
时间:2021-10-01 23:07:07

In my previous post i ask how to create variables from an array ( PHP Variables made with foreach ) i got several answers and i was testing extract() but i have seen several against it for security reasons.


Now my question here is how can i use extract in a secure way from a $_POST that has an array that was made using jquery serialized.

现在我的问题是如何以安全的方式从$ _POST中使用提取,该$ _POST具有使用jquery序列化生成的数组。

With secure i mean that if a user inputs the wrong data, the secure way can take care of that with no problems.


THe PHP Site has a small warning in the extract command the says the following:


Do not use extract() on untrusted data, like user input (i.e. $_GET, $_FILES, etc.). If you do, for example if you want to run old code that relies on register_globals temporarily, make sure you use one of the non-overwriting extract_type values such as EXTR_SKIP and be aware that you should extract in the same order that's defined in variables_order within the php.ini.

不要对不受信任的数据使用extract(),例如用户输入(即$ _GET,$ _FILES等)。如果您这样做,例如,如果您想要运行暂时依赖于register_globals的旧代码,请确保使用其中一个非重写的extract_type值,例如EXTR_SKIP,并注意您应该以与variables_order中定义的顺序相同的顺序提取php.ini。

It warns about the use but does not provide an example at least of how to solve the user of extract in a secure way.


6 个解决方案



The best option is to not use extract() at all. It's a bad design decision from the days when PHP was the equivalent of wet toilet paper for writing secure code.


It may be painful, but it is far better to write out a long sequence of:


$var1 = $_POST['var1'];
$var2 = $_POST['var2'];

or simply use $_POST['var1'] and company everywhere in your code.

或者只是在代码中的任何地方使用$ _POST ['var1']和公司。

As soon as you start using extract, you're giving malicious users a potential way into your code, no matter how much time/effort you put into it. You don't drill a hole through a bank vault door because it's too annoying to have to open the door each time to let some money out. Once there's a hole, it will be exploited.




Don't use extract(), just use foreach() on POST/GET to create your own array/object. extract() will be nightmare to debug once your code starts getting bigger.

不要使用extract(),只需在POST / GET上使用foreach()来创建自己的数组/对象。一旦你的代码开始变大,extract()将成为调试的噩梦。



This is secure enough as long as you use a prefix that doesn't exist in other variables:


extract($_POST, EXTR_PREFIX_ALL, 'unique_prefix');

The reason why extract might be dangerous is the same as using register_globals.




There is nothing wrong with extract if you only use it for partial extraction of known input variables. It's not the nicest syntax but doable with:


        array_flip(array("var1", "var2", "var3", "var4"))));

This cuts down on the possible $_POST variables and will not extract unexpected stuff. The general benefit is that you can still apply some filter function using array_map for example. In some settings it reduces code clutter in comparison to individual variable copying.

这减少了可能的$ _POST变量,并且不会提取意外的东西。一般的好处是你仍然可以使用array_map来应用一些过滤函数。在某些设置中,与单个变量复制相比,它减少了代码混乱。



What's about use a simple foreach instead extract():


foreach($_POST as $k => $v) $$k = $v;

So you can deal adding some security code on the $$k = $v; part.

所以你可以在$$ k = $ v上添加一些安全代码;部分。



Its dangerous to use extract in global scope and for _REQUEST, _GET, _POST, _COOKIE.


However if you allow only the variables you are going to use by use of a filtering mechanism and unset everything that comes from outside, you can use extract.


For example, if you are directly feeding _REQUEST, _GET, _POST, _COOKIE into a function which will do the extract() inside and let out only the ones you define in return(), then you are safe too. Because whatever else is extracted - including variables from malicious attempts - will remain inside the function scope and wont be able to do anything.

例如,如果您直接将_REQUEST,_GET,_POST,_COOKIE提供给一个函数,该函数将在内部执行extract()并且只释放您在return()中定义的函数,那么您也是安全的。因为提取的任何其他东西 - 包括来自恶意企图的变量 - 将保留在功能范围内并且不能做任何事情。

So, extract() respects scope - anything you extract inside a function stays inside that function, anything you extract inside a class method stays in the scope of that class method and does not get out anywhere without you letting them.

