
时间:2022-07-05 23:12:48

Since a couple of days, I constantly receive the same error while using MATLAB which happens at some point with dlopen. I am pretty new to MATLAB, and that is why I don't know what to do. Google doesn't seem to be helping me either. When I try to make an eigenvector, I get this:


Error using eig
LAPACK loading error:
dlopen: cannot load any more object with static TLS

I also get this while making a multiplication:


Error using  * 
BLAS loading error:
dlopen: cannot load any more object with static TLS

I did of course look for the solutions to this problem, but I don't understand too much and don't know what to do. These are threads I found:


  1. How do I use the BLAS library provided by MATLAB?
  2. 如何使用MATLAB提供的BLAS库?

Can someone help me please?


Examples of function calls demonstrating this error

>> randn(3,3)

ans =

 2.7694    0.7254   -0.2050             
-1.3499   -0.0631   -0.1241             
 3.0349    0.7147    1.4897            

>> eig(ans)

Error using eig
LAPACK loading error:
dlopen: cannot load any more object with static TLS

10 个解决方案



That's bug no 961964 of MATLAB known since R2012b (8.0). MATLAB dynamically loads some libs with static TLS (thread local storage, e.g. see gcc compiler flag -ftls-model). Loading too many such libs => no space left.

这是自R2012b(8.0)以来,MATLAB的961964的bug。MATLAB动态地用静态TLS加载一些libs(线程本地存储,例如,见gcc编译器标记-ftls-model)。加载太多这样的libs =>没有空间了。

Until now mathwork's only workaround is to load the important(!) libs first by using them early (they suggest to put "ones(10)*ones(10);" in startup.m). I better don't comment on this "solution strategy".


Since R2013b ( with Linux x86_64 my experience is: Don't use "doc" (the graphical help system)! I think this doc-utility (libxul, etc.) is using a lot of static TLS memory.

由于R2013b(和Linux x86_64,我的经验是:不要使用“doc”(图形帮助系统)!我认为这个doc-utility (libxul,等等)使用了许多静态TLS内存。

Here is an update (2013/12/31)

All the following tests were done with Fedora 20 (with glibc-2.18-11.fc20) and Matlab (R2014a Prerelease).

所有的测试都是用Fedora 20(使用glibc-2.18-11.fc20)和Matlab (R2014a Prerelease)完成的。

For more information on TLS, see Ulrich Drepper, ELF handling For Thread-Local Storage, Version 0.21, 2013, currently available at Akkadia and Redhat.

有关TLS的更多信息,请参见Ulrich Drepper,用于线程本地存储的ELF处理,版本0.21,2013,目前在Akkadia和Redhat中可用。

What happens exactly?


MATLAB dynamically (with dlopen) loads several libraries that need tls initialization. All those libs need a slot in the dtv (dynamic thread vector). Because MATLAB loads several of these libs dynamically at runtime at compile/link time the linker (at mathworks) had no chance to count the slots needed (that's the important part). Now it's the task of the dynamic lib loader to handle such a case at runtime. But this is not easy. To cite dl-open.c:


For static TLS we have to allocate the memory here and now. This includes allocating memory in the DTV. But we cannot change any DTV other than our own. So, if we cannot guarantee that there is room in the DTV we don't even try it and fail the load.


There is a compile time constant (called DTV_SURPLUS, see glibc-source/sysdeps/generic/ldsodefs.h) in the glibc's dynamic lib loader for reserving a number of additional slots for such a mess (dynamically loading libs with static TLS in a multithreading program). In the glibc-Version of Fedora 20 this value is 14.

在glibc的动态lib加载器中,有一个编译时常量(称为DTV_SURPLUS,参见glibc-source/sysdeps/generic/ldsodefs.h),用于为这种混乱(在多线程程序中动态地加载静态TLS的libs)提供一些额外的插槽。在Fedora 20的glibc版本中,这个值是14。

Here are the first libs (running MATLAB) that needed dtv slots in my case:



Yes more than 14 => too many => no slot left in the dtv. That's what the error message tries to tell us and especially mathworks.

