


For .NET 1-4:

为。net 1 - 4:

Framework is the highest installed version, SP is the service pack for that version.


RegistryKey installed_versions = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey(@"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP");
string[] version_names = installed_versions.GetSubKeyNames();
//version names start with 'v', eg, 'v3.5' which needs to be trimmed off before conversion
double Framework = Convert.ToDouble(version_names[version_names.Length - 1].Remove(0, 1), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
int SP = Convert.ToInt32(installed_versions.OpenSubKey(version_names[version_names.Length - 1]).GetValue("SP", 0));

For .NET 4.5+ (from official documentation):

net 4.5+(官方文件):

using System;
using Microsoft.Win32;


private static void Get45or451FromRegistry()
    using (RegistryKey ndpKey = RegistryKey.OpenBaseKey(RegistryHive.LocalMachine, RegistryView.Registry32).OpenSubKey("SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\NET Framework Setup\\NDP\\v4\\Full\\")) {
        int releaseKey = Convert.ToInt32(ndpKey.GetValue("Release"));
        if (true) {
            Console.WriteLine("Version: " + CheckFor45DotVersion(releaseKey));


// Checking the version using >= will enable forward compatibility,  
// however you should always compile your code on newer versions of 
// the framework to ensure your app works the same. 
private static string CheckFor45DotVersion(int releaseKey)
    if (releaseKey >= 461808) {
        return "4.7.2 or later";
    if (releaseKey >= 461308) {
        return "4.7.1 or later";
    if (releaseKey >= 460798) {
        return "4.7 or later";
    if (releaseKey >= 394802) {
        return "4.6.2 or later";
    if (releaseKey >= 394254) {
        return "4.6.1 or later";
    if (releaseKey >= 393295) {
        return "4.6 or later";
    if (releaseKey >= 393273) {
        return "4.6 RC or later";
    if ((releaseKey >= 379893)) {
        return "4.5.2 or later";
    if ((releaseKey >= 378675)) {
        return "4.5.1 or later";
    if ((releaseKey >= 378389)) {
        return "4.5 or later";
    // This line should never execute. A non-null release key should mean 
    // that 4.5 or later is installed. 
    return "No 4.5 or later version detected";



Not sure why nobody suggested following the official advice from Microsoft right here.


This is the code they recommend. Sure it's ugly, but it works.


For .NET 1-4

private static void GetVersionFromRegistry()
     // Opens the registry key for the .NET Framework entry. 
        using (RegistryKey ndpKey = 
            RegistryKey.OpenRemoteBaseKey(RegistryHive.LocalMachine, "").
            OpenSubKey(@"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\"))
            // As an alternative, if you know the computers you will query are running .NET Framework 4.5  
            // or later, you can use: 
            // using (RegistryKey ndpKey = RegistryKey.OpenBaseKey(RegistryHive.LocalMachine,  
            // RegistryView.Registry32).OpenSubKey(@"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\"))
        foreach (string versionKeyName in ndpKey.GetSubKeyNames())
            if (versionKeyName.StartsWith("v"))

                RegistryKey versionKey = ndpKey.OpenSubKey(versionKeyName);
                string name = (string)versionKey.GetValue("Version", "");
                string sp = versionKey.GetValue("SP", "").ToString();
                string install = versionKey.GetValue("Install", "").ToString();
                if (install == "") //no install info, must be later.
                    Console.WriteLine(versionKeyName + "  " + name);
                    if (sp != "" && install == "1")
                        Console.WriteLine(versionKeyName + "  " + name + "  SP" + sp);

                if (name != "")
                foreach (string subKeyName in versionKey.GetSubKeyNames())
                    RegistryKey subKey = versionKey.OpenSubKey(subKeyName);
                    name = (string)subKey.GetValue("Version", "");
                    if (name != "")
                        sp = subKey.GetValue("SP", "").ToString();
                    install = subKey.GetValue("Install", "").ToString();
                    if (install == "") //no install info, must be later.
                        Console.WriteLine(versionKeyName + "  " + name);
                        if (sp != "" && install == "1")
                            Console.WriteLine("  " + subKeyName + "  " + name + "  SP" + sp);
                        else if (install == "1")
                            Console.WriteLine("  " + subKeyName + "  " + name);





For .NET 4.5 and later

// Checking the version using >= will enable forward compatibility, 
// however you should always compile your code on newer versions of
// the framework to ensure your app works the same.
private static string CheckFor45DotVersion(int releaseKey)
   if (releaseKey >= 393295) {
      return "4.6 or later";
   if ((releaseKey >= 379893)) {
        return "4.5.2 or later";
    if ((releaseKey >= 378675)) {
        return "4.5.1 or later";
    if ((releaseKey >= 378389)) {
        return "4.5 or later";
    // This line should never execute. A non-null release key should mean
    // that 4.5 or later is installed.
    return "No 4.5 or later version detected";

private static void Get45or451FromRegistry()
    using (RegistryKey ndpKey = RegistryKey.OpenBaseKey(RegistryHive.LocalMachine, RegistryView.Registry32).OpenSubKey("SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\NET Framework Setup\\NDP\\v4\\Full\\")) {
        if (ndpKey != null && ndpKey.GetValue("Release") != null) {
            Console.WriteLine("Version: " + CheckFor45DotVersion((int) ndpKey.GetValue("Release")));
      else {
         Console.WriteLine("Version 4.5 or later is not detected.");



Environment.Version() is giving the correct answer for a different question. The same version of the CLR is used in .NET 2.0, 3, and 3.5. I suppose you could check the GAC for libraries that were added in each of those subsequent releases.

version()给出了不同问题的正确答案。在。net 2.0、3和3.5中使用了相同的CLR版本。我想您可以检查GAC是否有在后续版本中添加的库。



AFAIK there's no built in method in the framework that will allow you to do this. You could check this post for a suggestion on determining framework version by reading windows registry values.




An alternative method where no right to access the registry are needed, is to check for the existence of classes that are introduced in specific framework updates.


private static bool Is46Installed()
    // API changes in 4.6: https://github.com/Microsoft/dotnet/blob/master/releases/net46/dotnet46-api-changes.md
    return Type.GetType("System.AppContext, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089", false) != null;

private static bool Is461Installed()
    // API changes in 4.6.1: https://github.com/Microsoft/dotnet/blob/master/releases/net461/dotnet461-api-changes.md
    return Type.GetType("System.Data.SqlClient.SqlColumnEncryptionCngProvider, System.Data, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089", false) != null;

private static bool Is462Installed()
    // API changes in 4.6.2: https://github.com/Microsoft/dotnet/blob/master/releases/net462/dotnet462-api-changes.md
    return Type.GetType("System.Security.Cryptography.AesCng, System.Core, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089", false) != null;

private static bool Is47Installed()
    // API changes in 4.7: https://github.com/Microsoft/dotnet/blob/master/releases/net47/dotnet47-api-changes.md
    return Type.GetType("System.Web.Caching.CacheInsertOptions, System.Web, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a", false) != null;



It isn't easy any more to determine the current .NET version number. Microsoft has provided two different sample scripts depending on the .NET version that is being checked, but I don't like having two different C# scripts for this. So I tried to combine them into one, here's the script I created (and updated it for 4.7.1 framework):


using System;
using Microsoft.Win32;
public class GetDotNetVersion
    public static void Main()
        string maxDotNetVersion = GetVersionFromRegistry();
        if (String.Compare(maxDotNetVersion, "4.5") >= 0)
            string v45Plus = GetDotNetVersion.Get45PlusFromRegistry();
            if (v45Plus != "") maxDotNetVersion = v45Plus;
        Console.WriteLine("*** Maximum .NET version number found is: " + maxDotNetVersion + "***");

    private static string Get45PlusFromRegistry()
        String dotNetVersion = "";
        const string subkey = @"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v4\Full\";
        using (RegistryKey ndpKey = RegistryKey.OpenBaseKey(RegistryHive.LocalMachine, RegistryView.Registry32).OpenSubKey(subkey))
            if (ndpKey != null && ndpKey.GetValue("Release") != null)
                dotNetVersion = CheckFor45PlusVersion((int)ndpKey.GetValue("Release"));
                Console.WriteLine(".NET Framework Version: " + dotNetVersion);
                Console.WriteLine(".NET Framework Version 4.5 or later is not detected.");
        return dotNetVersion;

    // Checking the version using >= will enable forward compatibility.
    private static string CheckFor45PlusVersion(int releaseKey)
        if (releaseKey >= 461308) return "4.7.1 or later";
        if (releaseKey >= 460798) return "4.7";
        if (releaseKey >= 394802) return "4.6.2";
        if (releaseKey >= 394254) return "4.6.1";
        if (releaseKey >= 393295) return "4.6";
        if ((releaseKey >= 379893)) return "4.5.2";
        if ((releaseKey >= 378675)) return "4.5.1";
        if ((releaseKey >= 378389)) return "4.5";

        // This code should never execute. A non-null release key should mean
        // that 4.5 or later is installed.
        return "No 4.5 or later version detected";

    private static string GetVersionFromRegistry()
        String maxDotNetVersion = "";
        // Opens the registry key for the .NET Framework entry.
        using (RegistryKey ndpKey = RegistryKey.OpenRemoteBaseKey(RegistryHive.LocalMachine, "")
                                        .OpenSubKey(@"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\"))
            // As an alternative, if you know the computers you will query are running .NET Framework 4.5 
            // or later, you can use:
            // using (RegistryKey ndpKey = RegistryKey.OpenBaseKey(RegistryHive.LocalMachine, 
            // RegistryView.Registry32).OpenSubKey(@"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\"))
            foreach (string versionKeyName in ndpKey.GetSubKeyNames())
                if (versionKeyName.StartsWith("v"))
                    RegistryKey versionKey = ndpKey.OpenSubKey(versionKeyName);
                    string name = (string)versionKey.GetValue("Version", "");
                    string sp = versionKey.GetValue("SP", "").ToString();
                    string install = versionKey.GetValue("Install", "").ToString();
                    if (install == "") //no install info, must be later.
                        Console.WriteLine(versionKeyName + "  " + name);
                        if (String.Compare(maxDotNetVersion, name) < 0) maxDotNetVersion = name;
                        if (sp != "" && install == "1")
                            Console.WriteLine(versionKeyName + "  " + name + "  SP" + sp);
                            if (String.Compare(maxDotNetVersion, name) < 0) maxDotNetVersion = name;

                    if (name != "")
                    foreach (string subKeyName in versionKey.GetSubKeyNames())
                        RegistryKey subKey = versionKey.OpenSubKey(subKeyName);
                        name = (string)subKey.GetValue("Version", "");
                        if (name != "")
                            sp = subKey.GetValue("SP", "").ToString();
                        install = subKey.GetValue("Install", "").ToString();
                        if (install == "")
                            //no install info, must be later.
                            Console.WriteLine(versionKeyName + "  " + name);
                            if (String.Compare(maxDotNetVersion, name) < 0) maxDotNetVersion = name;
                            if (sp != "" && install == "1")
                                Console.WriteLine("  " + subKeyName + "  " + name + "  SP" + sp);
                                if (String.Compare(maxDotNetVersion, name) < 0) maxDotNetVersion = name;
                            else if (install == "1")
                                Console.WriteLine("  " + subKeyName + "  " + name);
                                if (String.Compare(maxDotNetVersion, name) < 0) maxDotNetVersion = name;
                            } // if
                        } // if
                    } // for
                } // if
            } // foreach
        } // using
        return maxDotNetVersion;

} // class

On my machine it outputs:


v2.0.50727 2.0.50727.4927 SP2
v3.0 3.0.30729.4926 SP2
v3.5 3.5.30729.4926 SP1
Client 4.7.02558
Full 4.7.02558
.NET Framework Version: 4.7.1 or later
**** Maximum .NET version number found is: 4.7.1 or later ****

net Framework版本:4.7.1或更高版本**** **最大版本号为:4.7.1或更高版本**** *

The only thing that needs to be maintained over time is the build number once a .NET version greater than 4.7.1 comes out - that can be done easily by modifying the function CheckFor45PlusVersion, you need to know the release key for the new version then you can add it. For example:


if (releaseKey >= 461308) return "4.7.1 or later";

This release key is still the latest one and valid for the Fall Creators update of Windows 10. If you're still running other (older) Windows versions, there is another one as per this documentation from Microsoft:

这个释放键仍然是最新的,对于Windows 10的秋季创建者更新是有效的。如果您还在运行其他(旧的)Windows版本,那么根据微软的文档,还有另一个版本:

.NET Framework 4.7.1 installed on all other Windows OS versions 461310

.NET Framework 4.7.1安装在所有其他Windows OS版本461310上

So, if you need that as well, you'll have to add


if (releaseKey >= 461310) return "4.7.1 or later";

to the top of the function CheckFor45PlusVersion.


Note: You don't need Visual Studio to be installed, not even PowerShell - you can use csc.exe to compile and run the script above, which I have described here.

注意:您不需要安装Visual Studio,甚至PowerShell——您可以使用csc。编译并运行上面的脚本的exe,我在这里描述了这一点。

Update: The question is about the .NET Framework, for the sake of completeness I'd like to mention how to query the version of .NET Core as well - compared with the above, that is easy: Open a command shell and type: dotnet --info Enter and it will list the .NET Core version number, the Windows version and the versions of each related runtime DLL as well. Sample output:

更新:问题是关于。net框架,为了完成我想提到如何查询版本的。net核心——与以上相比,这很简单:打开一个命令shell和类型:dotnet——信息输入和. net核心版本号列表,每个相关的Windows版本和版本运行时DLL。样例输出:

.NET Core SDK (reflecting any global.json):
  Version: 2.1.300
  Commit: adab45bf0c

Runtime Environment:
  OS Name: Windows
  OS Version: 10.0.15063
  OS Platform: Windows
  RID: win10-x64
  Base Path: C:\Program Files\dotnet\sdk\2.1.300\

Host (useful for support):
  Version: 2.1.0
  Commit: caa7b7e2ba

.NET Core SDKs installed:
  1.1.9 [C:\Program Files\dotnet\sdk]
  2.1.102 [C:\Program Files\dotnet\sdk]
  2.1.300 [C:\Program Files\dotnet\sdk]

.NET Core runtimes installed:
  Microsoft.AspNetCore.All 2.1.0 [C:\Program
  Microsoft.NETCore.App 2.1.0 [C:\Program Files\dotnet\shared\Microsoft.NETCore.App]

To install additional .NET Core runtimes or SDKs:

net核心SDK(反映任何global.json):版本:2.1.300提交:adab45bf0c运行时环境:操作系统名称:Windows操作系统版本:10.0.15063 OS平台:Windows掉:win10-x64基本路径:C:\Program Files\dotnet\sdk\2.1.300\主机(用于支持):版本:2.1.0的提交:caa7b7e2ba。net核心SDK安装:1.1.9[C:\ Program Files \ dotnet \ SDK]2.1.102(C:\ Program Files \ dotnet \ SDK)……2.1.300 [C:\程序文件\dotnet\sdk] . net核心运行时已安装:Microsoft.AspNetCore。所有2.1.0(C:\ Program Files \ dotnet \ \ Microsoft.AspNetCore共享。所有]…Microsoft.NETCore。应用2.1.0(C:\ Program Files \ dotnet \ \ Microsoft.NETCore共享。安装额外的。net核心运行时或SDKs: https://aka.ms/dotnet下载



Thank you for this post which was quite useful. I had to tweak it a little in order to check for framework 2.0 because the registry key cannot be converted straightaway to a double. Here is the code:

谢谢你的这篇非常有用的文章。为了检查framework 2.0,我不得不对它进行一些调整,因为注册表项不能直接转换为double。这是代码:

string[] version_names = rk.GetSubKeyNames();
//version names start with 'v', eg, 'v3.5'
//we also need to take care of strings like v2.0.50727...
string sCurrent = version_names[version_names.Length - 1].Remove(0, 1);
if (sCurrent.LastIndexOf(".") > 1)
    string[] sSplit = sCurrent.Split('.');
    sCurrent = sSplit[0] + "." + sSplit[1] + sSplit[2];
double dCurrent = Convert.ToDouble(sCurrent, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
double dExpected = Convert.ToDouble(sExpectedVersion);
if (dCurrent >= dExpected)



public class DA
    public static class VersionNetFramework
        public static string GetVersion()
            return Environment.Version.ToString();
        public static string GetVersionDicription()
            int Major = Environment.Version.Major;
            int Minor = Environment.Version.Minor;
            int Build = Environment.Version.Build;
            int Revision = Environment.Version.Revision;


