
时间:2022-06-20 23:51:03

How do I get rid of mid spaces in an environment variable?


Suppose I have the following for loop fragment that get the free disk space size of a certain disk.


for /f "tokens=3" %%i in ('dir ^| find "Dir(s)"') do set size=%%i

would result something like this


C:\>set size=129,028,096

I would like to get rid of delimeters as follows.


for /f "delims=," %%i in ('echo %size%') do set size=%%i

and resulted something like this


set size=129 028 096

How can I get it with no mid spaces or delimiters with native tools?


1 个解决方案


You can use


set size=%size: =%

afterwards which will replace all spaces with nothing.


But you can also do that with commas :)


But keep in mind that (a) the delimiter changes, it's a dot for me, not a comma. That may depend on your OS language or regional settings. And (b) you can't really do math with that value afterwards as cmd is limited to signed 32-bit math (using set /a).

但请记住(a)分隔符更改,它对我来说是一个点,而不是逗号。这可能取决于您的操作系统语言或区域设置。并且(b)之后你无法用该值进行数学运算,因为cmd仅限于带符号的32位数学运算(使用set / a)。

Your second for statement won't work properly, by the way, since it will just set size to the last digit group. That can be circumvented but I'd rather advise to use the replacing directly on commas/dots:


set size=%size:,=%
set size=%size:.=%


You can use


set size=%size: =%

afterwards which will replace all spaces with nothing.


But you can also do that with commas :)


But keep in mind that (a) the delimiter changes, it's a dot for me, not a comma. That may depend on your OS language or regional settings. And (b) you can't really do math with that value afterwards as cmd is limited to signed 32-bit math (using set /a).

但请记住(a)分隔符更改,它对我来说是一个点,而不是逗号。这可能取决于您的操作系统语言或区域设置。并且(b)之后你无法用该值进行数学运算,因为cmd仅限于带符号的32位数学运算(使用set / a)。

Your second for statement won't work properly, by the way, since it will just set size to the last digit group. That can be circumvented but I'd rather advise to use the replacing directly on commas/dots:


set size=%size:,=%
set size=%size:.=%