When trying to update OpenSSL - I broke (seemingly) everything surrounding Ruby and Rails on my laptop. Even after uninstalling ruby and rails through gem uninstall
and rvm remove
I am still running into this error:
在尝试更新OpenSSL时 - 我在笔记本电脑上打破了(似乎)Ruby和Rails的所有内容。即使卸载ruby和rails通过gem uninstall和rvm removeI仍然遇到此错误:
Drews-MacBook-Pro:bookstore drewwyatt$ rails server
bin/rails:3: undefined method `require_relative' for main:Object (NoMethodError)
Everything has been working fine for months until I went mucking around - the worse part is that I'm not even sure what I did to mess things up.
几个月来一切都运转正常,直到我四处乱窜 - 更糟糕的是,我甚至不确定我做了什么来搞砸了。
extra info
Drews-MacBook-Pro:bookstore drewwyatt$ ruby -v
ruby 2.0.0p247 (2013-06-27 revision 41674) [x86_64-darwin12.3.0]
Drews-MacBook-Pro:bookstore drewwyatt$ which ruby
Drews-MacBook-Pro:bookstore drewwyatt$ rails -v
bin/rails:3: undefined method `require_relative' for main:Object (NoMethodError)
Drews-MacBook-Pro:bookstore drewwyatt$ which rails
Drews-MacBook-Pro:bookstore drewwyatt$
update - installing without sudo
更新 - 没有sudo安装
Drews-MacBook-Pro:~ drewwyatt$ gem install rails
Fetching: railties-4.0.0.gem (100%)
ERROR: While executing gem ... (Errno::EACCES)
Permission denied - /Users/drewwyatt/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p247/bin/ruby_executable_hooks
Drews-MacBook-Pro:~ drewwyatt$
5 个解决方案
I fixed the problem by completely removing Rails, Ruby, and RVM altogether - then starting from scratch.
我通过完全删除Rails,Ruby和RVM来解决问题 - 然后从头开始。
I don't remember all of the commands exactly, but it was something like:
sudo gem uninstall rails
sudo rvm remove 2.0
rvm implode
sudo chown -R drewwyatt: ~/.rvm/
rm -rf ~/.rvm
\curl -L https://get.rvm.io | bash -s stable --rails
rvm use 2.0
gem install rails
This came up for me after installing rails with Rails Composer. Seems like a problem with RVM selecting the ruby version, the trick was to simply navigate out and back into the folder.
在使用Rails Composer安装rails之后,我想到了这一点。看起来像RVM选择ruby版本的问题,诀窍是简单地导航并返回到文件夹。
$ cd ..
$ cd myapp
$ cd .. $ cd myapp
I was able to resolve this problem by simply running gem install rails
我只需运行gem install rails就可以解决这个问题。
This problem occurred when I cloned a pre-existing Rails 4 app. I am using ruby-2.0.0-p317, and an RVM gemset specific to this app. I ran the initial bundle install
, but then could not run rails console
without getting the error.
当我克隆预先存在的Rails 4应用程序时发生此问题。我正在使用ruby-2.0.0-p317,以及一个特定于此应用程序的RVM gemset。我运行了初始捆绑安装,但是在没有收到错误的情况下无法运行rails console。
After running gem install rails
, which used the cached copy in my app's gemset, the problem was resolved. Don't ask my why!
运行gem install rails后,我在应用程序的gemset中使用了缓存副本,问题解决了。不要问我为什么!
Try running bundle exec rails server
instead of just rails server
尝试运行bundle exec rails服务器而不仅仅是rails服务器。
I was seeing this error because I had a conflicting version of the rails
gem installed globally.
我看到这个错误,因为我在全局安装了rails gem的冲突版本。
Prefixing commands with bundle exec
ensures that you're using gems specified by your project's Gemfile.lock
使用bundle exec的前缀命令可确保您使用项目的Gemfile.lock指定的gem。
Similar to @ncherro, I got this using ruby filename.rb. Running
与@ncherro类似,我使用ruby filename.rb得到了这个。运行
bundle exec ruby filename.rb
I fixed the problem by completely removing Rails, Ruby, and RVM altogether - then starting from scratch.
我通过完全删除Rails,Ruby和RVM来解决问题 - 然后从头开始。
I don't remember all of the commands exactly, but it was something like:
sudo gem uninstall rails
sudo rvm remove 2.0
rvm implode
sudo chown -R drewwyatt: ~/.rvm/
rm -rf ~/.rvm
\curl -L https://get.rvm.io | bash -s stable --rails
rvm use 2.0
gem install rails
This came up for me after installing rails with Rails Composer. Seems like a problem with RVM selecting the ruby version, the trick was to simply navigate out and back into the folder.
在使用Rails Composer安装rails之后,我想到了这一点。看起来像RVM选择ruby版本的问题,诀窍是简单地导航并返回到文件夹。
$ cd ..
$ cd myapp
$ cd .. $ cd myapp
I was able to resolve this problem by simply running gem install rails
我只需运行gem install rails就可以解决这个问题。
This problem occurred when I cloned a pre-existing Rails 4 app. I am using ruby-2.0.0-p317, and an RVM gemset specific to this app. I ran the initial bundle install
, but then could not run rails console
without getting the error.
当我克隆预先存在的Rails 4应用程序时发生此问题。我正在使用ruby-2.0.0-p317,以及一个特定于此应用程序的RVM gemset。我运行了初始捆绑安装,但是在没有收到错误的情况下无法运行rails console。
After running gem install rails
, which used the cached copy in my app's gemset, the problem was resolved. Don't ask my why!
运行gem install rails后,我在应用程序的gemset中使用了缓存副本,问题解决了。不要问我为什么!
Try running bundle exec rails server
instead of just rails server
尝试运行bundle exec rails服务器而不仅仅是rails服务器。
I was seeing this error because I had a conflicting version of the rails
gem installed globally.
我看到这个错误,因为我在全局安装了rails gem的冲突版本。
Prefixing commands with bundle exec
ensures that you're using gems specified by your project's Gemfile.lock
使用bundle exec的前缀命令可确保您使用项目的Gemfile.lock指定的gem。
Similar to @ncherro, I got this using ruby filename.rb. Running
与@ncherro类似,我使用ruby filename.rb得到了这个。运行
bundle exec ruby filename.rb