因此,extract()尊重范围 - 您在函数内提取的任何内容都保留在该函数内部,您在类方法中提取的任何内容都保留在该类方法的范围内,并且在没有您放弃它的情况下不会离开任何地方。

Which means in global scope and in function/object scope you can safely use extract for trusted data.


Assuming that $args is an associative array :

假设$ args是一个关联数组:

function funny($args)

  // Hereon you can use the variables normally and they will stay in function scope


Your variables will stay inside the scope of the function.


Same for a class method :


class berserker
     public function funny($args)

       // Hereon you can use the variables normally and they will stay in method scope





The best option is to not use extract() at all. It's a bad design decision from the days when PHP was the equivalent of wet toilet paper for writing secure code.


It may be painful, but it is far better to write out a long sequence of:


$var1 = $_POST['var1'];
$var2 = $_POST['var2'];

or simply use $_POST['var1'] and company everywhere in your code.

或者只是在代码中的任何地方使用$ _POST ['var1']和公司。

As soon as you start using extract, you're giving malicious users a potential way into your code, no matter how much time/effort you put into it. You don't drill a hole through a bank vault door because it's too annoying to have to open the door each time to let some money out. Once there's a hole, it will be exploited.




Don't use extract(), just use foreach() on POST/GET to create your own array/object. extract() will be nightmare to debug once your code starts getting bigger.

不要使用extract(),只需在POST / GET上使用foreach()来创建自己的数组/对象。一旦你的代码开始变大,extract()将成为调试的噩梦。



This is secure enough as long as you use a prefix that doesn't exist in other variables:


extract($_POST, EXTR_PREFIX_ALL, 'unique_prefix');

The reason why extract might be dangerous is the same as using register_globals.




There is nothing wrong with extract if you only use it for partial extraction of known input variables. It's not the nicest syntax but doable with:


        array_flip(array("var1", "var2", "var3", "var4"))));

This cuts down on the possible $_POST variables and will not extract unexpected stuff. The general benefit is that you can still apply some filter function using array_map for example. In some settings it reduces code clutter in comparison to individual variable copying.

这减少了可能的$ _POST变量,并且不会提取意外的东西。一般的好处是你仍然可以使用array_map来应用一些过滤函数。在某些设置中,与单个变量复制相比,它减少了代码混乱。



What's about use a simple foreach instead extract():


foreach($_POST as $k => $v) $$k = $v;

So you can deal adding some security code on the $$k = $v; part.

所以你可以在$$ k = $ v上添加一些安全代码;部分。



Its dangerous to use extract in global scope and for _REQUEST, _GET, _POST, _COOKIE.


However if you allow only the variables you are going to use by use of a filtering mechanism and unset everything that comes from outside, you can use extract.


For example, if you are directly feeding _REQUEST, _GET, _POST, _COOKIE into a function which will do the extract() inside and let out only the ones you define in return(), then you are safe too. Because whatever else is extracted - including variables from malicious attempts - will remain inside the function scope and wont be able to do anything.

例如,如果您直接将_REQUEST,_GET,_POST,_COOKIE提供给一个函数,该函数将在内部执行extract()并且只释放您在return()中定义的函数,那么您也是安全的。因为提取的任何其他东西 - 包括来自恶意企图的变量 - 将保留在功能范围内并且不能做任何事情。

So, extract() respects scope - anything you extract inside a function stays inside that function, anything you extract inside a class method stays in the scope of that class method and does not get out anywhere without you letting them.

因此,extract()尊重范围 - 您在函数内提取的任何内容都保留在该函数内部,您在类方法中提取的任何内容都保留在该类方法的范围内,并且在没有您放弃它的情况下不会离开任何地方。

Which means in global scope and in function/object scope you can safely use extract for trusted data.


Assuming that $args is an associative array :

假设$ args是一个关联数组:

function funny($args)

  // Hereon you can use the variables normally and they will stay in function scope


Your variables will stay inside the scope of the function.


Same for a class method :


class berserker
     public function funny($args)

       // Hereon you can use the variables normally and they will stay in method scope