            //4.0.30319.42000 = .NET 4.6 on Windows 8.1 64 - bit
            if ((Major >=4) && (Minor >=0) && (Build >= 30319) && (Revision >= 42000))
                return @".NET 4.6 on Windows 8.1 64 - bit or later";
            //4.0.30319.34209 = .NET 4.5.2 on Windows 8.1 64 - bit
            if ((Major >= 4) && (Minor >= 0) && (Build >= 30319) && (Revision >= 34209))
                return @".NET 4.5.2 on Windows 8.1 64 - bit or later";
            //4.0.30319.34209 = .NET 4.5.2 on Windows 7 SP1 64 - bit
            if ((Major >= 4) && (Minor >= 0) && (Build >= 30319) && (Revision >= 34209))
                return @".NET 4.5.2 on Windows 7 SP1 64 - bit or later";
            //4.0.30319.34014 = .NET 4.5.1 on Windows 8.1 64 - bit
            if ((Major >= 4) && (Minor >= 0) && (Build >= 30319) && (Revision >= 34014))
                return @".NET 4.5.1 on Windows 8.1 64 - bit or later";
            //4.0.30319.18444 = .NET 4.5.1 on Windows 7 SP1 64 - bit(with MS14 - 009 security update)
            if ((Major >= 4) && (Minor >= 0) && (Build >= 30319) && (Revision >= 18444))
                return @".NET 4.5.1 on Windows 7 SP1 64 - bit(with MS14 - 009 security update) or later";
            //4.0.30319.18408 = .NET 4.5.1 on Windows 7 SP1 64 - bit
            if ((Major >= 4) && (Minor >= 0) && (Build >= 30319) && (Revision >= 18408))
                return @".NET 4.5.1 on Windows 7 SP1 64 - bit or later";
            //4.0.30319.18063 = .NET 4.5 on Windows 7 SP1 64 - bit(with MS14 - 009 security update)
            if ((Major >= 4) && (Minor >= 0) && (Build >= 30319) && (Revision >= 18063))
                return @".NET 4.5 on Windows 7 SP1 64 - bit(with MS14 - 009 security update) or later";
            //4.0.30319.18052 = .NET 4.5 on Windows 7 SP1 64 - bit
            if ((Major >= 4) && (Minor >= 0) && (Build >= 30319) && (Revision >= 18052))
                return @".NET 4.5 on Windows 7 SP1 64 - bit or later";
            //4.0.30319.18010 = .NET 4.5 on Windows 8
            if ((Major >= 4) && (Minor >= 0) && (Build >= 30319) && (Revision >= 18010))
                return @".NET 4.5 on Windows 8 or later";
            //4.0.30319.17929 = .NET 4.5 RTM
            if ((Major >= 4) && (Minor >= 0) && (Build >= 30319) && (Revision >= 17929))
                return @".NET 4.5 RTM or later";
            //4.0.30319.17626 = .NET 4.5 RC
            if ((Major >= 4) && (Minor >= 0) && (Build >= 30319) && (Revision >= 17626))
                return @".NET 4.5 RC or later";
            //4.0.30319.17020.NET 4.5 Preview, September 2011
            if ((Major >= 4) && (Minor >= 0) && (Build >= 30319) && (Revision >= 17020))
                return @".NET 4.5 Preview, September 2011 or later";
            //4.0.30319.2034 = .NET 4.0 on Windows XP SP3, 7, 7 SP1(with MS14 - 009 LDR security update)
            if ((Major >= 4) && (Minor >= 0) && (Build >= 30319) && (Revision >= 2034))
                return @".NET 4.0 on Windows XP SP3, 7, 7 SP1(with MS14 - 009 LDR security update) or later";
            //4.0.30319.1026 = .NET 4.0 on Windows XP SP3, 7, 7 SP1(with MS14 - 057 GDR security update)
            if ((Major >= 4) && (Minor >= 0) && (Build >= 30319) && (Revision >= 1026))
                return @".NET 4.0 on Windows XP SP3, 7, 7 SP1(with MS14 - 057 GDR security update) or later";
            //4.0.30319.1022 = .NET 4.0 on Windows XP SP3, 7, 7 SP1(with MS14 - 009 GDR security update)
            if ((Major >= 4) && (Minor >= 0) && (Build >= 30319) && (Revision >= 1022))
                return @".NET 4.0 on Windows XP SP3, 7, 7 SP1(with MS14 - 009 GDR security update) or later";
            //4.0.30319.1008 = .NET 4.0 on Windows XP SP3, 7, 7 SP1(with MS13 - 052 GDR security update)
            if ((Major >= 4) && (Minor >= 0) && (Build >= 30319) && (Revision >= 1008))
                return @".NET 4.0 on Windows XP SP3, 7, 7 SP1(with MS13 - 052 GDR security update) or later";
            //4.0.30319.544 = .NET 4.0 on Windows XP SP3, 7, 7 SP1(with MS12 - 035 LDR security update)
            if ((Major >= 4) && (Minor >= 0) && (Build >= 30319) && (Revision >= 544))
                return @".NET 4.0 on Windows XP SP3, 7, 7 SP1(with MS12 - 035 LDR security update) or later";
            //4.0.30319.447   yes built by: RTMLDR, .NET 4.0 Platform Update 1, April 2011
            if ((Major >= 4) && (Minor >= 0) && (Build >= 30319) && (Revision >= 447))
                return @"built by: RTMLDR, .NET 4.0 Platform Update 1, April 2011 or later";
            //4.0.30319.431   yes built by: RTMLDR, .NET 4.0 GDR Update, March 2011 / with VS 2010 SP1 / or.NET 4.0 Update
            if ((Major >= 4) && (Minor >= 0) && (Build >= 30319) && (Revision >= 431))
                return @"built by: RTMLDR, .NET 4.0 GDR Update, March 2011 / with VS 2010 SP1 / or.NET 4.0 Update or later";
            //4.0.30319.296 = .NET 4.0 on Windows XP SP3, 7(with MS12 - 074 GDR security update)
            if ((Major >= 4) && (Minor >= 0) && (Build >= 30319) && (Revision >= 296))
                return @".NET 4.0 on Windows XP SP3, 7(with MS12 - 074 GDR security update) or later";
            //4.0.30319.276 = .NET 4.0 on Windows XP SP3 (4.0.3 Runtime update)
            if ((Major >= 4) && (Minor >= 0) && (Build >= 30319) && (Revision >= 276))
                return @".NET 4.0 on Windows XP SP3 (4.0.3 Runtime update) or later";
            //4.0.30319.269 = .NET 4.0 on Windows XP SP3, 7, 7 SP1(with MS12 - 035 GDR security update)
            if ((Major >= 4) && (Minor >= 0) && (Build >= 30319) && (Revision >= 269))
                return @".NET 4.0 on Windows XP SP3, 7, 7 SP1(with MS12 - 035 GDR security update) or later";
            //4.0.30319.1 yes built by: RTMRel, .NET 4.0 RTM Release, April 2010
            if ((Major >= 4) && (Minor >= 0) && (Build >= 30319) && (Revision >= 1))
                return @"built by: RTMRel, .NET 4.0 RTM Release, April 2010 or later";

            //4.0.30128.1     built by: RC1Rel, .NET 4.0 Release Candidate, Feb 2010
            if ((Major >=4) && (Minor >=0) && (Build >= 30128) && (Revision >= 1))
                return @"built by: RC1Rel, .NET 4.0 Release Candidate, Feb 2010 or later";
            //4.0.21006.1     built by: B2Rel, .NET 4.0 Beta2, Oct 2009
            if ((Major >=4) && (Minor >=0) && (Build >= 21006) && (Revision >=1))
                return @"built by: B2Rel, .NET 4.0 Beta2, Oct 2009 or later";
            //4.0.20506.1     built by: Beta1, .NET 4.0 Beta1, May 2009
            if ((Major >=4) && (Minor >=0) && (Build >= 20506) && (Revision >=1))
                return @"built by: Beta1, .NET 4.0 Beta1, May 2009 or later";
            //4.0.11001.1     built by: CTP2 VPC, .NET 4.0 CTP, October 2008
            if ((Major >=4) && (Minor >=0) && (Build >= 11001) && (Revision >=1))
                return @"built by: CTP2 VPC, .NET 4.0 CTP, October 2008 or later";

            //3.5.30729.5420  yes built by: Win7SP1, .NET 3.5.1 Sicherheits - Update, 12 April 2011
            if ((Major >=3) && (Minor >=5) && (Build >= 30729) && (Revision >= 5420))
                return @"built by: Win7SP1, .NET 3.5.1 Sicherheits - Update, 12 April 2011 or later";
            //3.5.30729.5004  yes built by: NetFXw7 / Windows 7..Rel., Jan 2010 / +Data functions KB976127 .NET 3.5 SP1
            if ((Major >=3) && (Minor >=5) && (Build >= 30729) && (Revision >= 5004))
                return @"built by: NetFXw7 / Windows 7..Rel., Jan 2010 / +Data functions KB976127 .NET 3.5 SP1 or later";
            //3.5.30729.4466  yes built by: NetFXw7 / Windows XP..Rel. , Jan 2010 / +Data functions KB976127 .NET 3.5 SP1
            if ((Major >=3) && (Minor >=5) && (Build >= 30729) && (Revision >= 4466))
                return @"built by: NetFXw7 / Windows XP..Rel. , Jan 2010 / +Data functions KB976127 .NET 3.5 SP1 or later";
            //3.5.30729.4926  yes built by: NetFXw7 / Windows 7 Release, Oct 2009 / .NET 3.5 SP1 + Hotfixes
            if ((Major >=3) && (Minor >=5) && (Build >= 30729) && (Revision >= 4926))
                return @"built by: NetFXw7 / Windows 7 Release, Oct 2009 / .NET 3.5 SP1 + Hotfixes or later";
            //3.5.30729.4918      built by: NetFXw7 / Windows 7 Release Candidate, June 2009
            if ((Major >=3) && (Minor >=5) && (Build >= 30729) && (Revision >= 4918))
                return @"built by: NetFXw7 / Windows 7 Release Candidate, June 2009 or later";
            //3.5.30729.196   yes built by: QFE, .NET 3.5 Family Update Vista / W2008, Dec 2008
            if ((Major >= 3) && (Minor >= 5) && (Build >= 30729) && (Revision >=196))
                return @"built by: QFE, .NET 3.5 Family Update Vista / W2008, Dec 2008 or later";
            //3.5.30729.1 yes built by: SP, .NET 3.5 SP1, Aug 2008
            if ((Major >= 3) && (Minor >= 5) && (Build >= 30729) && (Revision >=1))
                return @"built by: SP, .NET 3.5 SP1, Aug 2008 or later";

            //3.5.30428.1         built by: SP1Beta1, .NET 3.5 SP1 BETA1, May 2008
            if ((Major >=3) && (Minor >=5) && (Build >= 30428) && (Revision >=1))
                return @"built by: SP1Beta1, .NET 3.5 SP1 BETA1, May 2008 or later";
            //3.5.21022.8 yes built by: RTM, Jan 2008
            if ((Major >=3) && (Minor >=5) && (Build >= 21022) && (Revision >= 8))
                return @"built by: RTM, Jan 2008 or later";
            //3.5.20706.1     built by: Beta2, Orcas Beta2, Oct 2007
            if ((Major >=3) && (Minor >=5) && (Build >= 20706) && (Revision >= 1))
                return @"built by: Beta2, Orcas Beta2, Oct 2007 or later";
            //3.5.20526.0     built by: MCritCTP, Orcas Beta1, Mar 2007
            if ((Major >=3) && (Minor >=5) && (Build >= 20526) && (Revision >=0))
                return @"built by: MCritCTP, Orcas Beta1, Mar 2007 or later";

            //3.0.6920.1500   yes built by: QFE, Family Update Vista / W2008, Dez 2008, KB958483
            if ((Major >=3) && (Minor >=0) && (Build >= 6920) && (Revision >= 1500))
                return @"built by: QFE, Family Update Vista / W2008, Dez 2008, KB958483 or later";
            //3.0.4506.4926   yes(NetFXw7.030729 - 4900) / Windows 7 Release, Oct 2009
            if ((Major >=3) && (Minor >=0) && (Build >= 4506) && (Revision >= 4926))
                return @"(NetFXw7.030729 - 4900) / Windows 7 Release, Oct 2009 or later";
            //3.0.4506.4918(NetFXw7.030729 - 4900) / Windows 7 Release Candidate, June 2009
            if ((Major >=3) && (Minor >=5) && (Build >= 4506) && (Revision >= 4918))
                return @"(NetFXw7.030729 - 4900) / Windows 7 Release Candidate, June 2009 or later";
            //3.0.4506.2152       3.0.4506.2152(SP.030729 - 0100) / .NET 4.0 Beta1 / May 2009
            if ((Major >= 3) && (Minor >= 5) && (Build >= 4506) && (Revision >= 2152))
                return @"3.0.4506.2152(SP.030729 - 0100) / .NET 4.0 Beta1 / May 2009 or later";
            //3.0.4506.2123   yes(NetFX.030618 - 0000).NET 3.0 SP2, Aug 2008
            if ((Major >= 3) && (Minor >= 5) && (Build >= 4506) && (Revision >= 2123))
                return @"s(NetFX.030618 - 0000).NET 3.0 SP2, Aug 2008 or later";
            //3.0.4506.2062(SP1Beta1.030428 - 0100), .NET 3.0 SP1 BETA1, May 2008
            if ((Major >= 3) && (Minor >= 5) && (Build >= 4506) && (Revision >= 2062))
                return @"(SP1Beta1.030428 - 0100), .NET 3.0 SP1 BETA1, May 2008 or later";
            //3.0.4506.590(winfxredb2.004506 - 0590), Orcas Beta2, Oct 2007
            if ((Major >= 3) && (Minor >= 5) && (Build >= 4506) && (Revision >= 590))
                return @"(winfxredb2.004506 - 0590), Orcas Beta2, Oct 2007 or later";
            //3.0.4506.577(winfxred.004506 - 0577), Orcas Beta1, Mar 2007
            if ((Major >= 3) && (Minor >= 5) && (Build >= 4506) && (Revision >= 577))
                return @"(winfxred.004506 - 0577), Orcas Beta1, Mar 2007 or later";
            //3.0.4506.30 yes Release (.NET Framework 3.0) Nov 2006
            if ((Major >= 3) && (Minor >= 5) && (Build >= 4506) && (Revision >= 30))
                return @"Release (.NET Framework 3.0) Nov 2006 or later";
            //3.0.4506.25 yes(WAPRTM.004506 - 0026) Vista Ultimate, Jan 2007
            if ((Major >= 3) && (Minor >= 5) && (Build >= 4506) && (Revision >= 25))
                return @"(WAPRTM.004506 - 0026) Vista Ultimate, Jan 2007 or later";

            //2.0.50727.4927  yes(NetFXspW7.050727 - 4900) / Windows 7 Release, Oct 2009
            if ((Major >=2) && (Minor >=0) && (Build >= 50727) && (Revision >= 4927))
                return @"(NetFXspW7.050727 - 4900) / Windows 7 Release, Oct 2009 or later";
            //2.0.50727.4918(NetFXspW7.050727 - 4900) / Windows 7 Release Candidate, June 2009
            if ((Major >= 2) && (Minor >= 0) && (Build >= 50727) && (Revision >= 4918))
                return @"(NetFXspW7.050727 - 4900) / Windows 7 Release Candidate, June 2009 or later";
            //2.0.50727.4200  yes(NetFxQFE.050727 - 4200).NET 2.0 SP2, KB974470, Securityupdate, Oct 2009
            if ((Major >= 2) && (Minor >= 0) && (Build >= 50727) && (Revision >= 4200))
                return @"(NetFxQFE.050727 - 4200).NET 2.0 SP2, KB974470, Securityupdate, Oct 2009 or later";
            //2.0.50727.3603(GDR.050727 - 3600).NET 4.0 Beta 2, Oct 2009
            if ((Major >= 2) && (Minor >= 0) && (Build >= 50727) && (Revision >= 3603))
                return @"(GDR.050727 - 3600).NET 4.0 Beta 2, Oct 2009 or later";
            //2.0.50727.3082  yes(QFE.050727 - 3000), .NET 3.5 Family Update XP / W2003, Dez 2008, KB958481
            if ((Major >= 2) && (Minor >= 0) && (Build >= 50727) && (Revision >= 3082))
                return @"(QFE.050727 - 3000), .NET 3.5 Family Update XP / W2003, Dez 2008, KB958481 or later";
            //2.0.50727.3074  yes(QFE.050727 - 3000), .NET 3.5 Family Update Vista / W2008, Dez 2008, KB958481
            if ((Major >= 2) && (Minor >= 0) && (Build >= 50727) && (Revision >= 3074))
                return @"(QFE.050727 - 3000), .NET 3.5 Family Update Vista / W2008, Dez 2008, KB958481 or later";
            //2.0.50727.3053  yes(netfxsp.050727 - 3000), .NET 2.0 SP2, Aug 2008
            if ((Major >= 2) && (Minor >= 0) && (Build >= 50727) && (Revision >= 3053))
                return @"yes(netfxsp.050727 - 3000), .NET 2.0 SP2, Aug 2008 or later";
            //2.0.50727.3031(netfxsp.050727 - 3000), .NET 2.0 SP2 Beta 1, May 2008
            if ((Major >= 2) && (Minor >= 0) && (Build >= 50727) && (Revision >= 3031))
                return @"(netfxsp.050727 - 3000), .NET 2.0 SP2 Beta 1, May 2008 or later";
            //2.0.50727.1434  yes(REDBITS.050727 - 1400), Windows Server 2008 and Windows Vista SP1, Dez 2007
            if ((Major >= 2) && (Minor >= 0) && (Build >= 50727) && (Revision >= 1434))
                return @"(REDBITS.050727 - 1400), Windows Server 2008 and Windows Vista SP1, Dez 2007 or later";
            //2.0.50727.1433  yes(REDBITS.050727 - 1400), .NET 2.0 SP1 Release, Nov 2007, http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=79bc3b77-e02c-4ad3-aacf-a7633f706ba5
            if ((Major >= 2) && (Minor >= 0) && (Build >= 50727) && (Revision >= 1433))
                return @"(REDBITS.050727 - 1400), .NET 2.0 SP1 Release, Nov 2007 or later";
            //2.0.50727.1378(REDBITSB2.050727 - 1300), Orcas Beta2, Oct 2007
            if ((Major >= 2) && (Minor >= 0) && (Build >= 50727) && (Revision >= 1378))
                return @"(REDBITSB2.050727 - 1300), Orcas Beta2, Oct 2007 or later";
            //2.0.50727.1366(REDBITS.050727 - 1300), Orcas Beta1, Mar 2007
            if ((Major >= 2) && (Minor >= 0) && (Build >= 50727) && (Revision >= 1366))
                return @"(REDBITS.050727 - 1300), Orcas Beta1, Mar 2007 or later";
            //2.0.50727.867   yes(VS Express Edition 2005 SP1), Apr 2007, http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyId=7B0B0339-613A-46E6-AB4D-080D4D4A8C4E
            if ((Major >= 2) && (Minor >= 0) && (Build >= 50727) && (Revision >= 867))
                return @"(VS Express Edition 2005 SP1), Apr 2007 or later";
            //2.0.50727.832(Fix x86 VC++2005), Apr 2007, http://support.microsoft.com/kb/934586/en-us
            if ((Major >= 2) && (Minor >= 0) && (Build >= 50727) && (Revision >= 832))
                return @"(Fix x86 VC++2005), Apr 2007 or later";
            //2.0.50727.762   yes(VS TeamSuite SP1), http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyId=BB4A75AB-E2D4-4C96-B39D-37BAF6B5B1DC
            if ((Major >= 2) && (Minor >= 0) && (Build >= 50727) && (Revision >= 762))
                return @"(VS TeamSuite SP1) or later";
            //2.0.50727.312   yes(rtmLHS.050727 - 3100) Vista Ultimate, Jan 2007
            if ((Major >= 2) && (Minor >= 0) && (Build >= 50727) && (Revision >= 312))
                return @"(rtmLHS.050727 - 3100) Vista Ultimate, Jan 2007 or later";
            //2.0.50727.42    yes Release (.NET Framework 2.0) Oct 2005
            if ((Major >= 2) && (Minor >= 0) && (Build >= 50727) && (Revision >= 42))
                return @"Release (.NET Framework 2.0) Oct 2005 or later";
            //2.0.50727.26        Version 2.0(Visual Studio Team System 2005 Release Candidate) Oct 2005
            if ((Major >= 2) && (Minor >= 0) && (Build >= 50727) && (Revision >= 26))
                return @"Version 2.0(Visual Studio Team System 2005 Release Candidate) Oct 2005 or later";

