用于从没有mvn / poms的maven repo下载工件的实用程序

时间:2021-01-07 23:57:03

Is there a maven client that isn't mvn (the binary included with the maven distribution) I could use to pull down an artifact from a maven repository without using a pom? I'd like to use a maven repository as the repo for our ops team to pick up builds (including snapshots of builds) but I don't want them to have to mess around with writing poms and declaring dependencies in them. Ideally, I'm looking for just a cli client that I could just pass in a repo url and coordinates and download a given artifact. Does such a thing exist or am I better off writing a one-off script for this?

是否有一个不是mvn的maven客户端(maven发行版中包含的二进制文件)我可以用来从maven存储库中下载一个工件而不使用pom?我想使用maven存储库作为我们的ops团队的repo来获取构建(包括构建的快照),但我不希望他们不得不乱写pom并在其中声明依赖。理想情况下,我正在寻找一个cli客户端,我可以通过repo url传递并协调和下载给定的工件。这样的事情是存在还是我最好为此写一个一次性的脚本?

6 个解决方案


Use Nexus. It provides a web interface that other teams can use to download artifacts. http://nexus.sonatype.org/

使用Nexus。它提供了一个Web界面,其他团队可以使用它来下载工件。 http://nexus.sonatype.org/


I see 3 easy options:


  1. Just send them a link pointing on your artifact in your repository and have them use their browser.
  2. 只需向他们发送指向您的存储库中的工件的链接,并让他们使用他们的浏览器。

  3. Install and use wget (wget http://path/to/artifact.extension).
  4. 安装并使用wget(wget http://path/to/artifact.extension)。

  5. Install and use mvn dependency:get (requires mvn but doesn't require a pom.xml, see this answer for more details).
  6. 安装并使用mvn依赖项:get(需要mvn但不需要pom.xml,请参阅此答案以获取更多详细信息)。


Use the maven embedder. More to the point, use the functionality inside the maven embedder for resolving and downloading jars. Although if you're trying to just write a simple CLI, the repository structure isn't complex and you could easily write a script that takes a maven repo url, artifact ID, group ID and version to generate the full URL to the jar.

使用maven嵌入器。更重要的是,使用maven嵌入器内部的功能来解析和下载jar。虽然如果您只是想编写一个简单的CLI,但是存储库结构并不复杂,您可以轻松编写一个脚本,该脚本接受maven repo url,工件ID,组ID和版本以生成jar的完整URL。


This is how we do it in jcabi-aether:


final File repo = this.session.getLocalRepository().getBasedir();
final Collection<Artifact> deps = new Aether(this.getProject(), repo).resolve(
  new DefaultArtifact("junit", "junit-dep", "", "jar", "4.10"),

All you need to provide to this lib is 1) a list of remote repositories, 2) location of a local repo, and 3) Maven coordinates of the artifact. The library uses Apache Aether from Sonatype.

您需要为此lib提供的只是1)远程存储库列表,2)本地存储库的位置,以及3)工件的Maven坐标。该库使用Sonatype的Apache Aether。


Well technically the repository is accessed over HTTP, so given the repository location, artifact and coordinates, it should just be possible to give your ops team a URL to the artifact that they can hit in any browser.



Think about Pax URL which lets you use plain URLs to reference maven artifacts like so:

考虑一下Pax URL,它允许您使用普通URL来引用maven工件,如下所示:


See PAX URL Website for more info (MVN Protocol Handler).

有关详细信息,请参阅PAX URL网站(MVN协议处理程序)。



Use Nexus. It provides a web interface that other teams can use to download artifacts. http://nexus.sonatype.org/

使用Nexus。它提供了一个Web界面,其他团队可以使用它来下载工件。 http://nexus.sonatype.org/


I see 3 easy options:


  1. Just send them a link pointing on your artifact in your repository and have them use their browser.
  2. 只需向他们发送指向您的存储库中的工件的链接,并让他们使用他们的浏览器。

  3. Install and use wget (wget http://path/to/artifact.extension).
  4. 安装并使用wget(wget http://path/to/artifact.extension)。

  5. Install and use mvn dependency:get (requires mvn but doesn't require a pom.xml, see this answer for more details).
  6. 安装并使用mvn依赖项:get(需要mvn但不需要pom.xml,请参阅此答案以获取更多详细信息)。


Use the maven embedder. More to the point, use the functionality inside the maven embedder for resolving and downloading jars. Although if you're trying to just write a simple CLI, the repository structure isn't complex and you could easily write a script that takes a maven repo url, artifact ID, group ID and version to generate the full URL to the jar.

使用maven嵌入器。更重要的是,使用maven嵌入器内部的功能来解析和下载jar。虽然如果您只是想编写一个简单的CLI,但是存储库结构并不复杂,您可以轻松编写一个脚本,该脚本接受maven repo url,工件ID,组ID和版本以生成jar的完整URL。


This is how we do it in jcabi-aether:


final File repo = this.session.getLocalRepository().getBasedir();
final Collection<Artifact> deps = new Aether(this.getProject(), repo).resolve(
  new DefaultArtifact("junit", "junit-dep", "", "jar", "4.10"),

All you need to provide to this lib is 1) a list of remote repositories, 2) location of a local repo, and 3) Maven coordinates of the artifact. The library uses Apache Aether from Sonatype.

您需要为此lib提供的只是1)远程存储库列表,2)本地存储库的位置,以及3)工件的Maven坐标。该库使用Sonatype的Apache Aether。


Well technically the repository is accessed over HTTP, so given the repository location, artifact and coordinates, it should just be possible to give your ops team a URL to the artifact that they can hit in any browser.



Think about Pax URL which lets you use plain URLs to reference maven artifacts like so:

考虑一下Pax URL,它允许您使用普通URL来引用maven工件,如下所示:


See PAX URL Website for more info (MVN Protocol Handler).

有关详细信息,请参阅PAX URL网站(MVN协议处理程序)。
