
时间:2021-06-26 23:10:51

I'm wanting to get the full value of a char[] variable in the VC6 watch window, but it only shows a truncated version. I can copy the value from a debug memory window, but that contains mixed lines of hex and string values. Surely there is a better way??

我想在VC6监视窗口中获取char []变量的完整值,但它只显示截断的版本。我可以从调试内存窗口复制该值,但它包含十六进制和字符串值的混合行。当然有更好的方法??

6 个解决方案



For large strings, you're pretty much stuck with the memory window - the tooltip would truncate eventually.

对于大字符串,你几乎被内存窗口困住 - 工具提示最终会被截断。

Fortunately, the memory window is easy to get data from - I tend to show it in 8-byte chunks so its easy to manage, find your string data and cut&paste the lot into a blank window, then use alt+drag to select columns and delete the hex values. Then start at the bottom of the string and continually page up/delete (the newline) to build your string (I use a macro for that bit).

幸运的是,内存窗口很容易从中获取数据 - 我倾向于以8字节块显示它,因此易于管理,查找字符串数据并将批次剪切并粘贴到空白窗口中,然后使用alt + drag选择列和删除十六进制值。然后从字符串的底部开始,不断向上/删除(换行)以构建字符串(我使用该位的宏)。

I don't think there's any better way once you get long strings.




Push come to shove you can put in the watch



char bigArray[1000];



or change the index for where in the string you want to look...


Its clunky, but its worked for me in the past.




I do not have VC6 any more, so I cannot try it. I do not know if it works, but maybe you can enter



in the watch window.


The bettter solution maybe: VS2008 automatically displays the text the way you want. And there is a Express Edition for VS2008 free of change, which can, as far as I know, be used to develop commerecial applications. You can even try to continue developing with VC6, and use VS2008 for debugging only. With VS2003 it was possible. About 5 year ago I had to maintain an app which was developed with VC6. I kept using VC6 for developing, but for debugging I used VS2003.

更好的解决方案可能是:VS2008会自动以您想要的方式显示文本。 VS2008的Express版本没有任何变化,据我所知,可以用它来开发纪念应用程序。您甚至可以尝试继续使用VC6进行开发,并仅使用VS2008进行调试。使用VS2003它是可能的。大约5年前,我不得不维护一个用VC6开发的应用程序。我一直使用VC6进行开发,但是为了调试,我使用了VS2003。



The only technique i have seen is to watch the string then the string + 50, + 100 etc.

我见过的唯一技术是看字符串然后字符串+ 50,+ 100等。

Eugene Ivakhiv wrote an addin for msvc 6 that lets you display the full string in an edit box.

Eugene Ivakhiv为msvc 6编写了一个插件,可以让你在编辑框中显示完整的字符串。



There's a cute plugin for VC6 called XDebug. It adds a dialog for viewing different types of strings. It worked great for me.




Perhaps, get used to creating logfiles, and write output into the file directly, then bring up in your favorite text editor.




For large strings, you're pretty much stuck with the memory window - the tooltip would truncate eventually.

对于大字符串,你几乎被内存窗口困住 - 工具提示最终会被截断。

Fortunately, the memory window is easy to get data from - I tend to show it in 8-byte chunks so its easy to manage, find your string data and cut&paste the lot into a blank window, then use alt+drag to select columns and delete the hex values. Then start at the bottom of the string and continually page up/delete (the newline) to build your string (I use a macro for that bit).

幸运的是,内存窗口很容易从中获取数据 - 我倾向于以8字节块显示它,因此易于管理,查找字符串数据并将批次剪切并粘贴到空白窗口中,然后使用alt + drag选择列和删除十六进制值。然后从字符串的底部开始,不断向上/删除(换行)以构建字符串(我使用该位的宏)。

I don't think there's any better way once you get long strings.




Push come to shove you can put in the watch



char bigArray[1000];



or change the index for where in the string you want to look...


Its clunky, but its worked for me in the past.




I do not have VC6 any more, so I cannot try it. I do not know if it works, but maybe you can enter



in the watch window.


The bettter solution maybe: VS2008 automatically displays the text the way you want. And there is a Express Edition for VS2008 free of change, which can, as far as I know, be used to develop commerecial applications. You can even try to continue developing with VC6, and use VS2008 for debugging only. With VS2003 it was possible. About 5 year ago I had to maintain an app which was developed with VC6. I kept using VC6 for developing, but for debugging I used VS2003.

更好的解决方案可能是:VS2008会自动以您想要的方式显示文本。 VS2008的Express版本没有任何变化,据我所知,可以用它来开发纪念应用程序。您甚至可以尝试继续使用VC6进行开发,并仅使用VS2008进行调试。使用VS2003它是可能的。大约5年前,我不得不维护一个用VC6开发的应用程序。我一直使用VC6进行开发,但是为了调试,我使用了VS2003。



The only technique i have seen is to watch the string then the string + 50, + 100 etc.

我见过的唯一技术是看字符串然后字符串+ 50,+ 100等。

Eugene Ivakhiv wrote an addin for msvc 6 that lets you display the full string in an edit box.

Eugene Ivakhiv为msvc 6编写了一个插件,可以让你在编辑框中显示完整的字符串。



There's a cute plugin for VC6 called XDebug. It adds a dialog for viewing different types of strings. It worked great for me.




Perhaps, get used to creating logfiles, and write output into the file directly, then bring up in your favorite text editor.
