
时间:2023-01-16 23:07:38

I'm trying to emulate a terminal using a C program in Linux and need my program to display a custom prompt while the program executes. Is there a way to display it using my C program? (I can always try to printf "My-prompt" every line manually, but I'm looking for a better way). Also I can't use any additional libraries other than the basic ones so GNU Readline library and editline library wouldn't work (as suggested in another thread). for example:

我正在尝试使用Linux中的C程序模拟终端,并且需要我的程序在程序执行时显示自定义提示。有没有办法使用我的C程序显示它? (我总是可以尝试手动打印每行“我的提示”,但我正在寻找更好的方法)。此外,我不能使用除基本库以外的任何其他库,因此GNU Readline库和编辑行库将无法工作(如另一个线程中所建议的)。例如:

user@mypc:~$ ./a.out

3 个解决方案



In your example, you already have got a terminal. You want to write a command-line interface with a prompt, not a terminal.


I can always try to printf "My-prompt" every line manually, but I'm looking for a better way


There’s nothing wrong with this approach. You have a loop which prints the prompt and waits for input afterwards. As Kunerd said in the comment, one line of code.


Normally, a prompt is printed to stderr rather than stdout. This has the advantage, that the prompt appears before a newline is written, as stderr is unbuffered (and in combination with piping and redirection it seems reasonable to me, that this stuff doesn’t go to the same stream as the actual output).


Also I can't use any additional libraries other than the basic ones so GNU Readline library and Editline library wouldn't work

另外我不能使用除基本库以外的任何其他库,因此GNU Readline库和Editline库不起作用

Doing this in a way strictly conforming to the C standard and not using any libraries but the standard one makes things like line editing (other than using backspace) or a command history (close to) impossible. If that’s OK for you, look for fgets etc. and keep in mind, that stdin is usually line-buffered.


POSIX specifies some additional properties of terminals, see e.g. http://pubs.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/9699919799/. Maybe curses is also of interest for you.




I believe what the OP wants is to simply have the "prompt" printed along with any program output, without having to add this manually every time. There is a way to do this, if you write a wrapper function on top of printf to do this, and call that instead of printf directly. Probably this will help: http://www.ozzu.com/cpp-tutorials/tutorial-writing-custom-printf-wrapper-function-t89166.html




Perhaps you're looking for fgets() documentation?




In your example, you already have got a terminal. You want to write a command-line interface with a prompt, not a terminal.


I can always try to printf "My-prompt" every line manually, but I'm looking for a better way


There’s nothing wrong with this approach. You have a loop which prints the prompt and waits for input afterwards. As Kunerd said in the comment, one line of code.


Normally, a prompt is printed to stderr rather than stdout. This has the advantage, that the prompt appears before a newline is written, as stderr is unbuffered (and in combination with piping and redirection it seems reasonable to me, that this stuff doesn’t go to the same stream as the actual output).


Also I can't use any additional libraries other than the basic ones so GNU Readline library and Editline library wouldn't work

另外我不能使用除基本库以外的任何其他库,因此GNU Readline库和Editline库不起作用

Doing this in a way strictly conforming to the C standard and not using any libraries but the standard one makes things like line editing (other than using backspace) or a command history (close to) impossible. If that’s OK for you, look for fgets etc. and keep in mind, that stdin is usually line-buffered.


POSIX specifies some additional properties of terminals, see e.g. http://pubs.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/9699919799/. Maybe curses is also of interest for you.




I believe what the OP wants is to simply have the "prompt" printed along with any program output, without having to add this manually every time. There is a way to do this, if you write a wrapper function on top of printf to do this, and call that instead of printf directly. Probably this will help: http://www.ozzu.com/cpp-tutorials/tutorial-writing-custom-printf-wrapper-function-t89166.html




Perhaps you're looking for fgets() documentation?
