是否存在与Maven JXR报告等效的Ant

时间:2022-07-31 23:55:55

I have an Ant bulid that generates various analysis reports such as checkstyle and PMD. I'd like to link to the java source code in the reports in a similar way to what can be achieved by using the JXR plugin in a Maven build.

我有一个Ant bulid,可以生成各种分析报告,例如checkstyle和PMD。我想以与在Maven构建中使用JXR插件可以实现的方式类似的方式链接到报告中的java源代码。

How can I build the source xref html using Ant?

如何使用Ant构建源xref html?

1 个解决方案



If Ant is your main build tool you can use the Maven Ant Tasks on a minimal pom.xml that only creates the JXR report.

如果Ant是您的主要构建工具,您可以在仅创建JXR报告的最小pom.xml上使用Maven Ant Tasks。



If Ant is your main build tool you can use the Maven Ant Tasks on a minimal pom.xml that only creates the JXR report.

如果Ant是您的主要构建工具,您可以在仅创建JXR报告的最小pom.xml上使用Maven Ant Tasks。