I was looking for a tutorial on how to install Python libraries in the wheel format.
It does not seem straightforward so I'd appreciate a simple step by step tutorial how to install the module named "requests" for CPython.
I downloaded it from: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/requests and now I have a .whl file. I've got Python 2.7 and 3.3 on Windows, so how do I install it so all the other Python scripts I run can use it?
我从以下网址下载:https://pypi.python.org/pypi/requests现在我有一个.whl文件。我在Windows上有Python 2.7和3.3,所以如何安装它以便我运行的所有其他Python脚本都可以使用它?
10 个解决方案
You want to install a downloaded wheel (.whl) file on Python under Windows?
- Install pip on your Python(s) on Windows (on Python 3.4+ it is already included)
Upgrade pip if necessary (on the command line)
pip install -U pip
Install a local wheel file using pip (on the command line)
pip install --no-index --find-links=LocalPathToWheelFile PackageName
在Windows上的Python上安装pip(在Python 3.4+上已经包含它)
Option --no-index
tells pip to not look on pypi.python.org (which would fail for many packages if you have no compiler installed), --find-links
then tells pip where to look for instead. PackageName
is the name of the package (numpy, scipy, .. first part or whole of wheel file name). For more informations see the install options of pip.
选项--no-index告诉pip不要查看pypi.python.org(如果没有安装编译器,许多软件包会失败), - find-links然后告诉pip在哪里寻找。 PackageName是包的名称(numpy,scipy,..第一部分或整个轮文件名)。有关更多信息,请参阅pip的安装选项。
You can execute these commands in the command prompt when switching to your Scripts
folder of your Python installation.
cd C:\Python27\Scripts
pip install -U pip
pip install --no-index --find-links=LocalPathToWheelFile PackageName
Note: It can still be that the package does not install on Windows because it may contain C/C++ source files which need to be compiled. You would need then to make sure a compiler is installed. Often searching for alternative pre-compiled distributions is the fastest way out.
注意:它可能仍然是因为它可能包含需要编译的C / C ++源文件而无法在Windows上安装。然后,您需要确保安装了编译器。经常搜索备选的预编译分发是最快的出路。
For example numpy-1.9.2+mkl-cp27-none-win_amd64.whl
has PackageName
例如numpy-1.9.2 + mkl-cp27-none-win_amd64.whl具有PackageName numpy。
If you want to be relax for installing libraries for python.
You should using pip
, that is python installer package.
To install pip:
Download ez_setup.py and then run:
python ez_setup.py
Then download get-pip.py and run:
python get-pip.py
upgrade installed
by pip:通过pip升级安装的setuptools:
pip install setuptools --upgrade
If you got this error:
Wheel installs require setuptools >= 0.8 for dist-info support. pip's wheel support requires setuptools >= 0.8 for dist-info support.
to above cmd:将--no-use-wheel添加到cmd以上:
pip install setuptools --no-use-wheel --upgrade
Now, you can install libraries for python, just by:
pip install library_name
For example:
pip install requests
Note that to install some library may they need to compile, so you need to have compiler.
On windows there is a site for Unofficial Windows Binaries for Python Extension Packages that have huge python packages and complied python packages for windows.
For example to install pip
using this site, just download and install setuptools and pip installer from that.
To install wheel packages in python 2.7x:
在python 2.7x中安装wheel包:
Install python 2.7x (i would recommend python 2.78) - download the appropriate python binary for your version of windows . You can download python 2.78 at this site https://www.python.org/download/releases/2.7.8/ -I would recommend installing the graphical Tk module, and including python 2.78 in the windows path (environment variables) during installation.
安装python 2.7x(我建议使用python 2.78) - 为你的windows版本下载相应的python二进制文件。您可以在此站点下载python 2.78 https://www.python.org/download/releases/2.7.8/ - 我建议安装图形Tk模块,并在安装过程中在Windows路径(环境变量)中包含python 2.78 。
Install get-pip.py and setuptools Download the installer at https://bootstrap.pypa.io/get-pip.py Double click the above file to run it. It will install pip and setuptools [or update them, if you have an earlier version of either]
安装get-pip.py和setuptools在https://bootstrap.pypa.io/get-pip.py下载安装程序双击上面的文件运行它。它将安装pip和setuptools [或更新它们,如果你有任何一个的早期版本]
-Double click the above file and wait - it will open a black window and print will scroll across the screen as it downloads and installs [or updates] pip and setuptools --->when it finishes the window will close.
- 双击上面的文件并等待 - 它将打开一个黑色的窗口,打印将在屏幕上滚动,因为它下载并安装[或更新] pip和setuptools --->当它完成时窗口将关闭。
- Open an elevated command prompt - click on windows start icon, enter cmd in the search field (but do not press enter), then press ctrl+shift+. Click 'yes' when the uac box appears.
打开提升的命令提示符 - 单击Windows开始图标,在搜索字段中输入cmd(但不要按回车键),然后按ctrl + shift +。出现uac框时单击“是”。
A-type cd c:\python27\scripts [or cd \scripts ]
A-type cd c:\ python27 \ scripts [或cd \ scripts]
B-type pip install -u Eg to install pyside, type pip install -u pyside
B型pip安装-u例如安装pyside,输入pip install -u pyside
Wait - it will state 'downloading PySide or -->it will download and install the appropriate version of the python package [the one that corresponds to your version of python and windows.]