            //2.0.50712       Version 2.0(Visual Studio Team System 2005(Drop3) CTP) July 2005
            if ((Major >=2) && (Minor >=0) && (Build >= 50712))
                return @"Version 2.0(Visual Studio Team System 2005(Drop3) CTP) July 2005 or later";
            //2.0.50215       Version 2.0(WinFX SDK for Indigo / Avalon 2005 CTP) July 2005
            if ((Major >=2) && (Minor >=0) && (Build >= 50215))
                return @"Version 2.0(WinFX SDK for Indigo / Avalon 2005 CTP) July 2005 or later";
            //2.0.50601.0     Version 2.0(Visual Studio.NET 2005 CTP) June 2005
            if ((Major >=2) && (Minor >=0) && (Build >= 50601) && (Revision >=0))
                return @"Version 2.0(Visual Studio.NET 2005 CTP) June 2005 or later";
            //2.0.50215.44        Version 2.0(Visual Studio.NET 2005 Beta 2, Visual Studio Express Beta 2) Apr 2005
            if ((Major >=2) && (Minor >=0) && (Build >= 50215) && (Revision >= 44))
                return @"Version 2.0(Visual Studio.NET 2005 Beta 2, Visual Studio Express Beta 2) Apr 2005 or later";
            //2.0.50110.28        Version 2.0(Visual Studio.NET 2005 CTP, Professional Edition) Feb 2005
            if ((Major >=2) && (Minor >=0) && (Build >= 50110) && (Revision >=28))
                return @"Version 2.0(Visual Studio.NET 2005 CTP, Professional Edition) Feb 2005 or later";
            //2.0.41115.19        Version 2.0(Visual Studio.NET 2005 Beta 1, Team System Refresh) Dec 2004
            if ((Major >=2 ) && (Minor >=0 ) && (Build >= 41115) && (Revision >= 19))
                return @"Version 2.0(Visual Studio.NET 2005 Beta 1, Team System Refresh) Dec 2004 or later";
            //2.0.40903.0         Version 2.0(Whidbey CTP, Visual Studio Express) Oct 2004
            if ((Major >=2) && (Minor >=0) && (Build >= 40903) && (Revision >=0))
                return @"Version 2.0(Whidbey CTP, Visual Studio Express) Oct 2004 or later";
            //2.0.40607.85        Version 2.0(Visual Studio.NET 2005 Beta 1, Team System Refresh) Aug 2004 *
            if ((Major >=2) && (Minor >=0) && (Build >= 40607) && (Revision >= 85))
                return @"Version 2.0(Visual Studio.NET 2005 Beta 1, Team System Refresh) Aug 2004 * or later";
            //2.0.40607.42        Version 2.0(SQL Server Yukon Beta 2) July 2004
            if ((Major >=2) && (Minor >=0) && (Build >= 40607) && (Revision >= 42))
                return @"Version 2.0(SQL Server Yukon Beta 2) July 2004 or later";
            //2.0.40607.16        Version 2.0(Visual Studio.NET 2005 Beta 1, TechEd Europe 2004) June 2004
            if ((Major >=2) && (Minor >=0) && (Build >= 40607) && (Revision >= 16))
                return @"Version 2.0(Visual Studio.NET 2005 Beta 1, TechEd Europe 2004) June 2004 or later";
            //2.0.40301.9         Version 2.0(Whidbey CTP, WinHEC 2004) March 2004 *
            if ((Major >=0) && (Minor >=0) && (Build >= 40301) && (Revision >=9))
                return @"Version 2.0(Whidbey CTP, WinHEC 2004) March 2004 * or later";

            //1.2.30703.27        Version 1.2(Whidbey Alpha, PDC 2004) Nov 2003 *
            if ((Major >=1) && (Minor >=2) && (Build >= 30703) && (Revision >= 27))
                return @"Version 1.2(Whidbey Alpha, PDC 2004) Nov 2003 * or later";
            //1.2.21213.1     Version 1.2(Whidbey pre - Alpha build) *
            if ((Major >=1) && (Minor >=2) && (Build >= 21213) && (Revision >=1))
                return @"Version 1.2(Whidbey pre - Alpha build) * or later";

            //1.1.4322.2443   yes Version 1.1 Servicepack 1, KB953297, Oct 2009
            if ((Major >=1) && (Minor >=1) && (Build >= 4322) && (Revision >=2443))
                return @"Version 1.1 Servicepack 1, KB953297, Oct 2009 or later";
            //1.1.4322.2407   yes Version 1.1 RTM
            if ((Major >=1) && (Minor >=1) && (Build >= 4322) && (Revision >= 2407))
                return @"Version 1.1 RTM or later";
            //1.1.4322.2407       Version 1.1 Orcas Beta2, Oct 2007
            if ((Major >=1) && (Minor >=1) && (Build >= 4322) && (Revision >= 2407))
                return @"Version 1.1 Orcas Beta2, Oct 2007 or later";
            //1.1.4322.2379       Version 1.1 Orcas Beta1, Mar 2007
            if ((Major >=1) && (Minor >=1) && (Build >= 4322) && (Revision >= 2379))
                return @"Version 1.1 Orcas Beta1, Mar 2007 or later";
            //1.1.4322.2032   yes Version 1.1 SP1 Aug 2004
            if ((Major >=1) && (Minor >=1) && (Build >= 4322) && (Revision >= 2032))
                return @"Version 1.1 SP1 Aug 2004 or later";
            //1.1.4322.573    yes Version 1.1 RTM(Visual Studio.NET 2003 / Windows Server 2003) Feb 2003 *
            if ((Major >=1) && (Minor >=1) && (Build >= 4322) && (Revision >= 573))
                return @"Version 1.1 RTM(Visual Studio.NET 2003 / Windows Server 2003) Feb 2003 * or later";
            //1.1.4322.510        Version 1.1 Final Beta Oct 2002 *
            if ((Major >=1) && (Minor >=1) && (Build >= 4322) && (Revision >= 510))
                return @"Version 1.1 Final Beta Oct 2002 * or later";

            //1.0.3705.6018   yes Version 1.0 SP3 Aug 2004
            if ((Major >=1) && (Minor >=0) && (Build >= 3705) && (Revision >= 6018))
                return @"Version 1.0 SP3 Aug 2004 or later";
            //1.0.3705.288    yes Version 1.0 SP2 Aug 2002 *
            if ((Major >=1) && (Minor >=0) && (Build >= 3705) && (Revision >= 288))
                return @"Version 1.0 SP2 Aug 2002 * or later";
            //1.0.3705.209    yes Version 1.0 SP1 Mar 2002 *
            if ((Major >=1) && (Minor >=0) && (Build >= 3705) && (Revision >=209))
                return @"Version 1.0 SP1 Mar 2002 * or later";
            //1.0.3705.0  yes Version 1.0 RTM(Visual Studio.NET 2002) Feb 2002 *
            if ((Major >=1) && (Minor >=0) && (Build >= 3705) && (Revision >=0))
                return @"Version 1.0 RTM(Visual Studio.NET 2002) Feb 2002 * or later";
            //1.0.3512.0      Version 1.0 Pre - release RC3(Visual Studio.NET 2002 RC3)
            if ((Major >=1) && (Minor >=0) && (Build >= 3512) && (Revision >=0))
                return @"Version 1.0 Pre - release RC3(Visual Studio.NET 2002 RC3) or later";
            //1.0.2914.16     Version 1.0 Public Beta 2 Jun 2001 *
            if ((Major >=1) && (Minor >=0) && (Build >= 2914) && (Revision >= 16))
                return @"Version 1.0 Public Beta 2 Jun 2001 * or later";
            //1.0.2204.21         Version 1.0 Public Beta 1 Nov 2000 *
            if ((Major >=1) && (Minor >=0) && (Build >= 2204) && (Revision >=21))
                return @"Version 1.0 Public Beta 1 Nov 2000 * or later";

            return @"Unknown .NET version";



public class DA {
  public static class VersionNetFramework {
    public static string Get45or451FromRegistry()
        using (RegistryKey ndpKey = RegistryKey.OpenBaseKey(RegistryHive.LocalMachine, RegistryView.Registry32).OpenSubKey("SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\NET Framework Setup\\NDP\\v4\\Full\\"))
            int releaseKey = Convert.ToInt32(ndpKey.GetValue("Release"));
            if (true)
                return (@"Version: " + CheckFor45DotVersion(releaseKey));
    // Checking the version using >= will enable forward compatibility, 
    // however you should always compile your code on newer versions of
    // the framework to ensure your app works the same.
    private static string CheckFor45DotVersion(int releaseKey)
        if (releaseKey >= 394271)
            return "4.6.1 installed on all other Windows OS versions or later";
        if (releaseKey >= 394254)
            return "4.6.1 installed on Windows 10 or later";
        if (releaseKey >= 393297)
            return "4.6 installed on all other Windows OS versions or later";
        if (releaseKey >= 393295)
            return "4.6 installed with Windows 10 or later";
        if (releaseKey >= 379893)
            return "4.5.2 or later";
        if (releaseKey >= 378758)
            return "4.5.1 installed on Windows 8, Windows 7 SP1, or Windows Vista SP2 or later";
        if (releaseKey >= 378675)
            return "4.5.1 installed with Windows 8.1 or later";
        if (releaseKey >= 378389)
            return "4.5 or later";

        return "No 4.5 or later version detected";
    public static string GetVersionFromRegistry()
        string res = @"";
        // Opens the registry key for the .NET Framework entry.
        using (RegistryKey ndpKey =
            RegistryKey.OpenRemoteBaseKey(RegistryHive.LocalMachine, "").
            OpenSubKey(@"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\"))
            // As an alternative, if you know the computers you will query are running .NET Framework 4.5 
            // or later, you can use:
            // using (RegistryKey ndpKey = RegistryKey.OpenBaseKey(RegistryHive.LocalMachine, 
            // RegistryView.Registry32).OpenSubKey(@"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\"))
            foreach (string versionKeyName in ndpKey.GetSubKeyNames())
                if (versionKeyName.StartsWith("v"))

                    RegistryKey versionKey = ndpKey.OpenSubKey(versionKeyName);
                    string name = (string)versionKey.GetValue("Version", "");
                    string sp = versionKey.GetValue("SP", "").ToString();
                    string install = versionKey.GetValue("Install", "").ToString();
                    if (install == "") //no install info, must be later.
                        res += (versionKeyName + "  " + name) + Environment.NewLine;
                        if (sp != "" && install == "1")
                            res += (versionKeyName + "  " + name + "  SP" + sp) + Environment.NewLine;

                    if (name != "")
                    foreach (string subKeyName in versionKey.GetSubKeyNames())
                        RegistryKey subKey = versionKey.OpenSubKey(subKeyName);
                        name = (string)subKey.GetValue("Version", "");
                        if (name != "")
                            sp = subKey.GetValue("SP", "").ToString();
                        install = subKey.GetValue("Install", "").ToString();
                        if (install == "") //no install info, must be later.
                            res += (versionKeyName + "  " + name) + Environment.NewLine;
                            if (sp != "" && install == "1")
                                res += ("  " + subKeyName + "  " + name + "  SP" + sp) + Environment.NewLine;
                            else if (install == "1")
                                res += ("  " + subKeyName + "  " + name) + Environment.NewLine;
        return res;
    public static string GetUpdateHistory()
        string res=@"";
        using (RegistryKey baseKey = RegistryKey.OpenBaseKey(RegistryHive.LocalMachine, RegistryView.Registry32).OpenSubKey(@"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Updates"))
            foreach (string baseKeyName in baseKey.GetSubKeyNames())
                if (baseKeyName.Contains(".NET Framework") || baseKeyName.StartsWith("KB") || baseKeyName.Contains(".NETFramework"))

                    using (RegistryKey updateKey = baseKey.OpenSubKey(baseKeyName))
                        string name = (string)updateKey.GetValue("PackageName", "");
                        res += baseKeyName + "  " + name + Environment.NewLine;
                        foreach (string kbKeyName in updateKey.GetSubKeyNames())
                            using (RegistryKey kbKey = updateKey.OpenSubKey(kbKeyName))
                                name = (string)kbKey.GetValue("PackageName", "");
                                res += ("  " + kbKeyName + "  " + name) + Environment.NewLine;

                                if (kbKey.SubKeyCount > 0)
                                    foreach (string sbKeyName in kbKey.GetSubKeyNames())
                                        using (RegistryKey sbSubKey = kbKey.OpenSubKey(sbKeyName))
                                            name = (string)sbSubKey.GetValue("PackageName", "");
                                            if (name == "")
                                                name = (string)sbSubKey.GetValue("Description", "");
                                            res += ("    " + sbKeyName + "  " + name) + Environment.NewLine;
        return res;

using class DA.VersionNetFramework


private void Form1_Shown(object sender, EventArgs e)
    // Current OS Information
    richTextBox1.Text = @"Current OS Information:";
    richTextBox1.AppendText(Environment.NewLine +
                            "Machine Name: " + Environment.MachineName);
    richTextBox1.AppendText(Environment.NewLine +
                            "Platform: " + Environment.OSVersion.Platform.ToString());
    richTextBox1.AppendText(Environment.NewLine +
    // .NET Framework Environment Information
    richTextBox1.AppendText(Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine +
                                       ".NET Framework Environment Information:");
    richTextBox1.AppendText(Environment.NewLine +
                            "Environment.Version " + Environment.Version);
    richTextBox1.AppendText(Environment.NewLine + 
    // .NET Framework Information From Registry
    richTextBox1.AppendText(Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine +
                                       ".NET Framework Information From Registry:");
    richTextBox1.AppendText(Environment.NewLine +
    // .NET Framework 4.5 or later Information From Registry
    richTextBox1.AppendText(Environment.NewLine + 
                                       ".NET Framework 4.5 or later Information From Registry:");
    richTextBox1.AppendText(Environment.NewLine +
    // Update History
    richTextBox1.AppendText(Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine +
                            "Update History");
    richTextBox1.AppendText(Environment.NewLine + 
    // Setting Cursor to first character of textbox
    if (!richTextBox1.Text.Equals(""))
        richTextBox1.SelectionStart = 1;



Current OS Information: Machine Name: D1 Platform: Win32NT Microsoft Windows NT 6.2.9200.0


.NET Framework Environment Information: Environment.Version 4.0.30319.42000 .NET 4.6 on Windows 8.1 64 - bit or later

。net框架环境信息:环境。版本4.0.30319.42000。net 4.6的Windows 8.1 64位或更高版本

.NET Framework Information From Registry: v2.0.50727 2.0.50727.4927 SP2 v3.0 3.0.30729.4926 SP2 v3.5 3.5.30729.4926 SP1

.NET框架信息来自Registry: v2.0.50727 2.0.50727.4927 SP2 v3.0 3.0.30729.4926 SP2 v3.5 3.5.30729.4926 SP1

Client 4.6.00079 Full 4.6.00079 v4.0

v4客户端4.6.00079 Full 4.6.00079 v4.0客户端4.0.0

.NET Framework 4.5 or later Information From Registry: Version: 4.6 installed with Windows 10 or later

.NET Framework 4.5或更高版本的注册表信息:版本:4.6安装了Windows 10或更高版本

Update History Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Client Profile
Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Extended
Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Multi-Targeting Pack
KB2504637 Update for (KB2504637)

更新历史Microsoft .NET Framework 4客户端配置文件KB2468871 KB2468871v2 KB2478063 KB2533523 KB2544514 KB2600211 KB2600211 KB2600217 Microsoft Framework 4 Extended KB2468871 KB2468871v2 KB2478063 2533563 KB2533523 kb2534514kb2544514kb2544514kb2542542542544514kb26002914kb260024002900290029002900kb24kb2400290029002900290029002900290024 kb240029002900290029 kb240029002900290024 kb2400290026002900290029微软框架



This class allows your application to throw out a graceful notification message rather than crash and burn if it couldn't find the proper .NET version. All you need to do is this in your main code:


static void Main(string[] args)
    if (!DotNetUtils.IsCompatible())
   . . .

