执行从最新USB udev插入设备读取的脚本

时间:2022-05-01 23:37:44

As of right now, I've got my udev setup to execute scripts when a USB flash drive is plugged in or removed, but I'm stuck trying to figure out if there is some way that I can execute a script to read a file from the most recent USB device plugged in.


I am using usbmount to automatically mount all of my flash drives, and they are mounted according to this scheme:


/dev/sdb1 15G 8.0K 15G 1% /media/usb0 /dev/sdc1 15G 8.0K 15G 1% /media/usb1 /dev/sdd1 15G 8.0K 15G 1% /media/usb2 /dev/sde1 15G 8.0K 15G 1% /media/usb3

/ dev / sdb1 15G 8.0K 15G 1%/ media / usb0 / dev / sdc1 15G 8.0K 15G 1%/ media / usb1 / dev / sdd1 15G 8.0K 15G 1%/ media / usb2 / dev / sde1 15G 8.0K 15G 1%/ media / usb3

So for example, when I plug in USB flash drive #5, it gets automounted to /media/usb4, then I would like to say execute 'cat /media/usb4/data.txt > /tmp/output.txt' and only that drive that was just plugged in. Ideally I would like this to work no matter the number assigned to /media/usbx, so that if I replug in device 2, it would execute the script just for that device and not the rest.

例如,当我插入USB闪存驱动器#5时,它会自动挂载到/ media / usb4,然后我想说执行'cat /media/usb4/data.txt> /tmp/output.txt'并且仅那个刚刚插入的驱动器。理想情况下,无论分配给/ media / usbx的编号,我都希望这个工作正常工作,这样如果我重新插入设备2,它将只为该设备执行脚本,而不是其余部分。

Any ideas of how this can be done through bash scripting preferably but open to other ideas.


Thank you for your time.


------------- EDIT

I figured out a way although it's definitely not the prettiest or maybe even the most reliable:


$ sudo tail -n2 /var/log/syslog
Oct  4 14:40:58 development usbmount[32250]: executing command: mount -tvfat -osync,noexec,nodev,noatime,nodiratime /dev/sda1 /media/usb0
Oct  4 14:40:58 development usbmount[32250]: executing command: run-parts /etc/usbmount/mount.d

OK, so now to cut that down to just the media mount point,


$ sudo tail -n2 /var/log/syslog |grep media | awk '{print $12}'

With this assuming no other errors or anything filling the last two spots on the syslog, I can execute scripts using something like:


device=`sudo tail -n2 /var/log/syslog |grep media | awk '{print $12}'`

cat $device/data.txt > /tmp/output.txt

1 个解决方案



The run-parts bit is a tip-off...you can create a file /etc/usbmount/mount.d/50_copydata


Something like this:


set -u
[[ -f "${UM_MOUNTPOINT}/data.txt" ]] && cat "${UM_MOUNTPOINT}/data.txt" > /tmp/output.txt

usbmount will set $UM_MOUNTPOINT to i.e. /media/usb0. I use set -u to make sure it only executes if $UM_MOUNTPOINT is set.

usbmount将$ UM_MOUNTPOINT设置为ie / media / usb0。我使用set -u确保它只在设置$ UM_MOUNTPOINT时才执行。

I assume you are going to filter the data - if you are only going to cat the file you might as well use cp.

我假设你要过滤数据 - 如果你只是要捕获文件,你也可以使用cp。

Remember to make the file executable:


chmod +x /etc/usbmount/mount.d/50_copydata

Unplug and re-plug your device(s) to test. Hope this helps!




The run-parts bit is a tip-off...you can create a file /etc/usbmount/mount.d/50_copydata


Something like this:


set -u
[[ -f "${UM_MOUNTPOINT}/data.txt" ]] && cat "${UM_MOUNTPOINT}/data.txt" > /tmp/output.txt

usbmount will set $UM_MOUNTPOINT to i.e. /media/usb0. I use set -u to make sure it only executes if $UM_MOUNTPOINT is set.

usbmount将$ UM_MOUNTPOINT设置为ie / media / usb0。我使用set -u确保它只在设置$ UM_MOUNTPOINT时才执行。

I assume you are going to filter the data - if you are only going to cat the file you might as well use cp.

我假设你要过滤数据 - 如果你只是要捕获文件,你也可以使用cp。

Remember to make the file executable:


chmod +x /etc/usbmount/mount.d/50_copydata

Unplug and re-plug your device(s) to test. Hope this helps!
