
时间:2021-08-18 00:10:29

Let's pretend I've got a social network. I'm always showing to the user how many users are registered and have activated their profile. So, everytime a single user logs in, it goes to DB and make a:


select count(*) from users where status = 'activated'

so if 5.000 users logs in, or simply refreshes the page, it will make 5.000 requests to SQL above. I was wondering if is better to have a variable some place(that I still have no idea where to put) that everytime a user activates his profile will add 1 and then, when I want to show how many users are registered to that social network, I'll only get the value of this variable.


How can I make this? Is it really a better solution to what I've got?


5 个解决方案



You could use an indexed view, that SQL Server will automatically maintain:

您可以使用SQL Server将自动维护的索引视图:

create table dbo.users (
    ID int not null,
    Activated bit not null
create view dbo.user_status_stats (Activated,user_count)
with schemabinding
    select Activated,COUNT_BIG(*) from dbo.users group by Activated
create unique clustered index IX_user_status_stats on dbo.user_status_stats (Activated)

This just has two possible statuses, but could expand to more using a different data type. As I say, in this case, SQL Server will maintain the counts behind the scenes, so you can just query the view:

这只有两种可能的状态,但可以使用不同的数据类型扩展到更多。正如我所说,在这种情况下,SQL Server将维护幕后的计数,因此您只需查询视图:

SELECT user_count from user_status_stats with (NOEXPAND) where Activated = 1

and it won't have to query the underlying table. You need to use the WITH (NOEXPAND) hint on editions below (Enterprise/Developer).

它不必查询基础表。您需要在下面的版本(Enterprise / Developer)上使用WITH(NOEXPAND)提示。

Although as @Jim suggested, doing a COUNT(*) against an index when the index column(s) can satisfy the query criteria using equality comparisons should be pretty quick also.




As you've already guessed - it's not a great idea to calculate this value every time someone hits the site.

正如您已经猜到的那样 - 每次有人点击网站时计算这个值并不是一个好主意。

You could do as you suggest, and update a central value as users are added, although you'll have to ensure that you don't end up with two processes updating the number simultaneously.


Alternatively you could have a job which runs your SQL routinely and updates the central 'user count' value.


Alternatively #2, you could use something like MemCache to hold the calculated value for a period of time, and then when the cache expires, recalculate it again.




There's a few options you could consider:


1) like you say, maintain a global count each time a profile is activated to save the hit on the users table each time. You could just store that count in a "Stats" table and then query that value from there.


2) don't show the actual "live" count, show a count that's "pretty much up to date" - e.g. cache the count in your application and have the value expire periodically so you then requery the count less frequently. Or if you store the count in a "Stats" table per above, you could have a scheduled job that updates the count every hour, instead of every time a profile is activated.

2)不显示实际的“实时”计数,显示“几乎是最新的”计数 - 例如缓存应用程序中的计数并使值定期到期,以便您更频繁地重新查询计数。或者,如果您将计数存储在上面的“统计”表中,您可以拥有一个每小时更新计数的计划作业,而不是每次激活配置文件。

Depends whether you want to show the exact figure in real-time or whether you can live with a delay. Obviously, data volumes matter too - if you have a large database, then having a slightly out of date cached value could be worth while.

取决于您是否要实时显示确切数字或是否可以延迟生活。显然,数据量也很重要 - 如果你有一个大型数据库,那么稍微过时的缓存值可能是值得的。



From a purely SQL Server standpoint, no, you are not going to find a better way of doing this. Unless, perhaps, your social network is Facebook sized. Denormalizing your data design (such as keeping a count in a separate table) will lead to possible sources of the data getting out of sync. It doesn't have to get out of sync if it is coded properly, but it can...

从纯粹的SQL Server角度来看,不,你不会找到更好的方法来做到这一点。除非,您的社交网络可能是Facebook大小的。对数据设计进行非规范化(例如将计数保存在单独的表中)将导致数据的可能来源不同步。如果编码正确,它不必失去同步,但它可以......

Just make sure that you have an index on Status. At which point SQL will not scan the table for the count, but it will scan the index instead. The index will be much smaller (that is, more data will fit in a disk page). If you were to convert your status to an int, smallint, or tinyint you would get even more index leaves in a disk page and thus much less IO. To get your description ('activated', etc.), use a reference table. The reference table would be so small, SQL would just keep the whole thing in RAM after the first access.


Now, if you still think this is too much overhead (and it should't be) you could come up with hybrid method. You could store your count in a separate table (which SQL would keep in RAM if it is just the one record) or assuming your site is in asp.net you could create an Application variable to keep track of the count. You could increment it in Session_Start and decrement it in Session_End. But, you will have to come up with a way of making the the increment and decrement thread safe so two sessions don't try and update the value at the same time.