By default it takes 4.5.2, but you can tweak it to your liking, the class (feel free to replace MessageBox with Console):


public class DotNetUtils
    public enum DotNetRelease

    public static bool IsCompatible(DotNetRelease req = DotNetRelease.NET452)
        DotNetRelease r = GetRelease();
        if (r < req)
            MessageBox.Show(String.Format("This this application requires {0} or greater.", req.ToString()));
            return false;
        return true;

    public static DotNetRelease GetRelease(int release = default(int))
        int r = release != default(int) ? release : GetVersion();
        if (r >= 461308) return DotNetRelease.NET471;
        if (r >= 460798) return DotNetRelease.NET47;
        if (r >= 394802) return DotNetRelease.NET462;
        if (r >= 394254) return DotNetRelease.NET461;
        if (r >= 393295) return DotNetRelease.NET46;
        if (r >= 379893) return DotNetRelease.NET452;
        if (r >= 378675) return DotNetRelease.NET451;
        if (r >= 378389) return DotNetRelease.NET45;
        return DotNetRelease.NOTFOUND;

    public static int GetVersion()
        int release = 0;
        using (RegistryKey key = RegistryKey.OpenBaseKey(RegistryHive.LocalMachine, RegistryView.Registry32)
                                            .OpenSubKey("SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\NET Framework Setup\\NDP\\v4\\Full\\"))
            release = Convert.ToInt32(key.GetValue("Release"));
        return release;

Easily extendable when they add a new version later on. I didn't bother with anything before 4.5 but you get the idea.




Update with .NET 4.6.2. Check Release value in the same registry as in previous responses:

与。net 4.6.2更新。在相同的注册表中检查发布值与以前的响应:

RegistryKey registry_key = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey(@"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v4\Full");
if (registry_key == null)
    return false;
var val = registry_key.GetValue("Release", 0);
UInt32 Release = Convert.ToUInt32(val);

if (Release >= 394806) // 4.6.2 installed on all other Windows (different than Windows 10)
                return true;
if (Release >= 394802) // 4.6.2 installed on Windows 10 or later
                return true;



I have changed Matt's class so it can be reused in any project without printing all its checks on Console and returning a simple string with correct max version installed.


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using Microsoft.Win32;

namespace MyNamespace
    public class DotNetVersion
        protected bool printVerification;

        public DotNetVersion(){
        public DotNetVersion(bool printVerification){

        public string getDotNetVersion(){
            string maxDotNetVersion = getVersionFromRegistry();
            if(String.Compare(maxDotNetVersion, "4.5") >= 0){
                string v45Plus = get45PlusFromRegistry();
                if(!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(v45Plus)) maxDotNetVersion = v45Plus;
            log("*** Maximum .NET version number found is: " + maxDotNetVersion + "***");

            return maxDotNetVersion;

        protected string get45PlusFromRegistry(){
            String dotNetVersion = "";
            const string subkey = @"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v4\Full\";
            using(RegistryKey ndpKey = RegistryKey.OpenBaseKey(RegistryHive.LocalMachine, RegistryView.Registry32).OpenSubKey(subkey)){
                if(ndpKey != null && ndpKey.GetValue("Release") != null){
                    dotNetVersion = checkFor45PlusVersion((int)ndpKey.GetValue("Release"));
                    log(".NET Framework Version: " + dotNetVersion);
                    log(".NET Framework Version 4.5 or later is not detected.");
            return dotNetVersion;

        // Checking the version using >= will enable forward compatibility.
        protected string checkFor45PlusVersion(int releaseKey){
            if(releaseKey >= 461308) return "4.7.1 or later";
            if(releaseKey >= 460798) return "4.7";
            if(releaseKey >= 394802) return "4.6.2";
            if(releaseKey >= 394254) return "4.6.1";
            if(releaseKey >= 393295) return "4.6";
            if((releaseKey >= 379893)) return "4.5.2";
            if((releaseKey >= 378675)) return "4.5.1";
            if((releaseKey >= 378389)) return "4.5";

            // This code should never execute. A non-null release key should mean
            // that 4.5 or later is installed.
            log("No 4.5 or later version detected");
            return "";

        protected string getVersionFromRegistry(){
            String maxDotNetVersion = "";
            // Opens the registry key for the .NET Framework entry.
            using(RegistryKey ndpKey = RegistryKey.OpenRemoteBaseKey(RegistryHive.LocalMachine, "")
                                            .OpenSubKey(@"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\")){
                // As an alternative, if you know the computers you will query are running .NET Framework 4.5 
                // or later, you can use:
                // using(RegistryKey ndpKey = RegistryKey.OpenBaseKey(RegistryHive.LocalMachine, 
                // RegistryView.Registry32).OpenSubKey(@"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\"))
                string[] subKeyNnames = ndpKey.GetSubKeyNames();
                foreach(string versionKeyName in subKeyNnames){
                        RegistryKey versionKey = ndpKey.OpenSubKey(versionKeyName);
                        string name =(string)versionKey.GetValue("Version", "");
                        string sp = versionKey.GetValue("SP", "").ToString();
                        string install = versionKey.GetValue("Install", "").ToString();
                        if(string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(install)){ //no install info, must be later.
                            log(versionKeyName + "  " + name);
                            if(String.Compare(maxDotNetVersion, name) < 0) maxDotNetVersion = name;
                            if(!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(sp) && "1".Equals(install)){
                                log(versionKeyName + "  " + name + "  SP" + sp);
                                if(String.Compare(maxDotNetVersion, name) < 0) maxDotNetVersion = name;


                        string[] subKeyNames = versionKey.GetSubKeyNames();
                        foreach(string subKeyName in subKeyNames){
                            RegistryKey subKey = versionKey.OpenSubKey(subKeyName);
                            name =(string)subKey.GetValue("Version", "");
                                sp = subKey.GetValue("SP", "").ToString();
                            install = subKey.GetValue("Install", "").ToString();
                                //no install info, must be later.
                                log(versionKeyName + "  " + name);
                                if(String.Compare(maxDotNetVersion, name) < 0) maxDotNetVersion = name;
                                if(!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(sp) && "1".Equals(install)){
                                    log("  " + subKeyName + "  " + name + "  SP" + sp);
                                    if(String.Compare(maxDotNetVersion, name) < 0) maxDotNetVersion = name;
                                else if("1".Equals(install)){
                                    log("  " + subKeyName + "  " + name);
                                    if(String.Compare(maxDotNetVersion, name) < 0) maxDotNetVersion = name;
                                } // if
                            } // if
                        } // for
                    } // if
                } // foreach
            } // using
            return maxDotNetVersion;

        protected void log(string message){
            if(printVerification) Console.WriteLine(message);

    } // class



I tried to combine all the answers into a single whole.




NetFrameworkUtilities.GetVersion() will return the currently available Version of the .NET Framework at this time or null if it is not present.

getversion()此时将返回. net Framework当前可用的版本,如果不存在则返回null。

This example works in .NET Framework versions 3.5+. It does not require administrator rights.

这个例子适用于。net Framework 3.5+版本。它不需要管理员权限。

I want to note that you can check the version using the operators < and > like this:

我要注意的是,您可以使用操作符 <和> 来检查版本:

if (NetFrameworkUtilities.GetVersion() < new Version(4, 5))
    MessageBox.Show("Your .NET Framework version is less than 4.5");



using System;
using System.Linq;
using Microsoft.Win32;

namespace Utilities
    public static class NetFrameworkUtilities
        public static Version GetVersion() => GetVersionHigher4() ?? GetVersionLowerOr4();

        private static Version GetVersionLowerOr4()
            var installedVersions = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey(@"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP");
            var versionNames = installedVersions?.GetSubKeyNames();

            //version names start with 'v', eg, 'v3.5' which needs to be trimmed off before conversion
            var text = versionNames?.LastOrDefault()?.Remove(0, 1);
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(text))
                return null;

            return text.Contains('.')
                ? new Version(text)
                : new Version(Convert.ToInt32(text), 0);

        private static Version GetVersionHigher4()
            using (var key = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey("SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\NET Framework Setup\\NDP\\v4\\Full\\"))
                var value = key?.GetValue("Release");
                if (value == null)
                    return null;

                // Checking the version using >= will enable forward compatibility,  
                // however you should always compile your code on newer versions of 
                // the framework to ensure your app works the same. 
                var releaseKey = Convert.ToInt32(value);
                if (releaseKey >= 461308) return new Version(4, 7, 1);
                if (releaseKey >= 460798) return new Version(4, 7);
                if (releaseKey >= 394747) return new Version(4, 6, 2);
                if (releaseKey >= 394254) return new Version(4, 6, 1);
                if (releaseKey >= 381029) return new Version(4, 6);
                if (releaseKey >= 379893) return new Version(4, 5, 2);
                if (releaseKey >= 378675) return new Version(4, 5, 1);
                if (releaseKey >= 378389) return new Version(4, 5);

                // This line should never execute. A non-null release key should mean 
                // that 4.5 or later is installed. 
                return new Version(4, 5);



Try this one:


string GetFrameWorkVersion()
        return System.Runtime.InteropServices.RuntimeEnvironment.GetSystemVersion();



Little large, but looks like it is up-to-date to Microsoft oddities:


    public static class Versions
        static Version 

        static SortedList<String,Version>

#if NET40
        public static bool VersionTry(String S, out Version V)
                V=new Version(S); 
                return true;
                return false;
        const string _NetFrameWorkKey = "SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\NET Framework Setup\\NDP";
        static void FillNetInstalled()
            if (_NETInstalled == null)
                _NETInstalled = new SortedList<String, Version>(StringComparer.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase);
                    frmks = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey(_NetFrameWorkKey);
                    names = frmks.GetSubKeyNames();
                foreach (string name in names)
                    if (name.StartsWith("v", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) && name.Length > 1)
                            f, vs;
                        vs = name.Substring(1);
                        if (vs.IndexOf('.') < 0)
                            vs += ".0";
#if NET40
                        if (Version.TryParse(vs, out v))
                        if (VersionTry(vs, out v))
                            f = String.Format("{0}.{1}", v.Major, v.Minor);
#if NET40
                            if (Version.TryParse((string)frmks.OpenSubKey(name).GetValue("Version"), out v))
                            if (VersionTry((string)frmks.OpenSubKey(name).GetValue("Version"), out v))
                                if (!_NETInstalled.ContainsKey(f) || v.CompareTo(_NETInstalled[f]) > 0)
                                    _NETInstalled[f] = v;
                            { // parse variants
                                    best = null;
                                if (_NETInstalled.ContainsKey(f))
                                    best = _NETInstalled[f];
                                    varieties = frmks.OpenSubKey(name).GetSubKeyNames();
                                foreach (string variety in varieties)
#if NET40
                                    if (Version.TryParse((string)frmks.OpenSubKey(name + '\\' + variety).GetValue("Version"), out v))
                                    if (VersionTry((string)frmks.OpenSubKey(name + '\\' + variety).GetValue("Version"), out v))
                                        if (best == null || v.CompareTo(best) > 0)
                                            _NETInstalled[f] = v;
                                            best = v;
                                        vs = f + '.' + variety;
                                        if (!_NETInstalled.ContainsKey(vs) || v.CompareTo(_NETInstalled[vs]) > 0)
                                            _NETInstalled[vs] = v;
        } // static void FillNetInstalled()

        public static Version NETInstalled
                return _NETInstalled[_NETInstalled.Keys[_NETInstalled.Count-1]];
        } // NETInstalled

        public static Version NET
                    clr = String.Format("{0}.{1}", Environment.Version.Major, Environment.Version.Minor);
                    found = _NETInstalled[_NETInstalled.Keys[_NETInstalled.Count-1]];
                    return _NETInstalled[clr];

                for (int i = _NETInstalled.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                    if (_NETInstalled.Keys[i].CompareTo(clr) < 0)
                        return found;
                        found = _NETInstalled[_NETInstalled.Keys[i]];
                return found;
        } // NET



As of version 4.5 Microsoft changed the way it stores the .NET Framework indicator in the registry. There official guidance on how to retrieve the .NET framework and the CLR versions can be found here: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/hh925568(v=vs.110).aspx


I am including modified version of their code to address the bounty question of how you determine the .NET framework for 4.5 and higher here:


using System;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Microsoft.Win32;

namespace *testing
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Dictionary<int, String> mappings = new Dictionary<int, string>();

            mappings[378389] = "4.5";
            mappings[378675] = "4.5.1 on Windows 8.1";
            mappings[378758] = "4.5.1 on Windows 8, Windows 7 SP1, and Vista";
            mappings[379893] = "4.5.2";
            mappings[393295] = "4.6 on Windows 10";
            mappings[393297] = "4.6 on Windows not 10";

            using (RegistryKey ndpKey = RegistryKey.OpenBaseKey(RegistryHive.LocalMachine, RegistryView.Registry32).OpenSubKey("SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\NET Framework Setup\\NDP\\v4\\Full\\"))
                int releaseKey = Convert.ToInt32(ndpKey.GetValue("Release"));
                if (true)
                    Console.WriteLine("Version: " + mappings[releaseKey]);
            int a = Console.Read();



This is the solution I landed on:


private static string GetDotNetVersion()
  var v4 = (string)Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey(@"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v4\Full", false)?.GetValue("Version");
  if(v4 != null)
    return v4;
  var v35 = (string)Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey(@"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v3.5", false)?.GetValue("Version");
  if(v35 != null)
    return v35;
  var v3 = (string)Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey(@"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v3.0", false)?.GetValue("Version");
  return v3 ?? "< 3";



        public static class DotNetHelper
    public static Version InstalledVersion
            string framework = null;

                using (var ndpKey =
            Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey("SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\NET Framework Setup\\NDP\\v4\\Full\\"))
                    if (ndpKey != null)
                        var releaseKey = ndpKey.GetValue("Release");
                        if (releaseKey != null)
                            framework = CheckFor45PlusVersion(Convert.ToInt32(releaseKey));
                            string[] versionNames = null;
                            using (var installedVersions =
                                Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey(@"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP"))
                                if (installedVersions != null) versionNames = installedVersions.GetSubKeyNames();

                                if (versionNames != null && versionNames.Length > 0)
                                    framework = versionNames[versionNames.Length - 1].Remove(0, 1);
                            catch (FormatException)

            catch (SecurityException)

            return framework != null ? new Version(framework) : null;

    private static string CheckFor45PlusVersion(int releaseKey)
        if (releaseKey >= 460798)
            return "4.7";
        if (releaseKey >= 394802)
            return "4.6.2";
        if (releaseKey >= 394254)
            return "4.6.1";
        if (releaseKey >= 393295)
            return "4.6";
        if (releaseKey >= 379893)
            return "4.5.2";
        if (releaseKey >= 378675)
            return "4.5.1";
        // This code should never execute. A non-null release key should mean
        // that 4.5 or later is installed.
        return releaseKey >= 378389 ? "4.5" : null;



If your machine is connected to the internet, going to smallestdotnet, downloading and executing the .NET Checker is probably the easiest way.


If you need the actual method to deterine the version look at its source on github, esp. the Constants.cs which will help you for .net 4.5 and later, where the Revision part is the relvant one:

如果您需要确定版本的实际方法,请查看github上的源代码,尤其是常量。cs,在。net 4.5和以后的版本中会对你有所帮助,其中修订部分是相关的:

                           { int.MinValue, "4.5" },
                           { 378389, "4.5" },
                           { 378675, "4.5.1" },
                           { 378758, "4.5.1" },
                           { 379893, "4.5.2" },
                           { 381029, "4.6 Preview" },
                           { 393273, "4.6 RC1" },
                           { 393292, "4.6 RC2" },
                           { 393295, "4.6" },
                           { 393297, "4.6" },
                           { 394254, "4.6.1" },
                           { 394271, "4.6.1" },
                           { 394747, "4.6.2 Preview" },
                           { 394748, "4.6.2 Preview" },
                           { 394757, "4.6.2 Preview" },
                           { 394802, "4.6.2" },
                           { 394806, "4.6.2" },



Something like this should do it. Just grab the value from the registry


For .NET 1-4:

为。net 1 - 4:

Framework is the highest installed version, SP is the service pack for that version.


