
时间:2022-05-16 00:07:58

I'm having a hard time understanding strong params. I understand it prevents mass assignment of variables you don't permit. But in Hartl's tutorial I also read that without strong params someone could change for example any user's admin status through a patch request (which I guess isn't mass assignment, because that's just one value your would change). But then how do you implement strong params for variables that:


  • Should only be allowed to be set once (when creating a new user)
  • 只允许设置一次(创建新用户时)
  • Some users should be able to change but others not
  • 一些用户应该能够改变,但其他人不能。

For example, I have:


    def user_params

Now, the ones with a dash I understand should NOT be permitted. Otherwise users could change their values through mass assignment (or otherwise).




  • An admin user (which is a specific user from the same table/controller) should be able to change these variables for all users.
  • 管理用户(来自同一个表/控制器的特定用户)应该能够为所有用户更改这些变量。
  • In the case of my app, organizations (a different table) should be able to give a user moderator rights and thus change these values for users.
  • 在我的应用程序中,组织(一个不同的表)应该能够给予用户版主权限,从而改变用户的这些值。
  • Username should only be set when a new user is created and after that should never be permitted to change. Now, by permitting username in strong_params doesn't that mean it is vulnerable to be changed through mass assignment?
  • 用户名应该只在创建新用户时设置,之后不允许更改。现在,通过允许在strong_params中使用用户名,这并不意味着它很容易通过大量分配来改变吗?

How does strong params relate to these issues?


2 个解决方案



While the simplest case is for user_params to always do the same thing and be used by all calls to update_attributes that is just the simplest case.


It is perfectly sensible to permit based on the privileges of the current user or to have different permit lists for different actions (so maybe only the permit list used in the create action permits :username).


Another pattern you could consider is an Admin namespace for those with administrative access: Admin::UsersController would allow more fields to be mutated and might expose more functionality or data that a normal user should not have access to.




I'm no expert but as far as I can figure out: When you set up strong parameters you are typically controlling what gets passed into an update_attributes/create method. So you are defining what survives within:


params[:user][ ... ]

In the case of an admin updating a user, you don't need to POST a whole user object, you can simply make a call to a particular function that will change whichever user attributes you want to change. In other words:


  { "method": "PUT", "url": "/users/" + uid },
  { "task": "make_admin" }

And in your controller:


def update
  if params[:task] == "make_admin" && user_is_authorized
    User.find(params[:id]).admin = true



While the simplest case is for user_params to always do the same thing and be used by all calls to update_attributes that is just the simplest case.


It is perfectly sensible to permit based on the privileges of the current user or to have different permit lists for different actions (so maybe only the permit list used in the create action permits :username).


Another pattern you could consider is an Admin namespace for those with administrative access: Admin::UsersController would allow more fields to be mutated and might expose more functionality or data that a normal user should not have access to.




I'm no expert but as far as I can figure out: When you set up strong parameters you are typically controlling what gets passed into an update_attributes/create method. So you are defining what survives within:


params[:user][ ... ]

In the case of an admin updating a user, you don't need to POST a whole user object, you can simply make a call to a particular function that will change whichever user attributes you want to change. In other words:


  { "method": "PUT", "url": "/users/" + uid },
  { "task": "make_admin" }

And in your controller:


def update
  if params[:task] == "make_admin" && user_is_authorized
    User.find(params[:id]).admin = true