I've now started to dabble with QT and I was wondering if there was a way to get QT creator to automatically add variables to the project file. For example, I usually use C++11 code so it would be nice if QT could put CONFIG += c++11 in the .pro file automatically when I start a new project. I looked around in the options but I can't make sense of some sections so maybe it's right in front of my face?
我现在开始涉足QT,我想知道是否有办法让QT创建者自动将变量添加到项目文件中。例如,我通常使用C ++ 11代码,因此当我开始一个新项目时,如果QT可以自动在.pro文件中放置CONFIG + = c ++ 11,这将是很好的。我在选项中四处看看,但我无法理解某些部分,所以也许它就在我面前?
1 个解决方案
You can edit the wizard files of Qt Creator. The files are in the following directory:
您可以编辑Qt Creator的向导文件。这些文件位于以下目录中:
If you look at the directory there are some folders related to different wizards. For example if you look in to the "plaincppapp/qmake" folder, there you can see a "project.pro" file which is a template pro file. You can just edit that file like:
如果查看目录,则会有一些与不同向导相关的文件夹。例如,如果您查看“plaincppapp / qmake”文件夹,则可以看到“project.pro”文件,该文件是模板专业文件。您可以编辑该文件,如:
CONFIG += console
CONFIG -= app_bundle
CONFIG -= qt
CONFIG += C++11 #added this line
SOURCES += main.cpp
Next time you create a project by that wizard, your custom pro would be created for the project.
You can edit the wizard files of Qt Creator. The files are in the following directory:
您可以编辑Qt Creator的向导文件。这些文件位于以下目录中:
If you look at the directory there are some folders related to different wizards. For example if you look in to the "plaincppapp/qmake" folder, there you can see a "project.pro" file which is a template pro file. You can just edit that file like:
如果查看目录,则会有一些与不同向导相关的文件夹。例如,如果您查看“plaincppapp / qmake”文件夹,则可以看到“project.pro”文件,该文件是模板专业文件。您可以编辑该文件,如:
CONFIG += console
CONFIG -= app_bundle
CONFIG -= qt
CONFIG += C++11 #added this line
SOURCES += main.cpp
Next time you create a project by that wizard, your custom pro would be created for the project.