RegistryKey installed_versions = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey(@"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP");
string[] version_names = installed_versions.GetSubKeyNames();
//version names start with 'v', eg, 'v3.5' which needs to be trimmed off before conversion
double Framework = Convert.ToDouble(version_names[version_names.Length - 1].Remove(0, 1), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
int SP = Convert.ToInt32(installed_versions.OpenSubKey(version_names[version_names.Length - 1]).GetValue("SP", 0));

For .NET 4.5+ (from official documentation):

net 4.5+(官方文件):

using System;
using Microsoft.Win32;


private static void Get45or451FromRegistry()
    using (RegistryKey ndpKey = RegistryKey.OpenBaseKey(RegistryHive.LocalMachine, RegistryView.Registry32).OpenSubKey("SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\NET Framework Setup\\NDP\\v4\\Full\\")) {
        int releaseKey = Convert.ToInt32(ndpKey.GetValue("Release"));
        if (true) {
            Console.WriteLine("Version: " + CheckFor45DotVersion(releaseKey));


// Checking the version using >= will enable forward compatibility,  
// however you should always compile your code on newer versions of 
// the framework to ensure your app works the same. 
private static string CheckFor45DotVersion(int releaseKey)
    if (releaseKey >= 461808) {
        return "4.7.2 or later";
    if (releaseKey >= 461308) {
        return "4.7.1 or later";
    if (releaseKey >= 460798) {
        return "4.7 or later";
    if (releaseKey >= 394802) {
        return "4.6.2 or later";
    if (releaseKey >= 394254) {
        return "4.6.1 or later";
    if (releaseKey >= 393295) {
        return "4.6 or later";
    if (releaseKey >= 393273) {
        return "4.6 RC or later";
    if ((releaseKey >= 379893)) {
        return "4.5.2 or later";
    if ((releaseKey >= 378675)) {
        return "4.5.1 or later";
    if ((releaseKey >= 378389)) {
        return "4.5 or later";
    // This line should never execute. A non-null release key should mean 
    // that 4.5 or later is installed. 
    return "No 4.5 or later version detected";



Not sure why nobody suggested following the official advice from Microsoft right here.


This is the code they recommend. Sure it's ugly, but it works.


For .NET 1-4

private static void GetVersionFromRegistry()
     // Opens the registry key for the .NET Framework entry. 
        using (RegistryKey ndpKey = 
            RegistryKey.OpenRemoteBaseKey(RegistryHive.LocalMachine, "").
            OpenSubKey(@"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\"))
            // As an alternative, if you know the computers you will query are running .NET Framework 4.5  
            // or later, you can use: 
            // using (RegistryKey ndpKey = RegistryKey.OpenBaseKey(RegistryHive.LocalMachine,  
            // RegistryView.Registry32).OpenSubKey(@"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\"))
        foreach (string versionKeyName in ndpKey.GetSubKeyNames())
            if (versionKeyName.StartsWith("v"))

                RegistryKey versionKey = ndpKey.OpenSubKey(versionKeyName);
                string name = (string)versionKey.GetValue("Version", "");
                string sp = versionKey.GetValue("SP", "").ToString();
                string install = versionKey.GetValue("Install", "").ToString();
                if (install == "") //no install info, must be later.
                    Console.WriteLine(versionKeyName + "  " + name);
                    if (sp != "" && install == "1")
                        Console.WriteLine(versionKeyName + "  " + name + "  SP" + sp);

                if (name != "")
                foreach (string subKeyName in versionKey.GetSubKeyNames())
                    RegistryKey subKey = versionKey.OpenSubKey(subKeyName);
                    name = (string)subKey.GetValue("Version", "");
                    if (name != "")
                        sp = subKey.GetValue("SP", "").ToString();
                    install = subKey.GetValue("Install", "").ToString();
                    if (install == "") //no install info, must be later.
                        Console.WriteLine(versionKeyName + "  " + name);
                        if (sp != "" && install == "1")
                            Console.WriteLine("  " + subKeyName + "  " + name + "  SP" + sp);
                        else if (install == "1")
                            Console.WriteLine("  " + subKeyName + "  " + name);





For .NET 4.5 and later

// Checking the version using >= will enable forward compatibility, 
// however you should always compile your code on newer versions of
// the framework to ensure your app works the same.
private static string CheckFor45DotVersion(int releaseKey)
   if (releaseKey >= 393295) {
      return "4.6 or later";
   if ((releaseKey >= 379893)) {
        return "4.5.2 or later";
    if ((releaseKey >= 378675)) {
        return "4.5.1 or later";
    if ((releaseKey >= 378389)) {
        return "4.5 or later";
    // This line should never execute. A non-null release key should mean
    // that 4.5 or later is installed.
    return "No 4.5 or later version detected";

private static void Get45or451FromRegistry()
    using (RegistryKey ndpKey = RegistryKey.OpenBaseKey(RegistryHive.LocalMachine, RegistryView.Registry32).OpenSubKey("SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\NET Framework Setup\\NDP\\v4\\Full\\")) {
        if (ndpKey != null && ndpKey.GetValue("Release") != null) {
            Console.WriteLine("Version: " + CheckFor45DotVersion((int) ndpKey.GetValue("Release")));
      else {
         Console.WriteLine("Version 4.5 or later is not detected.");



Environment.Version() is giving the correct answer for a different question. The same version of the CLR is used in .NET 2.0, 3, and 3.5. I suppose you could check the GAC for libraries that were added in each of those subsequent releases.

version()给出了不同问题的正确答案。在。net 2.0、3和3.5中使用了相同的CLR版本。我想您可以检查GAC是否有在后续版本中添加的库。



AFAIK there's no built in method in the framework that will allow you to do this. You could check this post for a suggestion on determining framework version by reading windows registry values.




An alternative method where no right to access the registry are needed, is to check for the existence of classes that are introduced in specific framework updates.


private static bool Is46Installed()
    // API changes in 4.6: https://github.com/Microsoft/dotnet/blob/master/releases/net46/dotnet46-api-changes.md
    return Type.GetType("System.AppContext, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089", false) != null;

private static bool Is461Installed()
    // API changes in 4.6.1: https://github.com/Microsoft/dotnet/blob/master/releases/net461/dotnet461-api-changes.md
    return Type.GetType("System.Data.SqlClient.SqlColumnEncryptionCngProvider, System.Data, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089", false) != null;

private static bool Is462Installed()
    // API changes in 4.6.2: https://github.com/Microsoft/dotnet/blob/master/releases/net462/dotnet462-api-changes.md
    return Type.GetType("System.Security.Cryptography.AesCng, System.Core, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089", false) != null;

private static bool Is47Installed()
    // API changes in 4.7: https://github.com/Microsoft/dotnet/blob/master/releases/net47/dotnet47-api-changes.md
    return Type.GetType("System.Web.Caching.CacheInsertOptions, System.Web, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a", false) != null;



It isn't easy any more to determine the current .NET version number. Microsoft has provided two different sample scripts depending on the .NET version that is being checked, but I don't like having two different C# scripts for this. So I tried to combine them into one, here's the script I created (and updated it for 4.7.1 framework):


using System;
using Microsoft.Win32;
public class GetDotNetVersion
    public static void Main()
        string maxDotNetVersion = GetVersionFromRegistry();
        if (String.Compare(maxDotNetVersion, "4.5") >= 0)
            string v45Plus = GetDotNetVersion.Get45PlusFromRegistry();
            if (v45Plus != "") maxDotNetVersion = v45Plus;
        Console.WriteLine("*** Maximum .NET version number found is: " + maxDotNetVersion + "***");

    private static string Get45PlusFromRegistry()
        String dotNetVersion = "";
        const string subkey = @"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v4\Full\";
        using (RegistryKey ndpKey = RegistryKey.OpenBaseKey(RegistryHive.LocalMachine, RegistryView.Registry32).OpenSubKey(subkey))
            if (ndpKey != null && ndpKey.GetValue("Release") != null)
                dotNetVersion = CheckFor45PlusVersion((int)ndpKey.GetValue("Release"));
                Console.WriteLine(".NET Framework Version: " + dotNetVersion);
                Console.WriteLine(".NET Framework Version 4.5 or later is not detected.");
        return dotNetVersion;

    // Checking the version using >= will enable forward compatibility.
    private static string CheckFor45PlusVersion(int releaseKey)
        if (releaseKey >= 461308) return "4.7.1 or later";
        if (releaseKey >= 460798) return "4.7";
        if (releaseKey >= 394802) return "4.6.2";
        if (releaseKey >= 394254) return "4.6.1";
        if (releaseKey >= 393295) return "4.6";
        if ((releaseKey >= 379893)) return "4.5.2";
        if ((releaseKey >= 378675)) return "4.5.1";
        if ((releaseKey >= 378389)) return "4.5";

        // This code should never execute. A non-null release key should mean
        // that 4.5 or later is installed.
        return "No 4.5 or later version detected";

    private static string GetVersionFromRegistry()
        String maxDotNetVersion = "";
        // Opens the registry key for the .NET Framework entry.
        using (RegistryKey ndpKey = RegistryKey.OpenRemoteBaseKey(RegistryHive.LocalMachine, "")
                                        .OpenSubKey(@"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\"))
            // As an alternative, if you know the computers you will query are running .NET Framework 4.5 
            // or later, you can use:
            // using (RegistryKey ndpKey = RegistryKey.OpenBaseKey(RegistryHive.LocalMachine, 
            // RegistryView.Registry32).OpenSubKey(@"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\"))
            foreach (string versionKeyName in ndpKey.GetSubKeyNames())
                if (versionKeyName.StartsWith("v"))
                    RegistryKey versionKey = ndpKey.OpenSubKey(versionKeyName);
                    string name = (string)versionKey.GetValue("Version", "");
                    string sp = versionKey.GetValue("SP", "").ToString();
                    string install = versionKey.GetValue("Install", "").ToString();
                    if (install == "") //no install info, must be later.
                        Console.WriteLine(versionKeyName + "  " + name);
                        if (String.Compare(maxDotNetVersion, name) < 0) maxDotNetVersion = name;
                        if (sp != "" && install == "1")
                            Console.WriteLine(versionKeyName + "  " + name + "  SP" + sp);
                            if (String.Compare(maxDotNetVersion, name) < 0) maxDotNetVersion = name;

                    if (name != "")
                    foreach (string subKeyName in versionKey.GetSubKeyNames())
                        RegistryKey subKey = versionKey.OpenSubKey(subKeyName);
                        name = (string)subKey.GetValue("Version", "");
                        if (name != "")
                            sp = subKey.GetValue("SP", "").ToString();
                        install = subKey.GetValue("Install", "").ToString();
                        if (install == "")
                            //no install info, must be later.
                            Console.WriteLine(versionKeyName + "  " + name);
                            if (String.Compare(maxDotNetVersion, name) < 0) maxDotNetVersion = name;
                            if (sp != "" && install == "1")
                                Console.WriteLine("  " + subKeyName + "  " + name + "  SP" + sp);
                                if (String.Compare(maxDotNetVersion, name) < 0) maxDotNetVersion = name;
                            else if (install == "1")
                                Console.WriteLine("  " + subKeyName + "  " + name);
                                if (String.Compare(maxDotNetVersion, name) < 0) maxDotNetVersion = name;
                            } // if
                        } // if
                    } // for
                } // if
            } // foreach
        } // using
        return maxDotNetVersion;

} // class

On my machine it outputs:


v2.0.50727 2.0.50727.4927 SP2
v3.0 3.0.30729.4926 SP2
v3.5 3.5.30729.4926 SP1
Client 4.7.02558
Full 4.7.02558
.NET Framework Version: 4.7.1 or later
**** Maximum .NET version number found is: 4.7.1 or later ****

net Framework版本:4.7.1或更高版本**** **最大版本号为:4.7.1或更高版本**** *

The only thing that needs to be maintained over time is the build number once a .NET version greater than 4.7.1 comes out - that can be done easily by modifying the function CheckFor45PlusVersion, you need to know the release key for the new version then you can add it. For example:


if (releaseKey >= 461308) return "4.7.1 or later";

This release key is still the latest one and valid for the Fall Creators update of Windows 10. If you're still running other (older) Windows versions, there is another one as per this documentation from Microsoft:

这个释放键仍然是最新的,对于Windows 10的秋季创建者更新是有效的。如果您还在运行其他(旧的)Windows版本,那么根据微软的文档,还有另一个版本:

.NET Framework 4.7.1 installed on all other Windows OS versions 461310

.NET Framework 4.7.1安装在所有其他Windows OS版本461310上

So, if you need that as well, you'll have to add


if (releaseKey >= 461310) return "4.7.1 or later";

to the top of the function CheckFor45PlusVersion.


Note: You don't need Visual Studio to be installed, not even PowerShell - you can use csc.exe to compile and run the script above, which I have described here.

注意:您不需要安装Visual Studio,甚至PowerShell——您可以使用csc。编译并运行上面的脚本的exe,我在这里描述了这一点。

Update: The question is about the .NET Framework, for the sake of completeness I'd like to mention how to query the version of .NET Core as well - compared with the above, that is easy: Open a command shell and type: dotnet --info Enter and it will list the .NET Core version number, the Windows version and the versions of each related runtime DLL as well. Sample output:

更新:问题是关于。net框架,为了完成我想提到如何查询版本的。net核心——与以上相比,这很简单:打开一个命令shell和类型:dotnet——信息输入和. net核心版本号列表,每个相关的Windows版本和版本运行时DLL。样例输出:

.NET Core SDK (reflecting any global.json):
  Version: 2.1.300
  Commit: adab45bf0c

Runtime Environment:
  OS Name: Windows
  OS Version: 10.0.15063
  OS Platform: Windows
  RID: win10-x64
  Base Path: C:\Program Files\dotnet\sdk\2.1.300\

Host (useful for support):
  Version: 2.1.0
  Commit: caa7b7e2ba

.NET Core SDKs installed:
  1.1.9 [C:\Program Files\dotnet\sdk]
  2.1.102 [C:\Program Files\dotnet\sdk]
  2.1.300 [C:\Program Files\dotnet\sdk]

.NET Core runtimes installed:
  Microsoft.AspNetCore.All 2.1.0 [C:\Program
  Microsoft.NETCore.App 2.1.0 [C:\Program Files\dotnet\shared\Microsoft.NETCore.App]

To install additional .NET Core runtimes or SDKs:

net核心SDK(反映任何global.json):版本:2.1.300提交:adab45bf0c运行时环境:操作系统名称:Windows操作系统版本:10.0.15063 OS平台:Windows掉:win10-x64基本路径:C:\Program Files\dotnet\sdk\2.1.300\主机(用于支持):版本:2.1.0的提交:caa7b7e2ba。net核心SDK安装:1.1.9[C:\ Program Files \ dotnet \ SDK]2.1.102(C:\ Program Files \ dotnet \ SDK)……2.1.300 [C:\程序文件\dotnet\sdk] . net核心运行时已安装:Microsoft.AspNetCore。所有2.1.0(C:\ Program Files \ dotnet \ \ Microsoft.AspNetCore共享。所有]…Microsoft.NETCore。应用2.1.0(C:\ Program Files \ dotnet \ \ Microsoft.NETCore共享。安装额外的。net核心运行时或SDKs: https://aka.ms/dotnet下载



Thank you for this post which was quite useful. I had to tweak it a little in order to check for framework 2.0 because the registry key cannot be converted straightaway to a double. Here is the code:

谢谢你的这篇非常有用的文章。为了检查framework 2.0,我不得不对它进行一些调整,因为注册表项不能直接转换为double。这是代码:

string[] version_names = rk.GetSubKeyNames();
//version names start with 'v', eg, 'v3.5'
//we also need to take care of strings like v2.0.50727...
string sCurrent = version_names[version_names.Length - 1].Remove(0, 1);
if (sCurrent.LastIndexOf(".") > 1)
    string[] sSplit = sCurrent.Split('.');
    sCurrent = sSplit[0] + "." + sSplit[1] + sSplit[2];
double dCurrent = Convert.ToDouble(sCurrent, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
double dExpected = Convert.ToDouble(sExpectedVersion);
if (dCurrent >= dExpected)



public class DA
    public static class VersionNetFramework
        public static string GetVersion()
            return Environment.Version.ToString();
        public static string GetVersionDicription()
            int Major = Environment.Version.Major;
            int Minor = Environment.Version.Minor;
            int Build = Environment.Version.Build;
            int Revision = Environment.Version.Revision;


