
时间:2021-02-10 23:13:45

I am trying to setting up Cake Console and Bake..So This Is My Path-

我正在尝试设置Cake Console和Bake ..这就是我的路径 -


If we talk about bin folder,there is no bin folder in my cakephp version..Please suggest me..


1 个解决方案


Cake is a PHP framework, so make sure that you can run php -v from the command prompt and get a response. If not, find out where the php executable is located. I'm not a Windows guy, so I'm not sure how to ensure running command x points to \path\to\command\x, but from a quick good, it looks like you need to add the following to your windows path environment variable: ;C:\xampp\php;

Cake是一个PHP框架,因此请确保您可以从命令提示符运行php -v并获得响应。如果没有,找出php可执行文件的位置。我不是Windows的人,所以我不确定如何确保运行命令x指向\ path \ to \ command \ x,但从快速的好处,看起来你需要将以下内容添加到你的Windows路径环境变量:; C:\ xampp \ php;

Further googling found these steps for ya


  • Right click on "My Computer" and select "properties"
  • 右键单击“我的电脑”,然后选择“属性”

  • Select the "Advanced Tab"
  • 选择“高级选项卡”

  • Click the "Environment Variables" button at the bottom
  • 单击底部的“环境变量”按钮

  • Under the "System Variables" list find the "Path" variable and click "edit"
  • 在“系统变量”列表下找到“路径”变量并单击“编辑”

  • Now add the full path of your Php directory in your server e.g. ;C:\xampp\php separated by a comma.
  • 现在在服务器中添加Php目录的完整路径,例如; C:\ xampp \ php用逗号分隔。

Credit goes to http://www.jamesfairhurst.co.uk/posts/view/baking_with_cakephp



Cake is a PHP framework, so make sure that you can run php -v from the command prompt and get a response. If not, find out where the php executable is located. I'm not a Windows guy, so I'm not sure how to ensure running command x points to \path\to\command\x, but from a quick good, it looks like you need to add the following to your windows path environment variable: ;C:\xampp\php;

Cake是一个PHP框架,因此请确保您可以从命令提示符运行php -v并获得响应。如果没有,找出php可执行文件的位置。我不是Windows的人,所以我不确定如何确保运行命令x指向\ path \ to \ command \ x,但从快速的好处,看起来你需要将以下内容添加到你的Windows路径环境变量:; C:\ xampp \ php;

Further googling found these steps for ya


  • Right click on "My Computer" and select "properties"
  • 右键单击“我的电脑”,然后选择“属性”

  • Select the "Advanced Tab"
  • 选择“高级选项卡”

  • Click the "Environment Variables" button at the bottom
  • 单击底部的“环境变量”按钮

  • Under the "System Variables" list find the "Path" variable and click "edit"
  • 在“系统变量”列表下找到“路径”变量并单击“编辑”

  • Now add the full path of your Php directory in your server e.g. ;C:\xampp\php separated by a comma.
  • 现在在服务器中添加Php目录的完整路径,例如; C:\ xampp \ php用逗号分隔。

Credit goes to http://www.jamesfairhurst.co.uk/posts/view/baking_with_cakephp
