
时间:2021-07-17 23:46:30

I have produced a small program that uses a database created in MS Access. To learn something new, I decided to improve it by migrating the DB to SQL Server.

我已经编写了一个小程序,它使用在MS Access中创建的数据库。为了学习新的东西,我决定通过将DB迁移到SQL Server来改进它。

While working with Access DB in C#, I have used this code to check if the value exists in particular column of particular table:


//if the scanned tag already exists in the Student table...
var foundID = autoRegDataSet.Student.Select("TagID = '" + tagNo + "'");
if (foundID.Length != 0)
//do something

After changing to SQL Server, this piece of code returns "null" result, despite the fact, that the value I'm looking for DOES exists in Student table (after execution, value 4820427 should be assigned to foundID)

更改到SQL Server后,这段代码返回“null”结果,尽管事实是,我正在查找的值确实存在于Student表中(在执行后,值4820427应该分配给foundID)。

I'm totally new to SQL Server (and still quite new to programming). What is the proper way to check if the value exists in the table?

对于SQL Server来说,我是全新的(对编程来说还是很陌生的)。检查表中是否存在值的正确方法是什么?

2 个解决方案



There's a lot of unclear things in the question, but I suspect the biggest question here is whether TagID is a numeric type vs a string type. But there's also the big question of why it is going into a data-set.


But; getting back to the actual question - checking if a value exists; I would do something like (using dapper to make correct parameterization simple):


// where tagNo is a local variable...
int? id = connection.Query<int?>(
    "select Id from Student where TagID=@tagNo", new { tagNo }
if(id == null) {
    // doesn't exist
} else {
    // exists, plus you now know the id - it is: id.Value

But ultimately, if your original code worked in a DataSet, it should continue working - if it isn't, I suspect you have simply messed up the schema (maybe a column that was string is now int or similar).




How did you convert your Access DB to MSSQL ?

如何将访问数据库转换为MSSQL ?

CHeck what is the dataType of TagID, it might be integer,
then it will be useful to drop the '' quotes.


object foundID = autoRegDataSet.Student.Select("TagID = " + tagNo);

对象foundID = autoRegDataSet.Student。选择(“TagID =”+ tagNo);





There's a lot of unclear things in the question, but I suspect the biggest question here is whether TagID is a numeric type vs a string type. But there's also the big question of why it is going into a data-set.


But; getting back to the actual question - checking if a value exists; I would do something like (using dapper to make correct parameterization simple):


// where tagNo is a local variable...
int? id = connection.Query<int?>(
    "select Id from Student where TagID=@tagNo", new { tagNo }
if(id == null) {
    // doesn't exist
} else {
    // exists, plus you now know the id - it is: id.Value

But ultimately, if your original code worked in a DataSet, it should continue working - if it isn't, I suspect you have simply messed up the schema (maybe a column that was string is now int or similar).




How did you convert your Access DB to MSSQL ?

如何将访问数据库转换为MSSQL ?

CHeck what is the dataType of TagID, it might be integer,
then it will be useful to drop the '' quotes.


object foundID = autoRegDataSet.Student.Select("TagID = " + tagNo);

对象foundID = autoRegDataSet.Student。选择(“TagID =”+ tagNo);