You can also use the Global Temporary table. You will always get fast retrieval. Even if you are setting 30 seconds ping. The Example Trigger Link1, Example Trigger Link2 will maintain such activities in this table.

您还可以使用Global Temporary表。您将始终获得快速检索。即使你设置30秒ping。示例触发器Link1,示例触发器Link2将在此表中维护此类活动。



You could use an indexed view, that SQL Server will automatically maintain:

您可以使用SQL Server将自动维护的索引视图:

create table dbo.users (
    ID int not null,
    Activated bit not null
create view dbo.user_status_stats (Activated,user_count)
with schemabinding
    select Activated,COUNT_BIG(*) from dbo.users group by Activated
create unique clustered index IX_user_status_stats on dbo.user_status_stats (Activated)

This just has two possible statuses, but could expand to more using a different data type. As I say, in this case, SQL Server will maintain the counts behind the scenes, so you can just query the view:

这只有两种可能的状态,但可以使用不同的数据类型扩展到更多。正如我所说,在这种情况下,SQL Server将维护幕后的计数,因此您只需查询视图:

SELECT user_count from user_status_stats with (NOEXPAND) where Activated = 1

and it won't have to query the underlying table. You need to use the WITH (NOEXPAND) hint on editions below (Enterprise/Developer).

它不必查询基础表。您需要在下面的版本(Enterprise / Developer)上使用WITH(NOEXPAND)提示。

Although as @Jim suggested, doing a COUNT(*) against an index when the index column(s) can satisfy the query criteria using equality comparisons should be pretty quick also.




As you've already guessed - it's not a great idea to calculate this value every time someone hits the site.

正如您已经猜到的那样 - 每次有人点击网站时计算这个值并不是一个好主意。

You could do as you suggest, and update a central value as users are added, although you'll have to ensure that you don't end up with two processes updating the number simultaneously.


Alternatively you could have a job which runs your SQL routinely and updates the central 'user count' value.


Alternatively #2, you could use something like MemCache to hold the calculated value for a period of time, and then when the cache expires, recalculate it again.




There's a few options you could consider:


1) like you say, maintain a global count each time a profile is activated to save the hit on the users table each time. You could just store that count in a "Stats" table and then query that value from there.


2) don't show the actual "live" count, show a count that's "pretty much up to date" - e.g. cache the count in your application and have the value expire periodically so you then requery the count less frequently. Or if you store the count in a "Stats" table per above, you could have a scheduled job that updates the count every hour, instead of every time a profile is activated.

2)不显示实际的“实时”计数,显示“几乎是最新的”计数 - 例如缓存应用程序中的计数并使值定期到期,以便您更频繁地重新查询计数。或者,如果您将计数存储在上面的“统计”表中,您可以拥有一个每小时更新计数的计划作业,而不是每次激活配置文件。

Depends whether you want to show the exact figure in real-time or whether you can live with a delay. Obviously, data volumes matter too - if you have a large database, then having a slightly out of date cached value could be worth while.

取决于您是否要实时显示确切数字或是否可以延迟生活。显然,数据量也很重要 - 如果你有一个大型数据库,那么稍微过时的缓存值可能是值得的。



From a purely SQL Server standpoint, no, you are not going to find a better way of doing this. Unless, perhaps, your social network is Facebook sized. Denormalizing your data design (such as keeping a count in a separate table) will lead to possible sources of the data getting out of sync. It doesn't have to get out of sync if it is coded properly, but it can...

从纯粹的SQL Server角度来看,不,你不会找到更好的方法来做到这一点。除非,您的社交网络可能是Facebook大小的。对数据设计进行非规范化(例如将计数保存在单独的表中)将导致数据的可能来源不同步。如果编码正确,它不必失去同步,但它可以......

Just make sure that you have an index on Status. At which point SQL will not scan the table for the count, but it will scan the index instead. The index will be much smaller (that is, more data will fit in a disk page). If you were to convert your status to an int, smallint, or tinyint you would get even more index leaves in a disk page and thus much less IO. To get your description ('activated', etc.), use a reference table. The reference table would be so small, SQL would just keep the whole thing in RAM after the first access.


Now, if you still think this is too much overhead (and it should't be) you could come up with hybrid method. You could store your count in a separate table (which SQL would keep in RAM if it is just the one record) or assuming your site is in asp.net you could create an Application variable to keep track of the count. You could increment it in Session_Start and decrement it in Session_End. But, you will have to come up with a way of making the the increment and decrement thread safe so two sessions don't try and update the value at the same time.




You can also use the Global Temporary table. You will always get fast retrieval. Even if you are setting 30 seconds ping. The Example Trigger Link1, Example Trigger Link2 will maintain such activities in this table.

您还可以使用Global Temporary表。您将始终获得快速检索。即使你设置30秒ping。示例触发器Link1,示例触发器Link2将在此表中维护此类活动。