            //4.0.30319.42000 = .NET 4.6 on Windows 8.1 64 - bit
            if ((Major >=4) && (Minor >=0) && (Build >= 30319) && (Revision >= 42000))
                return @".NET 4.6 on Windows 8.1 64 - bit or later";
            //4.0.30319.34209 = .NET 4.5.2 on Windows 8.1 64 - bit
            if ((Major >= 4) && (Minor >= 0) && (Build >= 30319) && (Revision >= 34209))
                return @".NET 4.5.2 on Windows 8.1 64 - bit or later";
            //4.0.30319.34209 = .NET 4.5.2 on Windows 7 SP1 64 - bit
            if ((Major >= 4) && (Minor >= 0) && (Build >= 30319) && (Revision >= 34209))
                return @".NET 4.5.2 on Windows 7 SP1 64 - bit or later";
            //4.0.30319.34014 = .NET 4.5.1 on Windows 8.1 64 - bit
            if ((Major >= 4) && (Minor >= 0) && (Build >= 30319) && (Revision >= 34014))
                return @".NET 4.5.1 on Windows 8.1 64 - bit or later";
            //4.0.30319.18444 = .NET 4.5.1 on Windows 7 SP1 64 - bit(with MS14 - 009 security update)
            if ((Major >= 4) && (Minor >= 0) && (Build >= 30319) && (Revision >= 18444))
                return @".NET 4.5.1 on Windows 7 SP1 64 - bit(with MS14 - 009 security update) or later";
            //4.0.30319.18408 = .NET 4.5.1 on Windows 7 SP1 64 - bit
            if ((Major >= 4) && (Minor >= 0) && (Build >= 30319) && (Revision >= 18408))
                return @".NET 4.5.1 on Windows 7 SP1 64 - bit or later";
            //4.0.30319.18063 = .NET 4.5 on Windows 7 SP1 64 - bit(with MS14 - 009 security update)
            if ((Major >= 4) && (Minor >= 0) && (Build >= 30319) && (Revision >= 18063))
                return @".NET 4.5 on Windows 7 SP1 64 - bit(with MS14 - 009 security update) or later";
            //4.0.30319.18052 = .NET 4.5 on Windows 7 SP1 64 - bit
            if ((Major >= 4) && (Minor >= 0) && (Build >= 30319) && (Revision >= 18052))
                return @".NET 4.5 on Windows 7 SP1 64 - bit or later";
            //4.0.30319.18010 = .NET 4.5 on Windows 8
            if ((Major >= 4) && (Minor >= 0) && (Build >= 30319) && (Revision >= 18010))
                return @".NET 4.5 on Windows 8 or later";
            //4.0.30319.17929 = .NET 4.5 RTM
            if ((Major >= 4) && (Minor >= 0) && (Build >= 30319) && (Revision >= 17929))
                return @".NET 4.5 RTM or later";
            //4.0.30319.17626 = .NET 4.5 RC
            if ((Major >= 4) && (Minor >= 0) && (Build >= 30319) && (Revision >= 17626))
                return @".NET 4.5 RC or later";
            //4.0.30319.17020.NET 4.5 Preview, September 2011
            if ((Major >= 4) && (Minor >= 0) && (Build >= 30319) && (Revision >= 17020))
                return @".NET 4.5 Preview, September 2011 or later";
            //4.0.30319.2034 = .NET 4.0 on Windows XP SP3, 7, 7 SP1(with MS14 - 009 LDR security update)
            if ((Major >= 4) && (Minor >= 0) && (Build >= 30319) && (Revision >= 2034))
                return @".NET 4.0 on Windows XP SP3, 7, 7 SP1(with MS14 - 009 LDR security update) or later";
            //4.0.30319.1026 = .NET 4.0 on Windows XP SP3, 7, 7 SP1(with MS14 - 057 GDR security update)
            if ((Major >= 4) && (Minor >= 0) && (Build >= 30319) && (Revision >= 1026))
                return @".NET 4.0 on Windows XP SP3, 7, 7 SP1(with MS14 - 057 GDR security update) or later";
            //4.0.30319.1022 = .NET 4.0 on Windows XP SP3, 7, 7 SP1(with MS14 - 009 GDR security update)
            if ((Major >= 4) && (Minor >= 0) && (Build >= 30319) && (Revision >= 1022))
                return @".NET 4.0 on Windows XP SP3, 7, 7 SP1(with MS14 - 009 GDR security update) or later";
            //4.0.30319.1008 = .NET 4.0 on Windows XP SP3, 7, 7 SP1(with MS13 - 052 GDR security update)
            if ((Major >= 4) && (Minor >= 0) && (Build >= 30319) && (Revision >= 1008))
                return @".NET 4.0 on Windows XP SP3, 7, 7 SP1(with MS13 - 052 GDR security update) or later";
            //4.0.30319.544 = .NET 4.0 on Windows XP SP3, 7, 7 SP1(with MS12 - 035 LDR security update)
            if ((Major >= 4) && (Minor >= 0) && (Build >= 30319) && (Revision >= 544))
                return @".NET 4.0 on Windows XP SP3, 7, 7 SP1(with MS12 - 035 LDR security update) or later";
            //4.0.30319.447   yes built by: RTMLDR, .NET 4.0 Platform Update 1, April 2011
            if ((Major >= 4) && (Minor >= 0) && (Build >= 30319) && (Revision >= 447))
                return @"built by: RTMLDR, .NET 4.0 Platform Update 1, April 2011 or later";
            //4.0.30319.431   yes built by: RTMLDR, .NET 4.0 GDR Update, March 2011 / with VS 2010 SP1 / or.NET 4.0 Update
            if ((Major >= 4) && (Minor >= 0) && (Build >= 30319) && (Revision >= 431))
                return @"built by: RTMLDR, .NET 4.0 GDR Update, March 2011 / with VS 2010 SP1 / or.NET 4.0 Update or later";
            //4.0.30319.296 = .NET 4.0 on Windows XP SP3, 7(with MS12 - 074 GDR security update)
            if ((Major >= 4) && (Minor >= 0) && (Build >= 30319) && (Revision >= 296))
                return @".NET 4.0 on Windows XP SP3, 7(with MS12 - 074 GDR security update) or later";
            //4.0.30319.276 = .NET 4.0 on Windows XP SP3 (4.0.3 Runtime update)
            if ((Major >= 4) && (Minor >= 0) && (Build >= 30319) && (Revision >= 276))
                return @".NET 4.0 on Windows XP SP3 (4.0.3 Runtime update) or later";
            //4.0.30319.269 = .NET 4.0 on Windows XP SP3, 7, 7 SP1(with MS12 - 035 GDR security update)
            if ((Major >= 4) && (Minor >= 0) && (Build >= 30319) && (Revision >= 269))
                return @".NET 4.0 on Windows XP SP3, 7, 7 SP1(with MS12 - 035 GDR security update) or later";
            //4.0.30319.1 yes built by: RTMRel, .NET 4.0 RTM Release, April 2010
            if ((Major >= 4) && (Minor >= 0) && (Build >= 30319) && (Revision >= 1))
                return @"built by: RTMRel, .NET 4.0 RTM Release, April 2010 or later";

            //4.0.30128.1     built by: RC1Rel, .NET 4.0 Release Candidate, Feb 2010
            if ((Major >=4) && (Minor >=0) && (Build >= 30128) && (Revision >= 1))
                return @"built by: RC1Rel, .NET 4.0 Release Candidate, Feb 2010 or later";
            //4.0.21006.1     built by: B2Rel, .NET 4.0 Beta2, Oct 2009
            if ((Major >=4) && (Minor >=0) && (Build >= 21006) && (Revision >=1))
                return @"built by: B2Rel, .NET 4.0 Beta2, Oct 2009 or later";
            //4.0.20506.1     built by: Beta1, .NET 4.0 Beta1, May 2009
            if ((Major >=4) && (Minor >=0) && (Build >= 20506) && (Revision >=1))
                return @"built by: Beta1, .NET 4.0 Beta1, May 2009 or later";
            //4.0.11001.1     built by: CTP2 VPC, .NET 4.0 CTP, October 2008
            if ((Major >=4) && (Minor >=0) && (Build >= 11001) && (Revision >=1))
                return @"built by: CTP2 VPC, .NET 4.0 CTP, October 2008 or later";

            //3.5.30729.5420  yes built by: Win7SP1, .NET 3.5.1 Sicherheits - Update, 12 April 2011
            if ((Major >=3) && (Minor >=5) && (Build >= 30729) && (Revision >= 5420))
                return @"built by: Win7SP1, .NET 3.5.1 Sicherheits - Update, 12 April 2011 or later";
            //3.5.30729.5004  yes built by: NetFXw7 / Windows 7..Rel., Jan 2010 / +Data functions KB976127 .NET 3.5 SP1
            if ((Major >=3) && (Minor >=5) && (Build >= 30729) && (Revision >= 5004))
                return @"built by: NetFXw7 / Windows 7..Rel., Jan 2010 / +Data functions KB976127 .NET 3.5 SP1 or later";
            //3.5.30729.4466  yes built by: NetFXw7 / Windows XP..Rel. , Jan 2010 / +Data functions KB976127 .NET 3.5 SP1
            if ((Major >=3) && (Minor >=5) && (Build >= 30729) && (Revision >= 4466))
                return @"built by: NetFXw7 / Windows XP..Rel. , Jan 2010 / +Data functions KB976127 .NET 3.5 SP1 or later";
            //3.5.30729.4926  yes built by: NetFXw7 / Windows 7 Release, Oct 2009 / .NET 3.5 SP1 + Hotfixes
            if ((Major >=3) && (Minor >=5) && (Build >= 30729) && (Revision >= 4926))
                return @"built by: NetFXw7 / Windows 7 Release, Oct 2009 / .NET 3.5 SP1 + Hotfixes or later";
            //3.5.30729.4918      built by: NetFXw7 / Windows 7 Release Candidate, June 2009
            if ((Major >=3) && (Minor >=5) && (Build >= 30729) && (Revision >= 4918))
                return @"built by: NetFXw7 / Windows 7 Release Candidate, June 2009 or later";
            //3.5.30729.196   yes built by: QFE, .NET 3.5 Family Update Vista / W2008, Dec 2008
            if ((Major >= 3) && (Minor >= 5) && (Build >= 30729) && (Revision >=196))
                return @"built by: QFE, .NET 3.5 Family Update Vista / W2008, Dec 2008 or later";
            //3.5.30729.1 yes built by: SP, .NET 3.5 SP1, Aug 2008
            if ((Major >= 3) && (Minor >= 5) && (Build >= 30729) && (Revision >=1))
                return @"built by: SP, .NET 3.5 SP1, Aug 2008 or later";

            //3.5.30428.1         built by: SP1Beta1, .NET 3.5 SP1 BETA1, May 2008
            if ((Major >=3) && (Minor >=5) && (Build >= 30428) && (Revision >=1))
                return @"built by: SP1Beta1, .NET 3.5 SP1 BETA1, May 2008 or later";
            //3.5.21022.8 yes built by: RTM, Jan 2008
            if ((Major >=3) && (Minor >=5) && (Build >= 21022) && (Revision >= 8))
                return @"built by: RTM, Jan 2008 or later";
            //3.5.20706.1     built by: Beta2, Orcas Beta2, Oct 2007
            if ((Major >=3) && (Minor >=5) && (Build >= 20706) && (Revision >= 1))
                return @"built by: Beta2, Orcas Beta2, Oct 2007 or later";
            //3.5.20526.0     built by: MCritCTP, Orcas Beta1, Mar 2007
            if ((Major >=3) && (Minor >=5) && (Build >= 20526) && (Revision >=0))
                return @"built by: MCritCTP, Orcas Beta1, Mar 2007 or later";

            //3.0.6920.1500   yes built by: QFE, Family Update Vista / W2008, Dez 2008, KB958483
            if ((Major >=3) && (Minor >=0) && (Build >= 6920) && (Revision >= 1500))
                return @"built by: QFE, Family Update Vista / W2008, Dez 2008, KB958483 or later";
            //3.0.4506.4926   yes(NetFXw7.030729 - 4900) / Windows 7 Release, Oct 2009
            if ((Major >=3) && (Minor >=0) && (Build >= 4506) && (Revision >= 4926))
                return @"(NetFXw7.030729 - 4900) / Windows 7 Release, Oct 2009 or later";
            //3.0.4506.4918(NetFXw7.030729 - 4900) / Windows 7 Release Candidate, June 2009
            if ((Major >=3) && (Minor >=5) && (Build >= 4506) && (Revision >= 4918))
                return @"(NetFXw7.030729 - 4900) / Windows 7 Release Candidate, June 2009 or later";
            //3.0.4506.2152       3.0.4506.2152(SP.030729 - 0100) / .NET 4.0 Beta1 / May 2009
            if ((Major >= 3) && (Minor >= 5) && (Build >= 4506) && (Revision >= 2152))
                return @"3.0.4506.2152(SP.030729 - 0100) / .NET 4.0 Beta1 / May 2009 or later";
            //3.0.4506.2123   yes(NetFX.030618 - 0000).NET 3.0 SP2, Aug 2008
            if ((Major >= 3) && (Minor >= 5) && (Build >= 4506) && (Revision >= 2123))
                return @"s(NetFX.030618 - 0000).NET 3.0 SP2, Aug 2008 or later";
            //3.0.4506.2062(SP1Beta1.030428 - 0100), .NET 3.0 SP1 BETA1, May 2008
            if ((Major >= 3) && (Minor >= 5) && (Build >= 4506) && (Revision >= 2062))
                return @"(SP1Beta1.030428 - 0100), .NET 3.0 SP1 BETA1, May 2008 or later";
            //3.0.4506.590(winfxredb2.004506 - 0590), Orcas Beta2, Oct 2007
            if ((Major >= 3) && (Minor >= 5) && (Build >= 4506) && (Revision >= 590))
                return @"(winfxredb2.004506 - 0590), Orcas Beta2, Oct 2007 or later";
            //3.0.4506.577(winfxred.004506 - 0577), Orcas Beta1, Mar 2007
            if ((Major >= 3) && (Minor >= 5) && (Build >= 4506) && (Revision >= 577))
                return @"(winfxred.004506 - 0577), Orcas Beta1, Mar 2007 or later";
            //3.0.4506.30 yes Release (.NET Framework 3.0) Nov 2006
            if ((Major >= 3) && (Minor >= 5) && (Build >= 4506) && (Revision >= 30))
                return @"Release (.NET Framework 3.0) Nov 2006 or later";
            //3.0.4506.25 yes(WAPRTM.004506 - 0026) Vista Ultimate, Jan 2007
            if ((Major >= 3) && (Minor >= 5) && (Build >= 4506) && (Revision >= 25))
                return @"(WAPRTM.004506 - 0026) Vista Ultimate, Jan 2007 or later";

            //2.0.50727.4927  yes(NetFXspW7.050727 - 4900) / Windows 7 Release, Oct 2009
            if ((Major >=2) && (Minor >=0) && (Build >= 50727) && (Revision >= 4927))
                return @"(NetFXspW7.050727 - 4900) / Windows 7 Release, Oct 2009 or later";
            //2.0.50727.4918(NetFXspW7.050727 - 4900) / Windows 7 Release Candidate, June 2009
            if ((Major >= 2) && (Minor >= 0) && (Build >= 50727) && (Revision >= 4918))
                return @"(NetFXspW7.050727 - 4900) / Windows 7 Release Candidate, June 2009 or later";
            //2.0.50727.4200  yes(NetFxQFE.050727 - 4200).NET 2.0 SP2, KB974470, Securityupdate, Oct 2009
            if ((Major >= 2) && (Minor >= 0) && (Build >= 50727) && (Revision >= 4200))
                return @"(NetFxQFE.050727 - 4200).NET 2.0 SP2, KB974470, Securityupdate, Oct 2009 or later";
            //2.0.50727.3603(GDR.050727 - 3600).NET 4.0 Beta 2, Oct 2009
            if ((Major >= 2) && (Minor >= 0) && (Build >= 50727) && (Revision >= 3603))
                return @"(GDR.050727 - 3600).NET 4.0 Beta 2, Oct 2009 or later";
            //2.0.50727.3082  yes(QFE.050727 - 3000), .NET 3.5 Family Update XP / W2003, Dez 2008, KB958481
            if ((Major >= 2) && (Minor >= 0) && (Build >= 50727) && (Revision >= 3082))
                return @"(QFE.050727 - 3000), .NET 3.5 Family Update XP / W2003, Dez 2008, KB958481 or later";
            //2.0.50727.3074  yes(QFE.050727 - 3000), .NET 3.5 Family Update Vista / W2008, Dez 2008, KB958481
            if ((Major >= 2) && (Minor >= 0) && (Build >= 50727) && (Revision >= 3074))
                return @"(QFE.050727 - 3000), .NET 3.5 Family Update Vista / W2008, Dez 2008, KB958481 or later";
            //2.0.50727.3053  yes(netfxsp.050727 - 3000), .NET 2.0 SP2, Aug 2008
            if ((Major >= 2) && (Minor >= 0) && (Build >= 50727) && (Revision >= 3053))
                return @"yes(netfxsp.050727 - 3000), .NET 2.0 SP2, Aug 2008 or later";
            //2.0.50727.3031(netfxsp.050727 - 3000), .NET 2.0 SP2 Beta 1, May 2008
            if ((Major >= 2) && (Minor >= 0) && (Build >= 50727) && (Revision >= 3031))
                return @"(netfxsp.050727 - 3000), .NET 2.0 SP2 Beta 1, May 2008 or later";
            //2.0.50727.1434  yes(REDBITS.050727 - 1400), Windows Server 2008 and Windows Vista SP1, Dez 2007
            if ((Major >= 2) && (Minor >= 0) && (Build >= 50727) && (Revision >= 1434))
                return @"(REDBITS.050727 - 1400), Windows Server 2008 and Windows Vista SP1, Dez 2007 or later";
            //2.0.50727.1433  yes(REDBITS.050727 - 1400), .NET 2.0 SP1 Release, Nov 2007, http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=79bc3b77-e02c-4ad3-aacf-a7633f706ba5
            if ((Major >= 2) && (Minor >= 0) && (Build >= 50727) && (Revision >= 1433))
                return @"(REDBITS.050727 - 1400), .NET 2.0 SP1 Release, Nov 2007 or later";
            //2.0.50727.1378(REDBITSB2.050727 - 1300), Orcas Beta2, Oct 2007
            if ((Major >= 2) && (Minor >= 0) && (Build >= 50727) && (Revision >= 1378))
                return @"(REDBITSB2.050727 - 1300), Orcas Beta2, Oct 2007 or later";
            //2.0.50727.1366(REDBITS.050727 - 1300), Orcas Beta1, Mar 2007
            if ((Major >= 2) && (Minor >= 0) && (Build >= 50727) && (Revision >= 1366))
                return @"(REDBITS.050727 - 1300), Orcas Beta1, Mar 2007 or later";
            //2.0.50727.867   yes(VS Express Edition 2005 SP1), Apr 2007, http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyId=7B0B0339-613A-46E6-AB4D-080D4D4A8C4E
            if ((Major >= 2) && (Minor >= 0) && (Build >= 50727) && (Revision >= 867))
                return @"(VS Express Edition 2005 SP1), Apr 2007 or later";
            //2.0.50727.832(Fix x86 VC++2005), Apr 2007, http://support.microsoft.com/kb/934586/en-us
            if ((Major >= 2) && (Minor >= 0) && (Build >= 50727) && (Revision >= 832))
                return @"(Fix x86 VC++2005), Apr 2007 or later";
            //2.0.50727.762   yes(VS TeamSuite SP1), http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyId=BB4A75AB-E2D4-4C96-B39D-37BAF6B5B1DC
            if ((Major >= 2) && (Minor >= 0) && (Build >= 50727) && (Revision >= 762))
                return @"(VS TeamSuite SP1) or later";
            //2.0.50727.312   yes(rtmLHS.050727 - 3100) Vista Ultimate, Jan 2007
            if ((Major >= 2) && (Minor >= 0) && (Build >= 50727) && (Revision >= 312))
                return @"(rtmLHS.050727 - 3100) Vista Ultimate, Jan 2007 or later";
            //2.0.50727.42    yes Release (.NET Framework 2.0) Oct 2005
            if ((Major >= 2) && (Minor >= 0) && (Build >= 50727) && (Revision >= 42))
                return @"Release (.NET Framework 2.0) Oct 2005 or later";
            //2.0.50727.26        Version 2.0(Visual Studio Team System 2005 Release Candidate) Oct 2005
            if ((Major >= 2) && (Minor >= 0) && (Build >= 50727) && (Revision >= 26))
                return @"Version 2.0(Visual Studio Team System 2005 Release Candidate) Oct 2005 or later";

