
时间:2022-07-14 23:23:40

I have studied generators feature and i think i got it but i would like to understand where i could apply it in my code.


I have in mind the following example i read in "Python essential reference" book:


# tail -f
 def tail(f):
  while True:
   line = f.readline() 
   if not line: 
   yield line

Do you have any other effective example where generators are the best tool for the job like tail -f?

你有没有其他有效的例子,其中发电机是最好的工具,如tail -f?

How often do you use generators feature and in which kind of functionality\part of program do you usually apply it?


4 个解决方案



I use them a lot when I implement scanners (tokenizers) or when I iterate over data containers.


Edit: here is a demo tokenizer I used for a C++ syntax highlight program:

编辑:这是我用于C ++语法高亮程序的演示标记器:

whitespace = ' \t\r\n'
operators = '~!%^&*()-+=[]{};:\'"/?.,<>\\|'

def scan(s):
    "returns a token and a state/token id"
    words = {0:'', 1:'', 2:''} # normal, operator, whitespace
    state = 2 # I pick ws as first state
    for c in s:
        if c in operators:
            if state != 1:
                yield (words[state], state)
                words[state] = ''
            state = 1
            words[state] += c
        elif c in whitespace:
            if state != 2:
                yield (words[state], state)
                words[state] = ''
            state = 2
            words[state] += c
            if state != 0:
                yield (words[state], state)
                words[state] = ''
            state = 0
            words[state] += c
    yield (words[state], state)

Usage example:

>>> it = scan('foo(); i++')
>>> it.next()
('', 2)
>>> it.next()
('foo', 0)
>>> it.next()
('();', 1)
>>> it.next()
(' ', 2)
>>> it.next()
('i', 0)
>>> it.next()
('++', 1)



Whenever your code would either generate an unlimited number of values or more generally if too much memory would be consumed by generating the whole list at first.


Or if it is likely that you don't iterate over the whole generated list (and the list is very large). I mean there is no point in generating every value first (and waiting for the generation) if it is not used.


My latest encounter with generators was when I implemented a linear recurrent sequence (LRS) like e.g. the Fibonacci sequence.




In all cases where I have algorithms that read anything, I use generators exclusively.



Layering in filtering, mapping and reduction rules is so much easier in a context of multiple generators.



def discard_blank( source ):
    for line in source:
        if len(line) == 0:
        yield line

def clean_end( source ):
    for line in source:
        yield line.rstrip()

def split_fields( source ):
    for line in source;
        yield line.split()

def convert_pos( tuple_source, position ):
    for line in tuple_source:
        yield line[:position]+int(line[position])+line[position+1:]

with open('somefile','r') as source:
    data= convert_pos( split_fields( discard_blank( clean_end( source ) ) ), 0 )
    total= 0
    for l in data:
        print l
        total += l[0]
    print total

My preference is to use many small generators so that a small change is not disruptive to the entire process chain.




In general, to separate data aquisition (which might be complicated) from consumption. In particular:


  • to concatenate results of several b-tree queries - the db part generates and executes the queries yield-ing records from each one, the consumer only sees single data items arriving.
  • 连接几个b树查询的结果 - 数据库部分生成并执行查询从每个查询生成记录,消费者只看到到达的单个数据项。

  • buffering (read-ahead ) - the generator fetches data in blocks and yields single elements from each block. Again, the consumer is separated from the gory details.
  • 缓冲(预读) - 生成器以块的形式获取数据并从每个块中生成单个元素。同样,消费者与血腥细节分开。

Generators can also work as coroutines. You can pass data into them using nextval=g.next(data) on the 'consumer' side and data = yield(nextval) on the generator side. In this case the generator and its consumer 'swap' values. You can even make yield throw an exception within the generator context: g.throw(exc) does that.

生成器也可以作为协同程序。您可以使用“consumer”侧的nextval = g.next(data)和生成器端的data = yield(nextval)将数据传递给它们。在这种情况下,生成器及其消费者'交换'值。你甚至可以让yield在生成器上下文中抛出一个异常:g.throw(exc)就是这样。



I use them a lot when I implement scanners (tokenizers) or when I iterate over data containers.


Edit: here is a demo tokenizer I used for a C++ syntax highlight program:

编辑:这是我用于C ++语法高亮程序的演示标记器:

whitespace = ' \t\r\n'
operators = '~!%^&*()-+=[]{};:\'"/?.,<>\\|'

def scan(s):
    "returns a token and a state/token id"
    words = {0:'', 1:'', 2:''} # normal, operator, whitespace
    state = 2 # I pick ws as first state
    for c in s:
        if c in operators:
            if state != 1:
                yield (words[state], state)
                words[state] = ''
            state = 1
            words[state] += c
        elif c in whitespace:
            if state != 2:
                yield (words[state], state)
                words[state] = ''
            state = 2
            words[state] += c
            if state != 0:
                yield (words[state], state)
                words[state] = ''
            state = 0
            words[state] += c
    yield (words[state], state)

Usage example:

>>> it = scan('foo(); i++')
>>> it.next()
('', 2)
>>> it.next()
('foo', 0)
>>> it.next()
('();', 1)
>>> it.next()
(' ', 2)
>>> it.next()
('i', 0)
>>> it.next()
('++', 1)



Whenever your code would either generate an unlimited number of values or more generally if too much memory would be consumed by generating the whole list at first.


Or if it is likely that you don't iterate over the whole generated list (and the list is very large). I mean there is no point in generating every value first (and waiting for the generation) if it is not used.


My latest encounter with generators was when I implemented a linear recurrent sequence (LRS) like e.g. the Fibonacci sequence.




In all cases where I have algorithms that read anything, I use generators exclusively.



Layering in filtering, mapping and reduction rules is so much easier in a context of multiple generators.



def discard_blank( source ):
    for line in source:
        if len(line) == 0:
        yield line

def clean_end( source ):
    for line in source:
        yield line.rstrip()

def split_fields( source ):
    for line in source;
        yield line.split()

def convert_pos( tuple_source, position ):
    for line in tuple_source:
        yield line[:position]+int(line[position])+line[position+1:]

with open('somefile','r') as source:
    data= convert_pos( split_fields( discard_blank( clean_end( source ) ) ), 0 )
    total= 0
    for l in data:
        print l
        total += l[0]
    print total

My preference is to use many small generators so that a small change is not disruptive to the entire process chain.




In general, to separate data aquisition (which might be complicated) from consumption. In particular:


  • to concatenate results of several b-tree queries - the db part generates and executes the queries yield-ing records from each one, the consumer only sees single data items arriving.
  • 连接几个b树查询的结果 - 数据库部分生成并执行查询从每个查询生成记录,消费者只看到到达的单个数据项。

  • buffering (read-ahead ) - the generator fetches data in blocks and yields single elements from each block. Again, the consumer is separated from the gory details.
  • 缓冲(预读) - 生成器以块的形式获取数据并从每个块中生成单个元素。同样,消费者与血腥细节分开。

Generators can also work as coroutines. You can pass data into them using nextval=g.next(data) on the 'consumer' side and data = yield(nextval) on the generator side. In this case the generator and its consumer 'swap' values. You can even make yield throw an exception within the generator context: g.throw(exc) does that.

生成器也可以作为协同程序。您可以使用“consumer”侧的nextval = g.next(data)和生成器端的data = yield(nextval)将数据传递给它们。在这种情况下,生成器及其消费者'交换'值。你甚至可以让yield在生成器上下文中抛出一个异常:g.throw(exc)就是这样。