是的,超过14 =>太多=>在dtv中没有插槽。这就是错误信息试图告诉我们的,尤其是mathworks。

For the record: In order not to violate MATLAB's license I didn't debug, decompile or disassemble any part of the binaries shipped with MATLAB. I only debugged the free and open glibc-binaries of Fedora 20 that MATLAB were using to dynamically load the libs.

对于记录:为了不违反MATLAB的许可,我没有调试、反编译或分解用MATLAB提供的二进制文件的任何部分。我只调试了Fedora 20的免费和开放的glibc-binaries,这是MATLAB用来动态加载libs的。

What can be done, to solve this problem?


There are 3 options:


(a) Rebuild MATLAB and do not dynamically load those libs (with initial-exec tls model) instead link against them (then the linker can count the required slots!)

(a)重建MATLAB,并不能动态加载这些libs(带有initial-exec tls模型),而是链接到它们(然后链接器可以计算所需的槽数!)

(b) Rebuild those libs and ensure they are NOT using the initial-exec tls model.

(b)重建这些libs并确保它们不使用initial-exec tls模型。

(c) Rebuild glibc and increase DTV_SURPLUS in glibc/sysdeps/generic/ldsodefs.h


Obviously options (a) and (b) can only be done by mathworks.


For option (c) no source of MATLAB is needed and thus can be done without mathworks.


What is the status at mathworks?


I really tried to explain this to the "MathWorks Technical Support Department". But my impression is: they don't understand me. They closed my support ticket and suggested a telephone(!) conversation in January 2014 with a technical support manager.

我真的试图向“MathWorks Technical Support Department”解释这个问题。但我的印象是:他们不了解我。他们关闭了我的支持票,并建议在2014年1月与一位技术支持经理进行电话交谈。

I'll do my very best to explain this, but to be honest: I'm not very confident.


Update (2014/01/10): Currently mathworks is trying option (b).


Update (2014/03/19): For the file you can download a newly compiled version (without static TLS) at mathworks, bug report 961964. And the other libs? No improvement there. So don't be suprised to get "dlopen: cannot load any more object with static TLS" with "doc", e.g. see bug report 1003952.

更新(2014/03/19):文件libiomp5。所以您可以在mathworks中下载一个新编译的版本(没有静态TLS), bug报告961964。和其他填词吗?没有改善。因此,不要让“dlopen:不能用静态TLS加载任何更多的对象”,比如“doc”,例如,查看bug报告1003952。



Restarting Matlab solved the problem for me.




long story short: in the directory that you start matlab from create a file startup.m with content ones(10)*ones(10);. Restart matlab and it will be taken care of.



4 has been updated on 30/01/2014. There is a zip file attached with I tested it on Mageia 4 x86_64 with Matlab R2013b. I can now use the Documentation of Matlab to open a demo without any problem.已于2014年1月30日更新。有一个带有libiomp5的zip文件。所以我用Matlab R2013b在Mageia 4 x86_64上测试了它。我现在可以使用Matlab的文档来打开一个演示,没有任何问题。



This is, as I find, an age-old problem yet unsolved by MathWorks.


Here are my two cents, which worked for me (when I wanted IT++ external libraries, with MEX).


Let the library that you found to be the cause of the problem be "", and that you know where it lies on your system.


The solution is to inform MATLAB to load the specific library at the earliest of its startup. The reason for this error is apparently due to the lack of slots for this thread local storage aka tls purpose (due to they already been filled-up).


Because the latest compilations suddenly required a new library that was not loaded earlier during its startup, MATLAB throws up this error.


Pity that MATLAB never cared to resolve this problem so long.


Fortunately, the solution is a single, very simple terminal command.


