
时间:2022-06-11 23:55:52

I have created a Linux daemon (in C language) to send certain information via UDP to another computer. It requires of course the remote IP address and the port number. I store this daemon in /usr/local/bin/ and I also created a script in /etc/init.d/ to start|stop|restart the daemon.

我创建了一个Linux守护进程(用C语言),通过UDP将某些信息发送到另一台计算机。它当然需要远程IP地址和端口号。我将这个守护进程存储在/ usr / local / bin /中,我还在/etc/init.d/中创建了一个脚本来启动|停止|重启守护进程。

So far, the IP address and the port number are passed to the daemon, directly by the script. By example, the start() part of the script looks like this:


start() {
  /usr/local/bin/lvsload_udp_s 47239

So, when the remote IP and/or port number changes, I have to modify my script, instead of modifying some configuration file. It is a bad practice, I know.


What is the best way of passing the arguments to my daemon? Thanks


4 个解决方案



Why do you think command line parameters are bad?


Configuration files are additional work, since you need to parse them. And going with your example, modifying a configuration file = modifying one file. Modifying a script = modifying one file. Doesn't seem like much of a difference, when you only have a small number of arguments. You can even stick the parameters into variables at the top of the script, which makes it almost like a config file :-) Some scripts even source such "variable setting scripts" so it really looks like a configuration file.


If you can find a reason why command line parameters are bad, then there's a good chance that you'll also have an idea what to use instead. If, on the other hand, you can't even explain why the command line parameters are bad, then there's probably nothing wrong with using them...




Q: So far, the IP address and the port number are passed to the daemon, directly ... It is a bad practice, I know.


A: Why do you think it's "bad practice"????


"Good practices" include:


  • "DRY" (Don't Repeat Yourself - store data in one and only one place)

    “干”(不要重复自己 - 将数据存储在一个且只有一个地方)

  • "KISS" (Keep it Simple, Stupid)


I'd say one parameter (command line IP address) in one script (your init.d startup script) adheres to both principles pretty well :)




If you really think a configuration file is appropriate - if there's lots of complex configuration data that needs to be parsed at startup), then two appropriate places would be:

如果你真的认为配置文件是合适的 - 如果有很多复杂的配置数据需要在启动时解析,那么两个合适的位置是:

  • Store the config file in /etc (and your app in /usr/local/bin)

    将配置文件存储在/ etc中(并将您的应用程序存储在/ usr / local / bin中)

    ... or ..

    ... 要么 ..

  • Store the config file in your app's install directory (and possibly define a global environment variable to point to the install directory)




This is distro specific. On debian, for example, the convention is that /etc/init.d/foo includes a line like "source /etc/default/foo". That file contains only environment variables e.g. DAEMON_ARGS="--remote-ip=".

这是特定于发行版的。例如,在debian上,约定是/etc/init.d/foo包含类似“source / etc / default / foo”的行。该文件仅包含环境变量,例如DAEMON_ARGS = “ - 远程IP =”。

If you build a debian package using debhelper it will create this structure for you automatically. I'm sure there are similar tools for creating "standard" RPMs too.




Use environment variables:


// include stdlib for getenv

port = getenv("MY_DAEMON_PORT");
host = getenv("MY_DAEMON_HOST");

// convert port to integer...

As I recall this is somewhat conventional with processes launched from init.d.


Since you've mentioned that you're using Ubuntu, have a look at /etc/environment - see the docs. But as someone has already mentioned this is dependent on your system/distro; another way is to keep the environment variables in e.g. /etc/myDaemon.env, then source that from your init script with:

既然你已经提到过你正在使用Ubuntu,请查看/ etc / environment - 请参阅文档。但正如有人已经提到过这取决于你的系统/发行版;另一种方法是将环境变量保持在例如/etc/myDaemon.env,然后从你的init脚本中获取:

. /etc/myDaemon.env

But your case is so simple that I also don't see a problem with keeping the arguments in the script.




Why do you think command line parameters are bad?


Configuration files are additional work, since you need to parse them. And going with your example, modifying a configuration file = modifying one file. Modifying a script = modifying one file. Doesn't seem like much of a difference, when you only have a small number of arguments. You can even stick the parameters into variables at the top of the script, which makes it almost like a config file :-) Some scripts even source such "variable setting scripts" so it really looks like a configuration file.


If you can find a reason why command line parameters are bad, then there's a good chance that you'll also have an idea what to use instead. If, on the other hand, you can't even explain why the command line parameters are bad, then there's probably nothing wrong with using them...




Q: So far, the IP address and the port number are passed to the daemon, directly ... It is a bad practice, I know.


A: Why do you think it's "bad practice"????


"Good practices" include:


  • "DRY" (Don't Repeat Yourself - store data in one and only one place)

    “干”(不要重复自己 - 将数据存储在一个且只有一个地方)

  • "KISS" (Keep it Simple, Stupid)


I'd say one parameter (command line IP address) in one script (your init.d startup script) adheres to both principles pretty well :)




If you really think a configuration file is appropriate - if there's lots of complex configuration data that needs to be parsed at startup), then two appropriate places would be:

如果你真的认为配置文件是合适的 - 如果有很多复杂的配置数据需要在启动时解析,那么两个合适的位置是:

  • Store the config file in /etc (and your app in /usr/local/bin)

    将配置文件存储在/ etc中(并将您的应用程序存储在/ usr / local / bin中)

    ... or ..

    ... 要么 ..

  • Store the config file in your app's install directory (and possibly define a global environment variable to point to the install directory)




This is distro specific. On debian, for example, the convention is that /etc/init.d/foo includes a line like "source /etc/default/foo". That file contains only environment variables e.g. DAEMON_ARGS="--remote-ip=".

这是特定于发行版的。例如,在debian上,约定是/etc/init.d/foo包含类似“source / etc / default / foo”的行。该文件仅包含环境变量,例如DAEMON_ARGS = “ - 远程IP =”。

If you build a debian package using debhelper it will create this structure for you automatically. I'm sure there are similar tools for creating "standard" RPMs too.




Use environment variables:


// include stdlib for getenv

port = getenv("MY_DAEMON_PORT");
host = getenv("MY_DAEMON_HOST");

// convert port to integer...

As I recall this is somewhat conventional with processes launched from init.d.


Since you've mentioned that you're using Ubuntu, have a look at /etc/environment - see the docs. But as someone has already mentioned this is dependent on your system/distro; another way is to keep the environment variables in e.g. /etc/myDaemon.env, then source that from your init script with:

既然你已经提到过你正在使用Ubuntu,请查看/ etc / environment - 请参阅文档。但正如有人已经提到过这取决于你的系统/发行版;另一种方法是将环境变量保持在例如/etc/myDaemon.env,然后从你的init脚本中获取:

. /etc/myDaemon.env

But your case is so simple that I also don't see a problem with keeping the arguments in the script.
