
时间:2021-12-23 23:05:44

I'm creating a web app with Django. Since I'm very familiar with Apache I setup my development environment to have Django run through Apache using mod_wsgi. The only annoyance I have with this is that I have to restart Apache everytime I change my code. Is there a way around this?


2 个解决方案



mod_wsgi is great for production but I think the included server is better for development.


Anyway you should read this about automatic reloading of source code.




I feel like this is really just one of those things most people deal with. It's really not that big of a deal. I made a bash script to make this as easy as possible. I name it 'ra' (reload apache) so it's short and quick. The following works for most apache installs (on UNIX-based systems):


sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 reload

You could probably use some kind of tool to bind this to a key shortcut/foot pedeal/cron.




mod_wsgi is great for production but I think the included server is better for development.


Anyway you should read this about automatic reloading of source code.




I feel like this is really just one of those things most people deal with. It's really not that big of a deal. I made a bash script to make this as easy as possible. I name it 'ra' (reload apache) so it's short and quick. The following works for most apache installs (on UNIX-based systems):


sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 reload

You could probably use some kind of tool to bind this to a key shortcut/foot pedeal/cron.