            //2.0.50712       Version 2.0(Visual Studio Team System 2005(Drop3) CTP) July 2005
            if ((Major >=2) && (Minor >=0) && (Build >= 50712))
                return @"Version 2.0(Visual Studio Team System 2005(Drop3) CTP) July 2005 or later";
            //2.0.50215       Version 2.0(WinFX SDK for Indigo / Avalon 2005 CTP) July 2005
            if ((Major >=2) && (Minor >=0) && (Build >= 50215))
                return @"Version 2.0(WinFX SDK for Indigo / Avalon 2005 CTP) July 2005 or later";
            //2.0.50601.0     Version 2.0(Visual Studio.NET 2005 CTP) June 2005
            if ((Major >=2) && (Minor >=0) && (Build >= 50601) && (Revision >=0))
                return @"Version 2.0(Visual Studio.NET 2005 CTP) June 2005 or later";
            //2.0.50215.44        Version 2.0(Visual Studio.NET 2005 Beta 2, Visual Studio Express Beta 2) Apr 2005
            if ((Major >=2) && (Minor >=0) && (Build >= 50215) && (Revision >= 44))
                return @"Version 2.0(Visual Studio.NET 2005 Beta 2, Visual Studio Express Beta 2) Apr 2005 or later";
            //2.0.50110.28        Version 2.0(Visual Studio.NET 2005 CTP, Professional Edition) Feb 2005
            if ((Major >=2) && (Minor >=0) && (Build >= 50110) && (Revision >=28))
                return @"Version 2.0(Visual Studio.NET 2005 CTP, Professional Edition) Feb 2005 or later";
            //2.0.41115.19        Version 2.0(Visual Studio.NET 2005 Beta 1, Team System Refresh) Dec 2004
            if ((Major >=2 ) && (Minor >=0 ) && (Build >= 41115) && (Revision >= 19))
                return @"Version 2.0(Visual Studio.NET 2005 Beta 1, Team System Refresh) Dec 2004 or later";
            //2.0.40903.0         Version 2.0(Whidbey CTP, Visual Studio Express) Oct 2004
            if ((Major >=2) && (Minor >=0) && (Build >= 40903) && (Revision >=0))
                return @"Version 2.0(Whidbey CTP, Visual Studio Express) Oct 2004 or later";
            //2.0.40607.85        Version 2.0(Visual Studio.NET 2005 Beta 1, Team System Refresh) Aug 2004 *
            if ((Major >=2) && (Minor >=0) && (Build >= 40607) && (Revision >= 85))
                return @"Version 2.0(Visual Studio.NET 2005 Beta 1, Team System Refresh) Aug 2004 * or later";
            //2.0.40607.42        Version 2.0(SQL Server Yukon Beta 2) July 2004
            if ((Major >=2) && (Minor >=0) && (Build >= 40607) && (Revision >= 42))
                return @"Version 2.0(SQL Server Yukon Beta 2) July 2004 or later";
            //2.0.40607.16        Version 2.0(Visual Studio.NET 2005 Beta 1, TechEd Europe 2004) June 2004
            if ((Major >=2) && (Minor >=0) && (Build >= 40607) && (Revision >= 16))
                return @"Version 2.0(Visual Studio.NET 2005 Beta 1, TechEd Europe 2004) June 2004 or later";
            //2.0.40301.9         Version 2.0(Whidbey CTP, WinHEC 2004) March 2004 *
            if ((Major >=0) && (Minor >=0) && (Build >= 40301) && (Revision >=9))
                return @"Version 2.0(Whidbey CTP, WinHEC 2004) March 2004 * or later";

            //1.2.30703.27        Version 1.2(Whidbey Alpha, PDC 2004) Nov 2003 *
            if ((Major >=1) && (Minor >=2) && (Build >= 30703) && (Revision >= 27))
                return @"Version 1.2(Whidbey Alpha, PDC 2004) Nov 2003 * or later";
            //1.2.21213.1     Version 1.2(Whidbey pre - Alpha build) *
            if ((Major >=1) && (Minor >=2) && (Build >= 21213) && (Revision >=1))
                return @"Version 1.2(Whidbey pre - Alpha build) * or later";

            //1.1.4322.2443   yes Version 1.1 Servicepack 1, KB953297, Oct 2009
            if ((Major >=1) && (Minor >=1) && (Build >= 4322) && (Revision >=2443))
                return @"Version 1.1 Servicepack 1, KB953297, Oct 2009 or later";
            //1.1.4322.2407   yes Version 1.1 RTM
            if ((Major >=1) && (Minor >=1) && (Build >= 4322) && (Revision >= 2407))
                return @"Version 1.1 RTM or later";
            //1.1.4322.2407       Version 1.1 Orcas Beta2, Oct 2007
            if ((Major >=1) && (Minor >=1) && (Build >= 4322) && (Revision >= 2407))
                return @"Version 1.1 Orcas Beta2, Oct 2007 or later";
            //1.1.4322.2379       Version 1.1 Orcas Beta1, Mar 2007
            if ((Major >=1) && (Minor >=1) && (Build >= 4322) && (Revision >= 2379))
                return @"Version 1.1 Orcas Beta1, Mar 2007 or later";
            //1.1.4322.2032   yes Version 1.1 SP1 Aug 2004
            if ((Major >=1) && (Minor >=1) && (Build >= 4322) && (Revision >= 2032))
                return @"Version 1.1 SP1 Aug 2004 or later";
            //1.1.4322.573    yes Version 1.1 RTM(Visual Studio.NET 2003 / Windows Server 2003) Feb 2003 *
            if ((Major >=1) && (Minor >=1) && (Build >= 4322) && (Revision >= 573))
                return @"Version 1.1 RTM(Visual Studio.NET 2003 / Windows Server 2003) Feb 2003 * or later";
            //1.1.4322.510        Version 1.1 Final Beta Oct 2002 *
            if ((Major >=1) && (Minor >=1) && (Build >= 4322) && (Revision >= 510))
                return @"Version 1.1 Final Beta Oct 2002 * or later";

            //1.0.3705.6018   yes Version 1.0 SP3 Aug 2004
            if ((Major >=1) && (Minor >=0) && (Build >= 3705) && (Revision >= 6018))
                return @"Version 1.0 SP3 Aug 2004 or later";
            //1.0.3705.288    yes Version 1.0 SP2 Aug 2002 *
            if ((Major >=1) && (Minor >=0) && (Build >= 3705) && (Revision >= 288))
                return @"Version 1.0 SP2 Aug 2002 * or later";
            //1.0.3705.209    yes Version 1.0 SP1 Mar 2002 *
            if ((Major >=1) && (Minor >=0) && (Build >= 3705) && (Revision >=209))
                return @"Version 1.0 SP1 Mar 2002 * or later";
            //1.0.3705.0  yes Version 1.0 RTM(Visual Studio.NET 2002) Feb 2002 *
            if ((Major >=1) && (Minor >=0) && (Build >= 3705) && (Revision >=0))
                return @"Version 1.0 RTM(Visual Studio.NET 2002) Feb 2002 * or later";
            //1.0.3512.0      Version 1.0 Pre - release RC3(Visual Studio.NET 2002 RC3)
            if ((Major >=1) && (Minor >=0) && (Build >= 3512) && (Revision >=0))
                return @"Version 1.0 Pre - release RC3(Visual Studio.NET 2002 RC3) or later";
            //1.0.2914.16     Version 1.0 Public Beta 2 Jun 2001 *
            if ((Major >=1) && (Minor >=0) && (Build >= 2914) && (Revision >= 16))
                return @"Version 1.0 Public Beta 2 Jun 2001 * or later";
            //1.0.2204.21         Version 1.0 Public Beta 1 Nov 2000 *
            if ((Major >=1) && (Minor >=0) && (Build >= 2204) && (Revision >=21))
                return @"Version 1.0 Public Beta 1 Nov 2000 * or later";

            return @"Unknown .NET version";



public class DA {
  public static class VersionNetFramework {
    public static string Get45or451FromRegistry()
        using (RegistryKey ndpKey = RegistryKey.OpenBaseKey(RegistryHive.LocalMachine, RegistryView.Registry32).OpenSubKey("SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\NET Framework Setup\\NDP\\v4\\Full\\"))
            int releaseKey = Convert.ToInt32(ndpKey.GetValue("Release"));
            if (true)
                return (@"Version: " + CheckFor45DotVersion(releaseKey));
    // Checking the version using >= will enable forward compatibility, 
    // however you should always compile your code on newer versions of
    // the framework to ensure your app works the same.
    private static string CheckFor45DotVersion(int releaseKey)
        if (releaseKey >= 394271)
            return "4.6.1 installed on all other Windows OS versions or later";
        if (releaseKey >= 394254)
            return "4.6.1 installed on Windows 10 or later";
        if (releaseKey >= 393297)
            return "4.6 installed on all other Windows OS versions or later";
        if (releaseKey >= 393295)
            return "4.6 installed with Windows 10 or later";
        if (releaseKey >= 379893)
            return "4.5.2 or later";
        if (releaseKey >= 378758)
            return "4.5.1 installed on Windows 8, Windows 7 SP1, or Windows Vista SP2 or later";
        if (releaseKey >= 378675)
            return "4.5.1 installed with Windows 8.1 or later";
        if (releaseKey >= 378389)
            return "4.5 or later";

        return "No 4.5 or later version detected";
    public static string GetVersionFromRegistry()
        string res = @"";
        // Opens the registry key for the .NET Framework entry.
        using (RegistryKey ndpKey =
            RegistryKey.OpenRemoteBaseKey(RegistryHive.LocalMachine, "").
            OpenSubKey(@"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\"))
            // As an alternative, if you know the computers you will query are running .NET Framework 4.5 
            // or later, you can use:
            // using (RegistryKey ndpKey = RegistryKey.OpenBaseKey(RegistryHive.LocalMachine, 
            // RegistryView.Registry32).OpenSubKey(@"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\"))
            foreach (string versionKeyName in ndpKey.GetSubKeyNames())
                if (versionKeyName.StartsWith("v"))

                    RegistryKey versionKey = ndpKey.OpenSubKey(versionKeyName);
                    string name = (string)versionKey.GetValue("Version", "");
                    string sp = versionKey.GetValue("SP", "").ToString();
                    string install = versionKey.GetValue("Install", "").ToString();
                    if (install == "") //no install info, must be later.
                        res += (versionKeyName + "  " + name) + Environment.NewLine;
                        if (sp != "" && install == "1")
                            res += (versionKeyName + "  " + name + "  SP" + sp) + Environment.NewLine;

                    if (name != "")
                    foreach (string subKeyName in versionKey.GetSubKeyNames())
                        RegistryKey subKey = versionKey.OpenSubKey(subKeyName);
                        name = (string)subKey.GetValue("Version", "");
                        if (name != "")
                            sp = subKey.GetValue("SP", "").ToString();
                        install = subKey.GetValue("Install", "").ToString();
                        if (install == "") //no install info, must be later.
                            res += (versionKeyName + "  " + name) + Environment.NewLine;
                            if (sp != "" && install == "1")
                                res += ("  " + subKeyName + "  " + name + "  SP" + sp) + Environment.NewLine;
                            else if (install == "1")
                                res += ("  " + subKeyName + "  " + name) + Environment.NewLine;
        return res;
    public static string GetUpdateHistory()
        string res=@"";
        using (RegistryKey baseKey = RegistryKey.OpenBaseKey(RegistryHive.LocalMachine, RegistryView.Registry32).OpenSubKey(@"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Updates"))
            foreach (string baseKeyName in baseKey.GetSubKeyNames())
                if (baseKeyName.Contains(".NET Framework") || baseKeyName.StartsWith("KB") || baseKeyName.Contains(".NETFramework"))

                    using (RegistryKey updateKey = baseKey.OpenSubKey(baseKeyName))
                        string name = (string)updateKey.GetValue("PackageName", "");
                        res += baseKeyName + "  " + name + Environment.NewLine;
                        foreach (string kbKeyName in updateKey.GetSubKeyNames())
                            using (RegistryKey kbKey = updateKey.OpenSubKey(kbKeyName))
                                name = (string)kbKey.GetValue("PackageName", "");
                                res += ("  " + kbKeyName + "  " + name) + Environment.NewLine;

                                if (kbKey.SubKeyCount > 0)
                                    foreach (string sbKeyName in kbKey.GetSubKeyNames())
                                        using (RegistryKey sbSubKey = kbKey.OpenSubKey(sbKeyName))
                                            name = (string)sbSubKey.GetValue("PackageName", "");
                                            if (name == "")
                                                name = (string)sbSubKey.GetValue("Description", "");
                                            res += ("    " + sbKeyName + "  " + name) + Environment.NewLine;
        return res;

using class DA.VersionNetFramework


private void Form1_Shown(object sender, EventArgs e)
    // Current OS Information
    richTextBox1.Text = @"Current OS Information:";
    richTextBox1.AppendText(Environment.NewLine +
                            "Machine Name: " + Environment.MachineName);
    richTextBox1.AppendText(Environment.NewLine +
                            "Platform: " + Environment.OSVersion.Platform.ToString());
    richTextBox1.AppendText(Environment.NewLine +
    // .NET Framework Environment Information
    richTextBox1.AppendText(Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine +
                                       ".NET Framework Environment Information:");
    richTextBox1.AppendText(Environment.NewLine +
                            "Environment.Version " + Environment.Version);
    richTextBox1.AppendText(Environment.NewLine + 
    // .NET Framework Information From Registry
    richTextBox1.AppendText(Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine +
                                       ".NET Framework Information From Registry:");
    richTextBox1.AppendText(Environment.NewLine +
    // .NET Framework 4.5 or later Information From Registry
    richTextBox1.AppendText(Environment.NewLine + 
                                       ".NET Framework 4.5 or later Information From Registry:");
    richTextBox1.AppendText(Environment.NewLine +
    // Update History
    richTextBox1.AppendText(Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine +
                            "Update History");
    richTextBox1.AppendText(Environment.NewLine + 
    // Setting Cursor to first character of textbox
    if (!richTextBox1.Text.Equals(""))
        richTextBox1.SelectionStart = 1;



Current OS Information: Machine Name: D1 Platform: Win32NT Microsoft Windows NT 6.2.9200.0


.NET Framework Environment Information: Environment.Version 4.0.30319.42000 .NET 4.6 on Windows 8.1 64 - bit or later

。net框架环境信息:环境。版本4.0.30319.42000。net 4.6的Windows 8.1 64位或更高版本

.NET Framework Information From Registry: v2.0.50727 2.0.50727.4927 SP2 v3.0 3.0.30729.4926 SP2 v3.5 3.5.30729.4926 SP1

.NET框架信息来自Registry: v2.0.50727 2.0.50727.4927 SP2 v3.0 3.0.30729.4926 SP2 v3.5 3.5.30729.4926 SP1

Client 4.6.00079 Full 4.6.00079 v4.0

v4客户端4.6.00079 Full 4.6.00079 v4.0客户端4.0.0

.NET Framework 4.5 or later Information From Registry: Version: 4.6 installed with Windows 10 or later

.NET Framework 4.5或更高版本的注册表信息:版本:4.6安装了Windows 10或更高版本

Update History Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Client Profile
Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Extended
Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Multi-Targeting Pack
KB2504637 Update for (KB2504637)

更新历史Microsoft .NET Framework 4客户端配置文件KB2468871 KB2468871v2 KB2478063 KB2533523 KB2544514 KB2600211 KB2600211 KB2600217 Microsoft Framework 4 Extended KB2468871 KB2468871v2 KB2478063 2533563 KB2533523 kb2534514kb2544514kb2544514kb2542542542544514kb26002914kb260024002900290029002900kb24kb2400290029002900290029002900290024 kb240029002900290029 kb240029002900290024 kb2400290026002900290029微软框架



This class allows your application to throw out a graceful notification message rather than crash and burn if it couldn't find the proper .NET version. All you need to do is this in your main code:


static void Main(string[] args)
    if (!DotNetUtils.IsCompatible())
   . . .

