
时间:2022-08-05 23:07:49

There are several questions on SO regarding how to create a pre-build step for qmake, I can do that with this in my .pro file:


versionTarget.target = ../VersionData/versioning.h
versionTarget.depends = FORCE
win32: versionTarget.commands = cd $$PWD; python.exe ./version_getter.py -p $$TARGET
else:  versionTarget.commands = cd $$PWD; python ./version_getter.py -p $$TARGET

PRE_TARGETDEPS += ../VersionData/versioning.h
QMAKE_EXTRA_TARGETS += versionTarget

Now, the problem is that this approach is not a build step per se but just another build target, so if I have the -j flag configured for make it runs my script in parallel with the other build jobs. This is very bad, because my script creates/updates a header file - having it change part way through the compilation is not acceptable.


So, is there anyway I can have this script executed before any compilation is ran? I know I can create another script and call the version_getter.py and qmake in sequence from that, but this is not desirable as I would have to compile from the command line rather than from within Qt Creator.



The complete .pri file that is included by every one of my sub-projects is below:


CONFIG += thread
QT += core \

versionTarget.target = ../VersionData/versioning.h
versionTarget.depends = FORCE
win32: versionTarget.commands = cd $$PWD; python.exe ./version_getter.py -p $$TARGET
else:  versionTarget.commands = cd $$PWD; python ./version_getter.py -p $$TARGET

PRE_TARGETDEPS += ../VersionData/versioning.h
QMAKE_EXTRA_TARGETS += versionTarget

DEPENDPATH += ../VersionData
INCLUDEPATH += ../VersionData
HEADERS += ../VersionData/versioning.h

UI_HEADERS_DIR = $${_PRO_FILE_PWD_}/include/Qui

!win32-msvc {
    QMAKE_CXXFLAGS += -std=c++0x

But this still results in the same parallel behaviour. I thought it may have been due to my use of ccache, but turning it off made no difference (other than being much slower of course).


2 个解决方案



Another option would be to start with the project file snippet in your original question, and also ensure that qmake is aware that versioning.h is a dependency for the other build targets in your project file —


  • Add the full path to versioning.h to your HEADERS variable.
  • 向版本控制添加完整路径。h的header变量。
  • Add the folder in which versioning.h resides to your DEPENDPATH variable.
  • 添加版本控制的文件夹。h位于所依赖路径变量。

(Caveat: if you run qmake when versioning.h doesn't exist, it will emit "WARNING: Failure to find: versioning.h" — the only workaround for that warning is to use the system() command, as I described in my other answer.)



Create test.pro containing the following:


versionTarget.target = ../versioning.h
versionTarget.depends = FORCE
versionTarget.commands = sleep 5s ; touch ../versioning.h
PRE_TARGETDEPS += ../versioning.h
QMAKE_EXTRA_TARGETS += versionTarget

SOURCES = test.c
HEADERS = ../versioning.h

Create test.c containing the following:


#include "../versioning.h"

Run qmake. It will output WARNING: Failure to find: ../versioning.h.


Run make -j9. It will run versionTarget.commands (which sleeps for 5 seconds to exaggerate any multiprocessing problems), and, after that is done, run the command to compile test.c.

运行make j9。它将运行versiontarget .命令(它休眠5秒,以夸大任何多处理问题),并且在完成之后,运行该命令来编译test.c。

(And if you examine the generated Makefile, you'll see that test.o depends on both test.c and ../versioning.h, so Make should correctly figure out that it can't run the command to compile test.c before the command to create/update ../versioning.h.)

(如果您检查生成的Makefile,您将看到这个测试。o取决于两个测试。c和. . /版本控制。h,所以Make应该正确地指出它不能运行编译测试命令。c在创建/更新./版本.h命令之前)



Use the system() qmake command — it runs when you run qmake, which happens before make runs any build commands.

使用system() qmake命令——它在运行qmake时运行,这发生在make运行任何构建命令之前。

win32: PYTHON=python.exe
else:  PYTHON=python
system(cd $$PWD; $$PYTHON ./version_getter.py -p ../VersionData/versioning.h)



Another option would be to start with the project file snippet in your original question, and also ensure that qmake is aware that versioning.h is a dependency for the other build targets in your project file —


  • Add the full path to versioning.h to your HEADERS variable.
  • 向版本控制添加完整路径。h的header变量。
  • Add the folder in which versioning.h resides to your DEPENDPATH variable.
  • 添加版本控制的文件夹。h位于所依赖路径变量。

(Caveat: if you run qmake when versioning.h doesn't exist, it will emit "WARNING: Failure to find: versioning.h" — the only workaround for that warning is to use the system() command, as I described in my other answer.)



Create test.pro containing the following:


versionTarget.target = ../versioning.h
versionTarget.depends = FORCE
versionTarget.commands = sleep 5s ; touch ../versioning.h
PRE_TARGETDEPS += ../versioning.h
QMAKE_EXTRA_TARGETS += versionTarget

SOURCES = test.c
HEADERS = ../versioning.h

Create test.c containing the following:


#include "../versioning.h"

Run qmake. It will output WARNING: Failure to find: ../versioning.h.


Run make -j9. It will run versionTarget.commands (which sleeps for 5 seconds to exaggerate any multiprocessing problems), and, after that is done, run the command to compile test.c.

运行make j9。它将运行versiontarget .命令(它休眠5秒,以夸大任何多处理问题),并且在完成之后,运行该命令来编译test.c。

(And if you examine the generated Makefile, you'll see that test.o depends on both test.c and ../versioning.h, so Make should correctly figure out that it can't run the command to compile test.c before the command to create/update ../versioning.h.)

(如果您检查生成的Makefile,您将看到这个测试。o取决于两个测试。c和. . /版本控制。h,所以Make应该正确地指出它不能运行编译测试命令。c在创建/更新./版本.h命令之前)



Use the system() qmake command — it runs when you run qmake, which happens before make runs any build commands.

使用system() qmake命令——它在运行qmake时运行,这发生在make运行任何构建命令之前。

win32: PYTHON=python.exe
else:  PYTHON=python
system(cd $$PWD; $$PYTHON ./version_getter.py -p ../VersionData/versioning.h)