Typical steps on a linux-machine should be as follows:


  1. Open command prompt (Ctrl+Alt+T in Ubuntu)
  2. 打开命令提示符(Ctrl+Alt+T)
  3. Issue the following command

    export LD_PRELOAD=<>

    出口LD_PRELOAD = < >

e.g.: export LD_PRELOAD=/usr/local/lib/

例如:出口LD_PRELOAD = / usr /地方/ lib /

  1. Start matlab from the same terminal

    matlab &

    matlab &

Running your program now should resolve the issue, as it is for my case.


Good luck!








I had the same problem and I think I just solved it.


When installing matlab use the custom installation (I did not do this the first time). Choose to create symbolic links to matlab scripts in the predefined folder (/usr/local/bin). This did the trick for me!




I had the same problem with both Matlab 2013b and Matlab 2014a. The fix provided by mathworks for only removed the problem of LAPACK not working. However, I could not use external libraries which are using OpenMp (such as VL_FEAT): I still get the error "dlopen: cannot load any more object with static TLS."

我在Matlab 2013b和Matlab 2014a都有同样的问题。mathworks为libiomp5提供的修复。因此,只解决了LAPACK不工作的问题。但是,我不能使用使用OpenMp的外部库(如VL_FEAT):我仍然会得到“dlopen:不能用静态TLS加载任何更多对象”的错误。

The only thing which worked for me was downgrading to Matlab 2012b.

对我来说,唯一有效的是对Matlab 2012b的降级。



I came across this problem after "bar" (for bar plots) with a an array gives me just a single blue block, with no errors thrown. Reboot at first solved the problem. But after a memory error (after processing a very large file), I just cannot get past this blue block problem.


Using "hist" on a matrix input gives me the "BLAS loading error" problem and led me to this thread. The Mathwork workaround fixed the hist and bar problems.


Just wanted to bring recognition to the extent of this bug's influence.




I had the same problem and solved it by increasing my Java Heap memory. Go to Preferences > General > Java-Heap Memory, and increase the allocated memory.

我有同样的问题,通过增加Java堆内存来解决它。转到Preferences >通用> java堆内存,并增加分配的内存。



Increasing Java heap memory (to 512 mb) also worked for me on R2013b/Ubuntu 12.04. The "BLAS loading error" began when I processed an 11 GB file (with 16 GB RAM), and has not recurred after increasing java heap memory and restarting matlab.

增加Java堆内存(到512mb)也适用于R2013b/Ubuntu 12.04。当我处理一个1gb的文件(有16gb RAM)时,“BLAS加载错误”就开始了,并且在增加java堆内存和重新启动matlab之后,没有再返回。



That's bug no 961964 of MATLAB known since R2012b (8.0). MATLAB dynamically loads some libs with static TLS (thread local storage, e.g. see gcc compiler flag -ftls-model). Loading too many such libs => no space left.

这是自R2012b(8.0)以来,MATLAB的961964的bug。MATLAB动态地用静态TLS加载一些libs(线程本地存储,例如,见gcc编译器标记-ftls-model)。加载太多这样的libs =>没有空间了。

Until now mathwork's only workaround is to load the important(!) libs first by using them early (they suggest to put "ones(10)*ones(10);" in startup.m). I better don't comment on this "solution strategy".


Since R2013b ( with Linux x86_64 my experience is: Don't use "doc" (the graphical help system)! I think this doc-utility (libxul, etc.) is using a lot of static TLS memory.

由于R2013b(和Linux x86_64,我的经验是:不要使用“doc”(图形帮助系统)!我认为这个doc-utility (libxul,等等)使用了许多静态TLS内存。

Here is an update (2013/12/31)

All the following tests were done with Fedora 20 (with glibc-2.18-11.fc20) and Matlab (R2014a Prerelease).

所有的测试都是用Fedora 20(使用glibc-2.18-11.fc20)和Matlab (R2014a Prerelease)完成的。

For more information on TLS, see Ulrich Drepper, ELF handling For Thread-Local Storage, Version 0.21, 2013, currently available at Akkadia and Redhat.

