
时间:2022-10-06 23:38:30

Possible Duplicate:
constant variables not working in header


In my header file which I use to create a shared object, I have the following:


#ifndef LIB_HECA_DEF_H_
#define LIB_HECA_DEF_H_

struct dsm_config {
    int auto_unmap;
    int enable_copy_on_access;

enum { NO_AUTO_UNMAP, AUTO_UNMAP } unmap_flag;
enum { NO_ENABLE_COA, ENABLE_COA } coa_flag;

const struct dsm_config DEFAULT_DSM_CONFIG = { AUTO_UNMAP, NO_ENABLE_COA };

<more code ...>


When I compile, I get the following error:


cc -g -Wall -pthread libheca.c dsm_init.c -DDEBUG    master.c   -o master
/tmp/cciBnGer.o:(.rodata+0x0): multiple definition of `DEFAULT_DSM_CONFIG'
/tmp/cckveWVO.o:(.rodata+0x0): first defined here
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [master] Error 1

Any ideas why?


4 个解决方案



Because with every include in a implementation file file, a new instance of your struct is created (and stored in the object file).


To avoid this, just declare the struct as "extern" in the header file and initialize it in the implementation file:


// In your header file: 
extern const struct dsm_config DEFAULT_DSM_CONFIG;

// In your *.c file:
const struct dsm_config DEFAULT_DSM_CONFIG = { AUTO_UNMAP, NO_ENABLE_COA };

This will solve your problem.




In C language const objects have external linkage by default (as opposed to C++ where they have internal linkage by default). So, in your code you created multiple definitions of an object DEFAULT_DSM_CONFIG with external linkage - a clear violation of definition rules of C language.

在C语言中,const对象默认具有外部链接(与C ++相反,默认情况下它们具有内部链接)。因此,在您的代码中,您使用外部链接创建了对象DEFAULT_DSM_CONFIG的多个定义 - 明显违反了C语言的定义规则。

Either declare your object as static const (if you don't mind having multiple objects with internal linkage) or remove the definition from the header file (leave only a non-defining extern const declaration there).

将对象声明为静态const(如果你不介意有多个具有内部链接的对象)或从头文件中删除定义(在那里只留下一个非定义的extern const声明)。

Anyway, the question has been asked many times before. See constant variables not working in header or do a search.




Every c-file which includes your header file has the line


const struct dsm_config DEFAULT_DSM_CONFIG = { AUTO_UNMAP, NO_ENABLE_COA };

const struct dsm_config DEFAULT_DSM_CONFIG = {AUTO_UNMAP,NO_ENABLE_COA};

So each of these c files defines a variable dsm_config. If you want only one variable dsm_config you need to change the declaration in the header file to


extern const struct dsm_config DEFAULT_DSM_CONFIG;

extern const struct dsm_config DEFAULT_DSM_CONFIG;

and add the definition


const struct dsm_config DEFAULT_DSM_CONFIG = { AUTO_UNMAP, NO_ENABLE_COA };

const struct dsm_config DEFAULT_DSM_CONFIG = {AUTO_UNMAP,NO_ENABLE_COA};

in only one c file.


Another, not so good solution is to make change the header file to


static const struct dsm_config DEFAULT_DSM_CONFIG = { AUTO_UNMAP, NO_ENABLE_COA };

static const struct dsm_config DEFAULT_DSM_CONFIG = {AUTO_UNMAP,NO_ENABLE_COA};

Then each c-file defines it's own dsm_config which is not visible to other translation units during link time.




Each source file (.c, not .h) is compiled separately. In each of these compilations, the declaration of dsm_config with an initializer (the = { values… } portion) creates a definition of dsm_config. Thus, the whole program has multiple definitions.

每个源文件(.c,而不是.h)都是单独编译的。在每个这些编译中,使用初始化程序(= {values ...}部分)声明dsm_config会创建dsm_config的定义。因此,整个程序有多个定义。

Generally, header files should only declare objects and not define them. To do this, remove the initializer in the header file, leaving just the declaration with no initializer. In one source file, define dsm_config by repeating the declaration with the initializer.




Because with every include in a implementation file file, a new instance of your struct is created (and stored in the object file).


To avoid this, just declare the struct as "extern" in the header file and initialize it in the implementation file:


// In your header file: 
extern const struct dsm_config DEFAULT_DSM_CONFIG;

// In your *.c file:
const struct dsm_config DEFAULT_DSM_CONFIG = { AUTO_UNMAP, NO_ENABLE_COA };

This will solve your problem.




In C language const objects have external linkage by default (as opposed to C++ where they have internal linkage by default). So, in your code you created multiple definitions of an object DEFAULT_DSM_CONFIG with external linkage - a clear violation of definition rules of C language.

在C语言中,const对象默认具有外部链接(与C ++相反,默认情况下它们具有内部链接)。因此,在您的代码中,您使用外部链接创建了对象DEFAULT_DSM_CONFIG的多个定义 - 明显违反了C语言的定义规则。

Either declare your object as static const (if you don't mind having multiple objects with internal linkage) or remove the definition from the header file (leave only a non-defining extern const declaration there).

将对象声明为静态const(如果你不介意有多个具有内部链接的对象)或从头文件中删除定义(在那里只留下一个非定义的extern const声明)。

Anyway, the question has been asked many times before. See constant variables not working in header or do a search.




Every c-file which includes your header file has the line


const struct dsm_config DEFAULT_DSM_CONFIG = { AUTO_UNMAP, NO_ENABLE_COA };

const struct dsm_config DEFAULT_DSM_CONFIG = {AUTO_UNMAP,NO_ENABLE_COA};

So each of these c files defines a variable dsm_config. If you want only one variable dsm_config you need to change the declaration in the header file to


extern const struct dsm_config DEFAULT_DSM_CONFIG;

extern const struct dsm_config DEFAULT_DSM_CONFIG;

and add the definition


const struct dsm_config DEFAULT_DSM_CONFIG = { AUTO_UNMAP, NO_ENABLE_COA };

const struct dsm_config DEFAULT_DSM_CONFIG = {AUTO_UNMAP,NO_ENABLE_COA};

in only one c file.


Another, not so good solution is to make change the header file to


static const struct dsm_config DEFAULT_DSM_CONFIG = { AUTO_UNMAP, NO_ENABLE_COA };

static const struct dsm_config DEFAULT_DSM_CONFIG = {AUTO_UNMAP,NO_ENABLE_COA};

Then each c-file defines it's own dsm_config which is not visible to other translation units during link time.




Each source file (.c, not .h) is compiled separately. In each of these compilations, the declaration of dsm_config with an initializer (the = { values… } portion) creates a definition of dsm_config. Thus, the whole program has multiple definitions.

每个源文件(.c,而不是.h)都是单独编译的。在每个这些编译中,使用初始化程序(= {values ...}部分)声明dsm_config会创建dsm_config的定义。因此,整个程序有多个定义。

Generally, header files should only declare objects and not define them. To do this, remove the initializer in the header file, leaving just the declaration with no initializer. In one source file, define dsm_config by repeating the declaration with the initializer.
