当插入USB HID设备时,防止usbhid自动读取

时间:2022-05-01 23:37:26

I'm trying to (reversibly) disable USB HID support on a Raspbian Jessie install, kernel version 4.4.16-v7+. We need to have the Raspberry Pi in a semi-public space and display stuff on a TV, and we'd like to make it at least somewhat hard to mess with it.

我正在尝试(可逆地)禁用对Raspbian Jessie安装的USB隐藏支持,内核版本4.16-v7+。我们需要把覆盆子派放在半公共空间里,并在电视上展示一些东西,我们希望至少让它变得有点难以处理。

So far I've managed to make the usbhid module removable from the kernel via rmmod. After rmmod'ing the module, tt seems, though, that each time I plug in a USB keyboard or mouse, the device driver gets loaded back into the Kernel.


Is there any way to prevent that?


2 个解决方案



udev is the best and easiest way doing that, add a new rule in e.g.: /etc/udev/rules.d/99-disable-usb-hid.rules:

udev是实现这一目标的最好和最简单的方法,在例如:/etc/udev/rules.d/99-disable-usb- hi. rules中添加一条新规则:

SUBSYSTEMS=="usb", DRIVERS=="usbhid", ACTION=="add", ATTR{authorized}="0"

and restart udev. I've just tested it in Debian Jessie ARM 4.4.16.

并重启udev。我刚刚在Debian Jessie arm4.16中测试过。



I can think of two options:




Blacklist the kernel module inside /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf by adding:

将内核模块列入/etc/ modprobe.d/blacklist。设计通过添加:

blacklist usbhid

Make sure that you do this as root by using sudo or logging in as root, otherwise this file is read-only.




If you have the capacity to recompile the kernel that you are using then you could set CONFIG_USB_HID=n in the kernel configuration file to disable usbhid entirely.


You could follow Raspberry Pi's kernel building steps, and once you have everything all set to build, you can modify the configuration file so that CONFIG_USB_HID=n. You could do this during a menuconfig or the way I usually do it, which is by editing the hidden .config file after running a make defconfig. See linux kernel in a nutshell for more information on configuring and building the linux kernel.

您可以遵循Raspberry Pi的内核构建步骤,一旦设置好所有要构建的东西,您就可以修改配置文件,使CONFIG_USB_HID=n。您可以在menuconfig或我通常使用的方式进行此操作,即在运行make defconfig之后编辑隐藏的.config文件。有关配置和构建linux内核的更多信息,请参阅linux内核。

Since Raspberry Pi is ARM, and I'm assuming your computer is x86, you will need to set up a cross-compiler toolchain. That information should be foud in the RasPi's kernel building steps as well.

因为Raspberry Pi是ARM,我假设你的电脑是x86,你需要建立一个交叉编译工具链。这些信息也应该包含在树莓的内核构建步骤中。

Then continue following RasPi's kernel building steps to get the kernel onto your Raspberry Pi. This should solve the problem of having usbhid showing up. It won't be baked into the kernel in the first place.




udev is the best and easiest way doing that, add a new rule in e.g.: /etc/udev/rules.d/99-disable-usb-hid.rules:

udev是实现这一目标的最好和最简单的方法,在例如:/etc/udev/rules.d/99-disable-usb- hi. rules中添加一条新规则:

SUBSYSTEMS=="usb", DRIVERS=="usbhid", ACTION=="add", ATTR{authorized}="0"

and restart udev. I've just tested it in Debian Jessie ARM 4.4.16.

并重启udev。我刚刚在Debian Jessie arm4.16中测试过。



I can think of two options:




Blacklist the kernel module inside /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf by adding:

将内核模块列入/etc/ modprobe.d/blacklist。设计通过添加:

blacklist usbhid

Make sure that you do this as root by using sudo or logging in as root, otherwise this file is read-only.




If you have the capacity to recompile the kernel that you are using then you could set CONFIG_USB_HID=n in the kernel configuration file to disable usbhid entirely.


You could follow Raspberry Pi's kernel building steps, and once you have everything all set to build, you can modify the configuration file so that CONFIG_USB_HID=n. You could do this during a menuconfig or the way I usually do it, which is by editing the hidden .config file after running a make defconfig. See linux kernel in a nutshell for more information on configuring and building the linux kernel.

您可以遵循Raspberry Pi的内核构建步骤,一旦设置好所有要构建的东西,您就可以修改配置文件,使CONFIG_USB_HID=n。您可以在menuconfig或我通常使用的方式进行此操作,即在运行make defconfig之后编辑隐藏的.config文件。有关配置和构建linux内核的更多信息,请参阅linux内核。

Since Raspberry Pi is ARM, and I'm assuming your computer is x86, you will need to set up a cross-compiler toolchain. That information should be foud in the RasPi's kernel building steps as well.

因为Raspberry Pi是ARM,我假设你的电脑是x86,你需要建立一个交叉编译工具链。这些信息也应该包含在树莓的内核构建步骤中。

Then continue following RasPi's kernel building steps to get the kernel onto your Raspberry Pi. This should solve the problem of having usbhid showing up. It won't be baked into the kernel in the first place.
