
时间:2021-04-04 22:57:46

I have used coffeescript for a while. Now I need to write a npm package, can I write it in coffeescript, or I should compile coffeescript into javascript?


5 个解决方案



I'm going to suggest that you write your package in coffeescript, but only publish it in javascript. I do it like this:


  • coffeescript code goes in src
  • coffeescript代码在src中
  • code is compiled to lib
  • 代码编译为lib
  • src is committed to my git repo, lib is in my .gitignore
  • src对我的git repo负责,lib在我的.gitignore
  • lib is published to npm, src is in my .npmignore
  • lib被发布到npm, src在我的。npmignore中
  • the coffee-script package is in my devDependencies
  • 咖啡脚本包在我的开发依赖项中

You can take a look at a simple package of mine, refix, for inspiration:




You can write NPM modules in coffeescript, but in order for them to be usable by JS users they must be compiled to JS before you publish on NPM.


package.json makes this easy with their prepublish script hook which runs the specified script before you publish. Heres an example of a prepublish NPM hook in zombie.js

包中。json使用它们的预发布脚本挂钩使这变得很容易,该脚本在发布之前运行指定的脚本。这里有一个在zombi .js中预先发布NPM钩子的例子


https://github.com/assaf/zombie/blob/master/package.json L16



I have written npm packages in CoffeeScript from scratch. I encourage you to use CoffeScript for node as well as for the Browser. However, before you can use or publish your module, you have to compile the source CoffeeScript to JavaScript. That should not hold you back from using CoffeeScript, though.


Tip: While developing, use coffee -cw yourfile.coffee (command line) to watch the file for changes and compile on save.




While I'm not sure if it's the best approach, technically it is possible to write your package mostly in CoffeeScript.


Basically, you can write a JS file that simply wraps the coffee command, like so:



bin / howl.coffee

console.log 'Awwwooooo!'


bin / howl.js

#!/usr/bin/env node

var path    = require('path');
var exec    = require('child_process').exec;
var coffee  = path.resolve(__dirname, '../node_modules/coffee-script/bin/coffee');
var howl    = path.resolve(__dirname, './howl.coffee');
var command = coffee + ' ' + howl;

exec(command, function(error, stdout) {
  if (error) { throw error };

Running node howl.js (or simply howl when it's installed globally) will now output Awwooooo!. You can do things like require other CoffeeScript files and access arguments by passing them from the JavaScript "wrapper" to the CoffeeScript.


Anyway, there may be reasons not to do this, but it has worked for me so far so figured I'd submit this for an additional perspective.


For a simple example project using this technique, check out https://www.github.com/joshuabc/packdown.




If a lot of your modules have coffee-script in their devDependencies, it's useful to just globally install coffee-script instead of install it for each module (which takes much longer).


coffee-build is a global version manager for coffee-script.


Just add these 2 scripts to your package.json:


  "name": "my-coffee-module",
  "scripts": {
    "build": "coffee-build -v 1.11.x -b -o js src",
    "postinstall": "npm run build"

Notice how -v 1.11.x is not an exact version, which allows implicit upgrades.

注意- v 1.11。x不是一个确切的版本,它允许隐式升级。

The only downfall is that users must npm install -g coffee-build before they can install your module.

唯一的缺点是用户必须在安装模块之前安装-g coffee-build。



I'm going to suggest that you write your package in coffeescript, but only publish it in javascript. I do it like this:


  • coffeescript code goes in src
  • coffeescript代码在src中
  • code is compiled to lib
  • 代码编译为lib
  • src is committed to my git repo, lib is in my .gitignore
  • src对我的git repo负责,lib在我的.gitignore
  • lib is published to npm, src is in my .npmignore
  • lib被发布到npm, src在我的。npmignore中
  • the coffee-script package is in my devDependencies
  • 咖啡脚本包在我的开发依赖项中

You can take a look at a simple package of mine, refix, for inspiration:




You can write NPM modules in coffeescript, but in order for them to be usable by JS users they must be compiled to JS before you publish on NPM.


package.json makes this easy with their prepublish script hook which runs the specified script before you publish. Heres an example of a prepublish NPM hook in zombie.js

包中。json使用它们的预发布脚本挂钩使这变得很容易,该脚本在发布之前运行指定的脚本。这里有一个在zombi .js中预先发布NPM钩子的例子


https://github.com/assaf/zombie/blob/master/package.json L16



I have written npm packages in CoffeeScript from scratch. I encourage you to use CoffeScript for node as well as for the Browser. However, before you can use or publish your module, you have to compile the source CoffeeScript to JavaScript. That should not hold you back from using CoffeeScript, though.


Tip: While developing, use coffee -cw yourfile.coffee (command line) to watch the file for changes and compile on save.




While I'm not sure if it's the best approach, technically it is possible to write your package mostly in CoffeeScript.


Basically, you can write a JS file that simply wraps the coffee command, like so:



bin / howl.coffee

console.log 'Awwwooooo!'


bin / howl.js

#!/usr/bin/env node

var path    = require('path');
var exec    = require('child_process').exec;
var coffee  = path.resolve(__dirname, '../node_modules/coffee-script/bin/coffee');
var howl    = path.resolve(__dirname, './howl.coffee');
var command = coffee + ' ' + howl;

exec(command, function(error, stdout) {
  if (error) { throw error };

Running node howl.js (or simply howl when it's installed globally) will now output Awwooooo!. You can do things like require other CoffeeScript files and access arguments by passing them from the JavaScript "wrapper" to the CoffeeScript.


Anyway, there may be reasons not to do this, but it has worked for me so far so figured I'd submit this for an additional perspective.


For a simple example project using this technique, check out https://www.github.com/joshuabc/packdown.




If a lot of your modules have coffee-script in their devDependencies, it's useful to just globally install coffee-script instead of install it for each module (which takes much longer).


coffee-build is a global version manager for coffee-script.


Just add these 2 scripts to your package.json:


  "name": "my-coffee-module",
  "scripts": {
    "build": "coffee-build -v 1.11.x -b -o js src",
    "postinstall": "npm run build"

Notice how -v 1.11.x is not an exact version, which allows implicit upgrades.

注意- v 1.11。x不是一个确切的版本,它允许隐式升级。

The only downfall is that users must npm install -g coffee-build before they can install your module.

唯一的缺点是用户必须在安装模块之前安装-g coffee-build。