
时间:2023-01-15 23:43:19

When I know I won't use a branch any more is it possible to close or lock it? Actually I would like to close a branch but I don't think it is possible to close a branch with GIT. what about the delete. What happens to my history when I delete a branch?


3 个解决方案



Updated Answer


As @user3159253 stated in comments of this answer :

正如@ user3159253在这个答案的评论中所述:

git garbage-collects commits which aren't referenced, directly or indirectly, by a named reference (branch, tag, etc). That is why it is important to leave a reference to a freezed branch.

git garbage-收集未通过命名引用(分支,标记等)直接或间接引用的提交。这就是为什么留下对冻结分支的引用很重要的原因。

You can tag the tip of the branch by archiving it, and then delete the branch.


git tag archive/<branchname> <branchname>
git branch -d <branchname>
git checkout master

The branch will be deleted, and can be retrieved later by checking out the tag, and recreating the branch.


git checkout archive/<branchname>
git checkout -b new_branch_name

Or more simply :


git checkout -b new_branch_name archive/<branchname>



you can refer to git finding unmerged branches to find those branch that have been merged or not.

你可以参考git find unmerged branches找到那些已合并的分支。

If a branch has been merged into other branch, it is safe to delete it use the follwing command.


git branch -D branch_name

git branch -D branch_name



If you want to delete a branch completely, you can just delete it in all your repositories (typically local and remote). git will then clean it up next time it garbage collects.

如果要完全删除分支,可以在所有存储库(通常是本地和远程)中删除它。 git会在下次垃圾收集时将其清理干净。

See How do I delete a Git branch both locally and remotely? for instructions.




Updated Answer


As @user3159253 stated in comments of this answer :

正如@ user3159253在这个答案的评论中所述:

git garbage-collects commits which aren't referenced, directly or indirectly, by a named reference (branch, tag, etc). That is why it is important to leave a reference to a freezed branch.

git garbage-收集未通过命名引用(分支,标记等)直接或间接引用的提交。这就是为什么留下对冻结分支的引用很重要的原因。

You can tag the tip of the branch by archiving it, and then delete the branch.


git tag archive/<branchname> <branchname>
git branch -d <branchname>
git checkout master

The branch will be deleted, and can be retrieved later by checking out the tag, and recreating the branch.


git checkout archive/<branchname>
git checkout -b new_branch_name

Or more simply :


git checkout -b new_branch_name archive/<branchname>



you can refer to git finding unmerged branches to find those branch that have been merged or not.

你可以参考git find unmerged branches找到那些已合并的分支。

If a branch has been merged into other branch, it is safe to delete it use the follwing command.


git branch -D branch_name

git branch -D branch_name



If you want to delete a branch completely, you can just delete it in all your repositories (typically local and remote). git will then clean it up next time it garbage collects.

如果要完全删除分支,可以在所有存储库(通常是本地和远程)中删除它。 git会在下次垃圾收集时将其清理干净。

See How do I delete a Git branch both locally and remotely? for instructions.