有关TLS的更多信息,请参见Ulrich Drepper,用于线程本地存储的ELF处理,版本0.21,2013,目前在Akkadia和Redhat中可用。

What happens exactly?


MATLAB dynamically (with dlopen) loads several libraries that need tls initialization. All those libs need a slot in the dtv (dynamic thread vector). Because MATLAB loads several of these libs dynamically at runtime at compile/link time the linker (at mathworks) had no chance to count the slots needed (that's the important part). Now it's the task of the dynamic lib loader to handle such a case at runtime. But this is not easy. To cite dl-open.c:


For static TLS we have to allocate the memory here and now. This includes allocating memory in the DTV. But we cannot change any DTV other than our own. So, if we cannot guarantee that there is room in the DTV we don't even try it and fail the load.


There is a compile time constant (called DTV_SURPLUS, see glibc-source/sysdeps/generic/ldsodefs.h) in the glibc's dynamic lib loader for reserving a number of additional slots for such a mess (dynamically loading libs with static TLS in a multithreading program). In the glibc-Version of Fedora 20 this value is 14.

在glibc的动态lib加载器中,有一个编译时常量(称为DTV_SURPLUS,参见glibc-source/sysdeps/generic/ldsodefs.h),用于为这种混乱(在多线程程序中动态地加载静态TLS的libs)提供一些额外的插槽。在Fedora 20的glibc版本中,这个值是14。

Here are the first libs (running MATLAB) that needed dtv slots in my case:



Yes more than 14 => too many => no slot left in the dtv. That's what the error message tries to tell us and especially mathworks.

是的,超过14 =>太多=>在dtv中没有插槽。这就是错误信息试图告诉我们的,尤其是mathworks。

For the record: In order not to violate MATLAB's license I didn't debug, decompile or disassemble any part of the binaries shipped with MATLAB. I only debugged the free and open glibc-binaries of Fedora 20 that MATLAB were using to dynamically load the libs.

对于记录:为了不违反MATLAB的许可,我没有调试、反编译或分解用MATLAB提供的二进制文件的任何部分。我只调试了Fedora 20的免费和开放的glibc-binaries,这是MATLAB用来动态加载libs的。

What can be done, to solve this problem?


There are 3 options:


(a) Rebuild MATLAB and do not dynamically load those libs (with initial-exec tls model) instead link against them (then the linker can count the required slots!)

(a)重建MATLAB,并不能动态加载这些libs(带有initial-exec tls模型),而是链接到它们(然后链接器可以计算所需的槽数!)

(b) Rebuild those libs and ensure they are NOT using the initial-exec tls model.

(b)重建这些libs并确保它们不使用initial-exec tls模型。

(c) Rebuild glibc and increase DTV_SURPLUS in glibc/sysdeps/generic/ldsodefs.h


Obviously options (a) and (b) can only be done by mathworks.


For option (c) no source of MATLAB is needed and thus can be done without mathworks.


What is the status at mathworks?


I really tried to explain this to the "MathWorks Technical Support Department". But my impression is: they don't understand me. They closed my support ticket and suggested a telephone(!) conversation in January 2014 with a technical support manager.

我真的试图向“MathWorks Technical Support Department”解释这个问题。但我的印象是:他们不了解我。他们关闭了我的支持票,并建议在2014年1月与一位技术支持经理进行电话交谈。

I'll do my very best to explain this, but to be honest: I'm not very confident.


Update (2014/01/10): Currently mathworks is trying option (b).


Update (2014/03/19): For the file you can download a newly compiled version (without static TLS) at mathworks, bug report 961964. And the other libs? No improvement there. So don't be suprised to get "dlopen: cannot load any more object with static TLS" with "doc", e.g. see bug report 1003952.

