maven ::在多模块项目中仅运行单个测试

时间:2020-12-20 00:00:26

Is there any way to provide some command-line argument in order to skip all tests but one on some module? So I will not need to change pom.xml every time I will need to run another test?


For example, I want to create build configuration on TeamCity, and provide command-line arguments to run only single test in some module. Next time I will need to change it and run another test, and so on.


Perhaps it is not how CI is intended to be used, but still.


3 个解决方案



I assume you've read the docs about running a single test under surefire? What they don't tell you is how to do that in a sub-module:


mvn test -Dtest=testname -pl subproject

Where subproject is the project containing that test. From the mvn man page:


-pl,--projects arg Comma-delimited list of specified reactor projects to build instead of all projects. A project can be specified by [groupId]:artifactId or by its relative path.

-pl, - projects arg以逗号分隔的指定反应器项目列表,而不是所有项目。项目可以由[groupId]:artifactId或其相对路径指定。



In case the module to be tested depends on other projects, solution works by changing commands as:


mvn test -DfailIfNoTests=false -Dtest=testname -pl subproject





Other answers I see are not fully complete, for projects that depend on other sub-modules to be built. One option is to run mvn install to have the required jars to be installed into ~/.m2/..., but that option is not very "clean".

对于依赖于要构建的其他子模块的项目,我看到的其他答案并不完全。一个选项是运行mvn install以将所需的jar安装到〜/ .m2 / ...中,但该选项不是很“干净”。

Following command will build the sub-modules, and run only the test class that is specified. This is to be run at parent module level. Also, no need to specify sub-module name.


mvn test -DfailIfNoTests=false -Dtest={test_class_name} -am

As an aside, this can also be mvn clean test -Dfa...... It is my personal habit to always run clean when running tests.

顺便说一句,这也可以是mvn clean test -Dfa ......在运行测试时总是运行干净是我个人的习惯。

-am will make all the other sub-modules.
-DfailIfNoTests=false does not fail the entire process since we are not intending to run tests in other modules.
-pl option is not needed since -am is already building everything

引用.. -am将生成所有其他子模块。 -DfailIfNoTests = false并不会使整个过程失败,因为我们不打算在其他模块中运行测试。不需要-pl选项,因为-am已经构建了所有内容



I assume you've read the docs about running a single test under surefire? What they don't tell you is how to do that in a sub-module:


mvn test -Dtest=testname -pl subproject

Where subproject is the project containing that test. From the mvn man page:


-pl,--projects arg Comma-delimited list of specified reactor projects to build instead of all projects. A project can be specified by [groupId]:artifactId or by its relative path.

-pl, - projects arg以逗号分隔的指定反应器项目列表,而不是所有项目。项目可以由[groupId]:artifactId或其相对路径指定。



In case the module to be tested depends on other projects, solution works by changing commands as:


mvn test -DfailIfNoTests=false -Dtest=testname -pl subproject





Other answers I see are not fully complete, for projects that depend on other sub-modules to be built. One option is to run mvn install to have the required jars to be installed into ~/.m2/..., but that option is not very "clean".

对于依赖于要构建的其他子模块的项目,我看到的其他答案并不完全。一个选项是运行mvn install以将所需的jar安装到〜/ .m2 / ...中,但该选项不是很“干净”。

Following command will build the sub-modules, and run only the test class that is specified. This is to be run at parent module level. Also, no need to specify sub-module name.


mvn test -DfailIfNoTests=false -Dtest={test_class_name} -am

As an aside, this can also be mvn clean test -Dfa...... It is my personal habit to always run clean when running tests.

顺便说一句,这也可以是mvn clean test -Dfa ......在运行测试时总是运行干净是我个人的习惯。

-am will make all the other sub-modules.
-DfailIfNoTests=false does not fail the entire process since we are not intending to run tests in other modules.
-pl option is not needed since -am is already building everything

引用.. -am将生成所有其他子模块。 -DfailIfNoTests = false并不会使整个过程失败,因为我们不打算在其他模块中运行测试。不需要-pl选项,因为-am已经构建了所有内容