
时间:2021-07-09 23:53:20

I am writing a cmd script for creating self signed certificate using keytool. I wanted to check if the alias already present in keystore ,


So I need to execute the below command and store it in a variable. So that if the variable is null I can assume that alias doesnt exists,


  keytool -list -v -storepass "%KEYSTORE_PASS%" -keystore cert/seurat-keystore.jks ^| find "Alias name: 1"

I tried with


   FOR /F "tokens=* delims=" %%A IN ('keytool -list -v -storepass "%KEYSTORE_PASS%" -keystore cert/seurat-keystore.jks ^| find "Alias name: 1"') DO SET Variable=%%A
    echo %Variable%

but it displays echo off. Same I achieved in shell script using the below code,


   if [ -n  "$(keytool -list -v -storepass "${KEYSTORE_PASS}" -keystore cert/seurat-keystore.jks | grep 'Alias name: 1')" ] ; then

How can I achieve the same in cmd script ? Any help will be really appreciable !!!


2 个解决方案



Excuse me. You wrote "if the variable is null I can assume that alias doesnt exists". If the echo %variable% command show ECHO OFF, then the variable is null! I think your code is correct, but slightly change it this way:

劳驾。你写道“如果变量为null,我可以假设别名不存在”。如果echo%variable%命令显示ECHO OFF,则变量为null!我认为你的代码是正确的,但稍微改变一下:

FOR /F "tokens=* delims=" %%A IN ('keytool -list -v -storepass "%KEYSTORE_PASS%" -keystore cert/seurat-keystore.jks ^| find "Alias name: 1"') DO SET Variable=%%A
if "%Variable%" == "" (
   echo The alias doesn't exists
) else (
   echo The alias is: %Variable%

Another way is:


if not defined Variable (
   echo The alias doesn't exists
) else (
   echo The alias is: %Variable%



As I haven't got this keytool thing, I do not know what it is or does. But I replaced it with an ECHO command and it worked for me:


FOR /F "tokens=* delims=" %%A IN ('ECHO Alias name: 1 ^| find "Alias name: 1"') DO SET Variable=%%A
echo %Variable%

The output was:


Alias name: 1

And when I changed the replacement command to ECHO Alias name: 2, the output was different:


ECHO is off.

which means the variable wasn't initialised, and that was expected, because the FIND command couldn't find the specified string in the input stream this time.


Conclusion: the output of keytool probably doesn't contain the searched term when you run it, and, as a result, your variable doesn't get initialised.




Excuse me. You wrote "if the variable is null I can assume that alias doesnt exists". If the echo %variable% command show ECHO OFF, then the variable is null! I think your code is correct, but slightly change it this way:

劳驾。你写道“如果变量为null,我可以假设别名不存在”。如果echo%variable%命令显示ECHO OFF,则变量为null!我认为你的代码是正确的,但稍微改变一下:

FOR /F "tokens=* delims=" %%A IN ('keytool -list -v -storepass "%KEYSTORE_PASS%" -keystore cert/seurat-keystore.jks ^| find "Alias name: 1"') DO SET Variable=%%A
if "%Variable%" == "" (
   echo The alias doesn't exists
) else (
   echo The alias is: %Variable%

Another way is:


if not defined Variable (
   echo The alias doesn't exists
) else (
   echo The alias is: %Variable%



As I haven't got this keytool thing, I do not know what it is or does. But I replaced it with an ECHO command and it worked for me:


FOR /F "tokens=* delims=" %%A IN ('ECHO Alias name: 1 ^| find "Alias name: 1"') DO SET Variable=%%A
echo %Variable%

The output was:


Alias name: 1

And when I changed the replacement command to ECHO Alias name: 2, the output was different:


ECHO is off.

which means the variable wasn't initialised, and that was expected, because the FIND command couldn't find the specified string in the input stream this time.


Conclusion: the output of keytool probably doesn't contain the searched term when you run it, and, as a result, your variable doesn't get initialised.
