
时间:2021-03-25 23:30:47

Is it possible to make a batch file which can make a persistent change to an environment variable?


For example my installer.bat script copies some files to a random location in the computer's file-system. I'd like to add that location to the PATH environment variable so that the programs can be run in the current session.


FYI - the stuff I am installing changes very frequently: I want to do a fresh install every single time I run the program. Also, I do not want to over-write other previously installed copies of the program just in case some other (older) instance is still executing.

仅供参考 - 我正在安装的东西经常变化:我想每次运行程序时都要进行全新安装。此外,我不想覆盖其他以前安装的程序副本,以防万一其他(较旧的)实例仍在执行。

I'd like to be able to do something like this:


rem install_and_run.bat

Unfortunately this does not work, because the install.bat never "returns" to the main-script. myapplication.exe is never called. Next I tried:


cmd /C install.bat

Unfortunately this does not work because it means that install.bat is run in an entirely seperate cmd.exe shell. That means none of the environment variable changes persist once the script terminates because the cmd.exe also terminates.

不幸的是,这不起作用,因为这意味着install.bat在一个完全独立的cmd.exe shell中运行。这意味着一旦脚本终止,环境变量更改都不会持续,因为cmd.exe也会终止。

There must be a way to make a batch-file which changes environment variables


Any suggestions?

3 个解决方案


In your case, what you want is


rem install_and_run.bat
call install.bat 

That is, use call to call install.bat, so that control will return to install_and_run.bat.


I think you don't understand that environment variables are per-process. Your batch file is running in an instance of cmd.exe, and that instance has an environment. When you wrote cmd /C you were creating a new instance of cmd.exe, which has its own environment. Then install.bat was making a "persistent" change to the environment of the new instance of cmd.exe.

我想你不明白环境变量是按进程的。您的批处理文件正在cmd.exe的实例中运行,并且该实例具有环境。编写cmd / C时,您正在创建cmd.exe的新实例,该实例具有自己的环境。然后install.bat正在对cmd.exe的新实例的环境进行“持久”更改。


well, you could do:


Set EnvVariableName="Some Value"

设置EnvVariableName =“一些值”

as to your calling a seperate batch file from within another batch file, I believe the call command will return


rem install_and_run.bat
call install.bat

rem install_and_run.bat调用install.bat myapplication.exe


You can't create or modify an environment variable and have it persist between console sessions from a batch script, AFAIK.


I have a VBScript script with a batch script wrapper that I use for this, but I think Jay has the correct solution for you. If you like though, I can post my code.



In your case, what you want is


rem install_and_run.bat
call install.bat 

That is, use call to call install.bat, so that control will return to install_and_run.bat.


I think you don't understand that environment variables are per-process. Your batch file is running in an instance of cmd.exe, and that instance has an environment. When you wrote cmd /C you were creating a new instance of cmd.exe, which has its own environment. Then install.bat was making a "persistent" change to the environment of the new instance of cmd.exe.

我想你不明白环境变量是按进程的。您的批处理文件正在cmd.exe的实例中运行,并且该实例具有环境。编写cmd / C时,您正在创建cmd.exe的新实例,该实例具有自己的环境。然后install.bat正在对cmd.exe的新实例的环境进行“持久”更改。


well, you could do:


Set EnvVariableName="Some Value"

设置EnvVariableName =“一些值”

as to your calling a seperate batch file from within another batch file, I believe the call command will return


rem install_and_run.bat
call install.bat

rem install_and_run.bat调用install.bat myapplication.exe


You can't create or modify an environment variable and have it persist between console sessions from a batch script, AFAIK.


I have a VBScript script with a batch script wrapper that I use for this, but I think Jay has the correct solution for you. If you like though, I can post my code.