更新(2014/03/19):文件libiomp5。所以您可以在mathworks中下载一个新编译的版本(没有静态TLS), bug报告961964。和其他填词吗?没有改善。因此,不要让“dlopen:不能用静态TLS加载任何更多的对象”,比如“doc”,例如,查看bug报告1003952。



Restarting Matlab solved the problem for me.




long story short: in the directory that you start matlab from create a file startup.m with content ones(10)*ones(10);. Restart matlab and it will be taken care of.



4 has been updated on 30/01/2014. There is a zip file attached with I tested it on Mageia 4 x86_64 with Matlab R2013b. I can now use the Documentation of Matlab to open a demo without any problem.已于2014年1月30日更新。有一个带有libiomp5的zip文件。所以我用Matlab R2013b在Mageia 4 x86_64上测试了它。我现在可以使用Matlab的文档来打开一个演示,没有任何问题。



This is, as I find, an age-old problem yet unsolved by MathWorks.


Here are my two cents, which worked for me (when I wanted IT++ external libraries, with MEX).


Let the library that you found to be the cause of the problem be "", and that you know where it lies on your system.


The solution is to inform MATLAB to load the specific library at the earliest of its startup. The reason for this error is apparently due to the lack of slots for this thread local storage aka tls purpose (due to they already been filled-up).


Because the latest compilations suddenly required a new library that was not loaded earlier during its startup, MATLAB throws up this error.


Pity that MATLAB never cared to resolve this problem so long.


Fortunately, the solution is a single, very simple terminal command.


Typical steps on a linux-machine should be as follows:


  1. Open command prompt (Ctrl+Alt+T in Ubuntu)
  2. 打开命令提示符(Ctrl+Alt+T)
  3. Issue the following command

    export LD_PRELOAD=<>

    出口LD_PRELOAD = < >

e.g.: export LD_PRELOAD=/usr/local/lib/

例如:出口LD_PRELOAD = / usr /地方/ lib /

  1. Start matlab from the same terminal

    matlab &

    matlab &

Running your program now should resolve the issue, as it is for my case.


Good luck!








I had the same problem and I think I just solved it.


When installing matlab use the custom installation (I did not do this the first time). Choose to create symbolic links to matlab scripts in the predefined folder (/usr/local/bin). This did the trick for me!




I had the same problem with both Matlab 2013b and Matlab 2014a. The fix provided by mathworks for only removed the problem of LAPACK not working. However, I could not use external libraries which are using OpenMp (such as VL_FEAT): I still get the error "dlopen: cannot load any more object with static TLS."

我在Matlab 2013b和Matlab 2014a都有同样的问题。mathworks为libiomp5提供的修复。因此,只解决了LAPACK不工作的问题。但是,我不能使用使用OpenMp的外部库(如VL_FEAT):我仍然会得到“dlopen:不能用静态TLS加载任何更多对象”的错误。

The only thing which worked for me was downgrading to Matlab 2012b.

对我来说,唯一有效的是对Matlab 2012b的降级。



I came across this problem after "bar" (for bar plots) with a an array gives me just a single blue block, with no errors thrown. Reboot at first solved the problem. But after a memory error (after processing a very large file), I just cannot get past this blue block problem.


Using "hist" on a matrix input gives me the "BLAS loading error" problem and led me to this thread. The Mathwork workaround fixed the hist and bar problems.


Just wanted to bring recognition to the extent of this bug's influence.




I had the same problem and solved it by increasing my Java Heap memory. Go to Preferences > General > Java-Heap Memory, and increase the allocated memory.

我有同样的问题,通过增加Java堆内存来解决它。转到Preferences >通用> java堆内存,并增加分配的内存。



Increasing Java heap memory (to 512 mb) also worked for me on R2013b/Ubuntu 12.04. The "BLAS loading error" began when I processed an 11 GB file (with 16 GB RAM), and has not recurred after increasing java heap memory and restarting matlab.

增加Java堆内存(到512mb)也适用于R2013b/Ubuntu 12.04。当我处理一个1gb的文件(有16gb RAM)时,“BLAS加载错误”就开始了,并且在增加java堆内存和重新启动matlab之后,没有再返回。