
时间:2021-06-06 23:06:52

I'm having a very weird issue with the command line and running Ant. I point the path variable at the location of my Ant bin directory (C:\Ant\bin) and when i go into a command window and type PATH it shows the location in it. But when I go to run Ant by typing "ant" it does nothing and states that it isn't recognized. But when I go to the run window (Windows+R) and type "ant" it runs it.

我在命令行和运行Ant时遇到了一个非常奇怪的问题。我将路径变量指向我的Ant bin目录(C:\ Ant \ bin)的位置,当我进入命令窗口并键入PATH时,它会显示其中的位置。但是当我通过键入“ant”来运行Ant时,它什么也没做,并声明它无法识别。但是当我进入运行窗口(Windows + R)并输入“ant”时,它会运行它。

I have restarted Windows twice and the problem still persists. I am running Windows Vista Ultimate with SP1 installed. I have tried "Running as Administrator" with no difference.

我已经重启Windows两次,问题仍然存在。我正在运行安装了SP1的Windows Vista Ultimate。我尝试过“以管理员身份运行”并没有区别。

Any one experience anything like this before?


3 个解决方案


Sometimes you can set a system-wide (or even just personal) Environment Variable and it'll cure it, as opposed to just setting it in your shell.


Go to the Control-panel, then System, then Advanced, and look for the button on Environment Variables. From there, you can follow your nose.


Good luck.


Ant also depends on Java to be on the path. Do you have that?


I would also check to make sure the environment variables ANT_HOME and JAVA_HOME are set up properly in the console.



Is there any chance that the command window you are trying to run Ant in is a different window to the cmd windwo where you set up and verify that its in the path? If the PATH is updated after a cmd window is already open it won't recongnise the change. Not clear if that might be your issue.

您尝试运行Ant的命令窗口是否有可能是与cmd windwo不同的窗口,您在其中设置并验证它在路径中?如果在cmd窗口已打开后更新PATH,则不会识别更改。不清楚这可能是你的问题。

If you are in the dir C:\Ant\bin and type "ant" does it recognise it?

如果你在目录C:\ Ant \ bin并输入“ant”它是否识别它?


Sometimes you can set a system-wide (or even just personal) Environment Variable and it'll cure it, as opposed to just setting it in your shell.


Go to the Control-panel, then System, then Advanced, and look for the button on Environment Variables. From there, you can follow your nose.


Good luck.


Ant also depends on Java to be on the path. Do you have that?


I would also check to make sure the environment variables ANT_HOME and JAVA_HOME are set up properly in the console.



Is there any chance that the command window you are trying to run Ant in is a different window to the cmd windwo where you set up and verify that its in the path? If the PATH is updated after a cmd window is already open it won't recongnise the change. Not clear if that might be your issue.

您尝试运行Ant的命令窗口是否有可能是与cmd windwo不同的窗口,您在其中设置并验证它在路径中?如果在cmd窗口已打开后更新PATH,则不会识别更改。不清楚这可能是你的问题。

If you are in the dir C:\Ant\bin and type "ant" does it recognise it?

如果你在目录C:\ Ant \ bin并输入“ant”它是否识别它?