By default it takes 4.5.2, but you can tweak it to your liking, the class (feel free to replace MessageBox with Console):


public class DotNetUtils
    public enum DotNetRelease

    public static bool IsCompatible(DotNetRelease req = DotNetRelease.NET452)
        DotNetRelease r = GetRelease();
        if (r < req)
            MessageBox.Show(String.Format("This this application requires {0} or greater.", req.ToString()));
            return false;
        return true;

    public static DotNetRelease GetRelease(int release = default(int))
        int r = release != default(int) ? release : GetVersion();
        if (r >= 461308) return DotNetRelease.NET471;
        if (r >= 460798) return DotNetRelease.NET47;
        if (r >= 394802) return DotNetRelease.NET462;
        if (r >= 394254) return DotNetRelease.NET461;
        if (r >= 393295) return DotNetRelease.NET46;
        if (r >= 379893) return DotNetRelease.NET452;
        if (r >= 378675) return DotNetRelease.NET451;
        if (r >= 378389) return DotNetRelease.NET45;
        return DotNetRelease.NOTFOUND;

    public static int GetVersion()
        int release = 0;
        using (RegistryKey key = RegistryKey.OpenBaseKey(RegistryHive.LocalMachine, RegistryView.Registry32)
                                            .OpenSubKey("SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\NET Framework Setup\\NDP\\v4\\Full\\"))
            release = Convert.ToInt32(key.GetValue("Release"));
        return release;

Easily extendable when they add a new version later on. I didn't bother with anything before 4.5 but you get the idea.




Update with .NET 4.6.2. Check Release value in the same registry as in previous responses:

与。net 4.6.2更新。在相同的注册表中检查发布值与以前的响应:

RegistryKey registry_key = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey(@"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v4\Full");
if (registry_key == null)
    return false;
var val = registry_key.GetValue("Release", 0);
UInt32 Release = Convert.ToUInt32(val);

if (Release >= 394806) // 4.6.2 installed on all other Windows (different than Windows 10)
                return true;
if (Release >= 394802) // 4.6.2 installed on Windows 10 or later
                return true;



I have changed Matt's class so it can be reused in any project without printing all its checks on Console and returning a simple string with correct max version installed.


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using Microsoft.Win32;

namespace MyNamespace
    public class DotNetVersion
        protected bool printVerification;

        public DotNetVersion(){
        public DotNetVersion(bool printVerification){

        public string getDotNetVersion(){
            string maxDotNetVersion = getVersionFromRegistry();
            if(String.Compare(maxDotNetVersion, "4.5") >= 0){
                string v45Plus = get45PlusFromRegistry();
                if(!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(v45Plus)) maxDotNetVersion = v45Plus;
            log("*** Maximum .NET version number found is: " + maxDotNetVersion + "***");

            return maxDotNetVersion;

        protected string get45PlusFromRegistry(){
            String dotNetVersion = "";
            const string subkey = @"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v4\Full\";
            using(RegistryKey ndpKey = RegistryKey.OpenBaseKey(RegistryHive.LocalMachine, RegistryView.Registry32).OpenSubKey(subkey)){
                if(ndpKey != null && ndpKey.GetValue("Release") != null){
                    dotNetVersion = checkFor45PlusVersion((int)ndpKey.GetValue("Release"));
                    log(".NET Framework Version: " + dotNetVersion);
                    log(".NET Framework Version 4.5 or later is not detected.");
            return dotNetVersion;

        // Checking the version using >= will enable forward compatibility.
        protected string checkFor45PlusVersion(int releaseKey){
            if(releaseKey >= 461308) return "4.7.1 or later";
            if(releaseKey >= 460798) return "4.7";
            if(releaseKey >= 394802) return "4.6.2";
            if(releaseKey >= 394254) return "4.6.1";
            if(releaseKey >= 393295) return "4.6";
            if((releaseKey >= 379893)) return "4.5.2";
            if((releaseKey >= 378675)) return "4.5.1";
            if((releaseKey >= 378389)) return "4.5";

            // This code should never execute. A non-null release key should mean
            // that 4.5 or later is installed.
            log("No 4.5 or later version detected");
            return "";

        protected string getVersionFromRegistry(){
            String maxDotNetVersion = "";
            // Opens the registry key for the .NET Framework entry.
            using(RegistryKey ndpKey = RegistryKey.OpenRemoteBaseKey(RegistryHive.LocalMachine, "")
                                            .OpenSubKey(@"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\")){
                // As an alternative, if you know the computers you will query are running .NET Framework 4.5 
                // or later, you can use:
                // using(RegistryKey ndpKey = RegistryKey.OpenBaseKey(RegistryHive.LocalMachine, 
                // RegistryView.Registry32).OpenSubKey(@"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\"))
                string[] subKeyNnames = ndpKey.GetSubKeyNames();
                foreach(string versionKeyName in subKeyNnames){
                        RegistryKey versionKey = ndpKey.OpenSubKey(versionKeyName);
                        string name =(string)versionKey.GetValue("Version", "");
                        string sp = versionKey.GetValue("SP", "").ToString();
                        string install = versionKey.GetValue("Install", "").ToString();
                        if(string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(install)){ //no install info, must be later.
                            log(versionKeyName + "  " + name);
                            if(String.Compare(maxDotNetVersion, name) < 0) maxDotNetVersion = name;
                            if(!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(sp) && "1".Equals(install)){
                                log(versionKeyName + "  " + name + "  SP" + sp);
                                if(String.Compare(maxDotNetVersion, name) < 0) maxDotNetVersion = name;


                        string[] subKeyNames = versionKey.GetSubKeyNames();
                        foreach(string subKeyName in subKeyNames){
                            RegistryKey subKey = versionKey.OpenSubKey(subKeyName);
                            name =(string)subKey.GetValue("Version", "");
                                sp = subKey.GetValue("SP", "").ToString();
                            install = subKey.GetValue("Install", "").ToString();
                                //no install info, must be later.
                                log(versionKeyName + "  " + name);
                                if(String.Compare(maxDotNetVersion, name) < 0) maxDotNetVersion = name;
                                if(!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(sp) && "1".Equals(install)){
                                    log("  " + subKeyName + "  " + name + "  SP" + sp);
                                    if(String.Compare(maxDotNetVersion, name) < 0) maxDotNetVersion = name;
                                else if("1".Equals(install)){
                                    log("  " + subKeyName + "  " + name);
                                    if(String.Compare(maxDotNetVersion, name) < 0) maxDotNetVersion = name;
                                } // if
                            } // if
                        } // for
                    } // if
                } // foreach
            } // using
            return maxDotNetVersion;

        protected void log(string message){
            if(printVerification) Console.WriteLine(message);

    } // class



I tried to combine all the answers into a single whole.




NetFrameworkUtilities.GetVersion() will return the currently available Version of the .NET Framework at this time or null if it is not present.

getversion()此时将返回. net Framework当前可用的版本,如果不存在则返回null。

This example works in .NET Framework versions 3.5+. It does not require administrator rights.

这个例子适用于。net Framework 3.5+版本。它不需要管理员权限。

I want to note that you can check the version using the operators < and > like this:

我要注意的是,您可以使用操作符 <和> 来检查版本:

if (NetFrameworkUtilities.GetVersion() < new Version(4, 5))
    MessageBox.Show("Your .NET Framework version is less than 4.5");



using System;
using System.Linq;
using Microsoft.Win32;

namespace Utilities
    public static class NetFrameworkUtilities
        public static Version GetVersion() => GetVersionHigher4() ?? GetVersionLowerOr4();

        private static Version GetVersionLowerOr4()
            var installedVersions = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey(@"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP");
            var versionNames = installedVersions?.GetSubKeyNames();

            //version names start with 'v', eg, 'v3.5' which needs to be trimmed off before conversion
            var text = versionNames?.LastOrDefault()?.Remove(0, 1);
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(text))
                return null;

            return text.Contains('.')
                ? new Version(text)
                : new Version(Convert.ToInt32(text), 0);

        private static Version GetVersionHigher4()
            using (var key = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey("SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\NET Framework Setup\\NDP\\v4\\Full\\"))
                var value = key?.GetValue("Release");
                if (value == null)
                    return null;

                // Checking the version using >= will enable forward compatibility,  
                // however you should always compile your code on newer versions of 
                // the framework to ensure your app works the same. 
                var releaseKey = Convert.ToInt32(value);
                if (releaseKey >= 461308) return new Version(4, 7, 1);
                if (releaseKey >= 460798) return new Version(4, 7);
                if (releaseKey >= 394747) return new Version(4, 6, 2);
                if (releaseKey >= 394254) return new Version(4, 6, 1);
                if (releaseKey >= 381029) return new Version(4, 6);
                if (releaseKey >= 379893) return new Version(4, 5, 2);
                if (releaseKey >= 378675) return new Version(4, 5, 1);
                if (releaseKey >= 378389) return new Version(4, 5);

                // This line should never execute. A non-null release key should mean 
                // that 4.5 or later is installed. 
                return new Version(4, 5);



Try this one:


string GetFrameWorkVersion()
        return System.Runtime.InteropServices.RuntimeEnvironment.GetSystemVersion();



Little large, but looks like it is up-to-date to Microsoft oddities:


    public static class Versions
        static Version 

        static SortedList<String,Version>

#if NET40
        public static bool VersionTry(String S, out Version V)
                V=new Version(S); 
                return true;
                return false;
        const string _NetFrameWorkKey = "SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\NET Framework Setup\\NDP";
        static void FillNetInstalled()
            if (_NETInstalled == null)
                _NETInstalled = new SortedList<String, Version>(StringComparer.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase);
                    frmks = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey(_NetFrameWorkKey);
                    names = frmks.GetSubKeyNames();
                foreach (string name in names)
                    if (name.StartsWith("v", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) && name.Length > 1)
                            f, vs;
                        vs = name.Substring(1);
                        if (vs.IndexOf('.') < 0)
                            vs += ".0";
#if NET40
                        if (Version.TryParse(vs, out v))
                        if (VersionTry(vs, out v))
                            f = String.Format("{0}.{1}", v.Major, v.Minor);
#if NET40
                            if (Version.TryParse((string)frmks.OpenSubKey(name).GetValue("Version"), out v))
                            if (VersionTry((string)frmks.OpenSubKey(name).GetValue("Version"), out v))
                                if (!_NETInstalled.ContainsKey(f) || v.CompareTo(_NETInstalled[f]) > 0)
                                    _NETInstalled[f] = v;
                            { // parse variants
                                    best = null;
                                if (_NETInstalled.ContainsKey(f))
                                    best = _NETInstalled[f];
                                    varieties = frmks.OpenSubKey(name).GetSubKeyNames();
                                foreach (string variety in varieties)
#if NET40
                                    if (Version.TryParse((string)frmks.OpenSubKey(name + '\\' + variety).GetValue("Version"), out v))
                                    if (VersionTry((string)frmks.OpenSubKey(name + '\\' + variety).GetValue("Version"), out v))
                                        if (best == null || v.CompareTo(best) > 0)
                                            _NETInstalled[f] = v;
                                            best = v;
                                        vs = f + '.' + variety;
                                        if (!_NETInstalled.ContainsKey(vs) || v.CompareTo(_NETInstalled[vs]) > 0)
                                            _NETInstalled[vs] = v;
        } // static void FillNetInstalled()

        public static Version NETInstalled
                return _NETInstalled[_NETInstalled.Keys[_NETInstalled.Count-1]];
        } // NETInstalled

        public static Version NET
                    clr = String.Format("{0}.{1}", Environment.Version.Major, Environment.Version.Minor);
                    found = _NETInstalled[_NETInstalled.Keys[_NETInstalled.Count-1]];
                    return _NETInstalled[clr];

                for (int i = _NETInstalled.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                    if (_NETInstalled.Keys[i].CompareTo(clr) < 0)
                        return found;
                        found = _NETInstalled[_NETInstalled.Keys[i]];
                return found;
        } // NET



As of version 4.5 Microsoft changed the way it stores the .NET Framework indicator in the registry. There official guidance on how to retrieve the .NET framework and the CLR versions can be found here: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/hh925568(v=vs.110).aspx


I am including modified version of their code to address the bounty question of how you determine the .NET framework for 4.5 and higher here:


using System;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Microsoft.Win32;

namespace *testing
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Dictionary<int, String> mappings = new Dictionary<int, string>();

            mappings[378389] = "4.5";
            mappings[378675] = "4.5.1 on Windows 8.1";
            mappings[378758] = "4.5.1 on Windows 8, Windows 7 SP1, and Vista";
            mappings[379893] = "4.5.2";
            mappings[393295] = "4.6 on Windows 10";
            mappings[393297] = "4.6 on Windows not 10";

            using (RegistryKey ndpKey = RegistryKey.OpenBaseKey(RegistryHive.LocalMachine, RegistryView.Registry32).OpenSubKey("SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\NET Framework Setup\\NDP\\v4\\Full\\"))
                int releaseKey = Convert.ToInt32(ndpKey.GetValue("Release"));
                if (true)
                    Console.WriteLine("Version: " + mappings[releaseKey]);
            int a = Console.Read();



This is the solution I landed on:


private static string GetDotNetVersion()
  var v4 = (string)Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey(@"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v4\Full", false)?.GetValue("Version");
  if(v4 != null)
    return v4;
  var v35 = (string)Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey(@"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v3.5", false)?.GetValue("Version");
  if(v35 != null)
    return v35;
  var v3 = (string)Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey(@"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v3.0", false)?.GetValue("Version");
  return v3 ?? "< 3";



        public static class DotNetHelper
    public static Version InstalledVersion
            string framework = null;

                using (var ndpKey =
            Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey("SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\NET Framework Setup\\NDP\\v4\\Full\\"))
                    if (ndpKey != null)
                        var releaseKey = ndpKey.GetValue("Release");
                        if (releaseKey != null)
                            framework = CheckFor45PlusVersion(Convert.ToInt32(releaseKey));
                            string[] versionNames = null;
                            using (var installedVersions =
                                Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey(@"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP"))
                                if (installedVersions != null) versionNames = installedVersions.GetSubKeyNames();

                                if (versionNames != null && versionNames.Length > 0)
                                    framework = versionNames[versionNames.Length - 1].Remove(0, 1);
                            catch (FormatException)

            catch (SecurityException)

            return framework != null ? new Version(framework) : null;

    private static string CheckFor45PlusVersion(int releaseKey)
        if (releaseKey >= 460798)
            return "4.7";
        if (releaseKey >= 394802)
            return "4.6.2";
        if (releaseKey >= 394254)
            return "4.6.1";
        if (releaseKey >= 393295)
            return "4.6";
        if (releaseKey >= 379893)
            return "4.5.2";
        if (releaseKey >= 378675)
            return "4.5.1";
        // This code should never execute. A non-null release key should mean
        // that 4.5 or later is installed.
        return releaseKey >= 378389 ? "4.5" : null;



If your machine is connected to the internet, going to smallestdotnet, downloading and executing the .NET Checker is probably the easiest way.


If you need the actual method to deterine the version look at its source on github, esp. the Constants.cs which will help you for .net 4.5 and later, where the Revision part is the relvant one:

如果您需要确定版本的实际方法,请查看github上的源代码,尤其是常量。cs,在。net 4.5和以后的版本中会对你有所帮助,其中修订部分是相关的:

                           { int.MinValue, "4.5" },
                           { 378389, "4.5" },
                           { 378675, "4.5.1" },
                           { 378758, "4.5.1" },
                           { 379893, "4.5.2" },
                           { 381029, "4.6 Preview" },
                           { 393273, "4.6 RC1" },
                           { 393292, "4.6 RC2" },
                           { 393295, "4.6" },
                           { 393297, "4.6" },
                           { 394254, "4.6.1" },
                           { 394271, "4.6.1" },
                           { 394747, "4.6.2 Preview" },
                           { 394748, "4.6.2 Preview" },
                           { 394757, "4.6.2 Preview" },
                           { 394802, "4.6.2" },
                           { 394806, "4.6.2" },