等待 - 它将声明'下载PySide或 - >它将下载并安装相应版本的python包[与您的python和windows版本对应的版本]。
Note - if you have downloaded the .whl file and saved it locally on your hard drive, type in
pip install --no-index --find-links=localpathtowheelfile packagename
注意 - 如果您已下载.whl文件并将其本地保存在硬盘驱动器上,请键入pip install --no-index --find-links = localpathtowheelfile packagename
**to install a previously downloaded wheel package you need to type in the following command pip install --no-index --find-links=localpathtowheelfile packagename
**要安装以前下载的wheel包,你需要输入以下命令pip install --no-index --find-links = localpathtowheelfile packagename
Have you checked this http://docs.python.org/2/install/ ?
First you have to install the module
$ pip install requests
$ pip安装请求
Then, before using it you must import it from your program.
from requests import requests
Note that your modules must be in the same directory.
Then you can use it.
For this part you have to check for the documentation.
Install distribute by downloading and running distribute_setup.py. This will make easy_install available, and from there you can install pip with easy_install pip. Then you can run pip install CAGE. Using pip to install things is a lot easier than messing with manually running setup.py, because pip can do things like:
通过下载并运行distribute_setup.py来安装分发。这将使easy_install可用,并从那里你可以使用easy_install pip安装pip。然后你可以运行pip install CAGE。使用pip来安装东西要比乱用手动运行setup.py容易得多,因为pip可以执行以下操作:
automatically resolve dependencies
show you a list of all installed packages and their versions
install a set of specified packages from a requirements.txt
upgrade and uninstall packages
work with virtualenv
If you're on Windows, the one downside of pip occurs when there are C library dependencies, as pip will want a C toolchain installed so it can compile things. If that is the case, then there are two options. If there are precompiled binaries on PyPI, then just run easy_install package instead; easy_install knows how to use binary packages. You can also check Christoph Gohlke's site for executable installers of many binary packages. These can also be installed by easy_install if you want to use them with a virtualenv (just point it to the path of the .exe) or you can click and run if you don't care about virtualenv.
如果您使用的是Windows,那么当存在C库依赖项时,pip会出现一个缺点,因为pip需要安装C工具链才能编译。如果是这种情况,那么有两种选择。如果PyPI上有预编译的二进制文件,那么只需运行easy_install包; easy_install知道如何使用二进制包。您还可以查看Christoph Gohlke的网站,了解许多二进制包的可执行安装程序。如果你想将它们与virtualenv一起使用(只需将它指向.exe的路径),也可以通过easy_install安装它们,或者如果你不关心virtualenv,你可以点击并运行。
The main point is that no matter what route you choose to install packages, at no point are you ever moving around files by hand. You need to get out of the mindset of "I extracted this archive, where do I put these .py files?" That's not how it works. You're either running pip, running easy_install, running setup.py, clicking on an installer package, or using your distribution's installer. At no point are you ever doing anything by hand with the files directly.
Once you have a library downloaded you can execute this from the MS-DOS command box:
python setup.py install
The setup.py
is located inside every library main folder.
For windows, there are automatic installer packages available at this site
It includes most of the python packages.
But the best way for it is of course using pip.
You don't need to download exclusively from the website. Just make sure you have pip (which you probably will if you have python installed). Just open your Command Prompt (CMD) and run the command:
pip install pygame
It will automatically download the correct whl version of pygame compatible with your configuration of PC. Make sure you remember the version which appears while "downloading" as this is the compatible version of .whl packages you shall be looking for in the future.
Simple steps to install python in Ubuntu:
Download Python
$ cd /usr/src $ wget https://www.python.org/ftp/python/3.6.0/Python-3.6.0.tgz
Extract the downloaded package
$ sudo tar xzf Python-3.6.0.tgz
Compile Python source
$ cd Python-3.6.0 $ sudo ./configure $ sudo make altinstall
make altinstall
is used to prevent replacing the default python binary file/usr/bin/python
.注意make altinstall用于防止替换默认的python二进制文件/ usr / bin / python。
check the python version
# python3.6 -V
下载Python $ cd / usr / src $ wget https://www.python.org/ftp/python/3.6.0/Python-3.6.0.tgz
i have write the answer here How to add/use libraries in Python (3.5.1) but no problem will rewrite it again
if u have or you can create a file requirements.txt
which contains the libraries that you want to install for ex:
You gonna situate in your folder which contains that requirements.txt
in my case the path to my project is
C:\Users\LE\Desktop\Projet2_Sig_Exo3\exo 3\k-means
now just type
python -m pip install -r ./requirements.txt
and all the libararies that you want gonna install
C:\Users\LE\Desktop\Projet2_Sig_Exo3\exo 3\k-means>python -m pip install -r ./requirements.txt
You want to install a downloaded wheel (.whl) file on Python under Windows?
- Install pip on your Python(s) on Windows (on Python 3.4+ it is already included)
Upgrade pip if necessary (on the command line)
pip install -U pip
Install a local wheel file using pip (on the command line)
pip install --no-index --find-links=LocalPathToWheelFile PackageName
在Windows上的Python上安装pip(在Python 3.4+上已经包含它)
Option --no-index
tells pip to not look on pypi.python.org (which would fail for many packages if you have no compiler installed), --find-links
then tells pip where to look for instead. PackageName
is the name of the package (numpy, scipy, .. first part or whole of wheel file name). For more informations see the install options of pip.
选项--no-index告诉pip不要查看pypi.python.org(如果没有安装编译器,许多软件包会失败), - find-links然后告诉pip在哪里寻找。 PackageName是包的名称(numpy,scipy,..第一部分或整个轮文件名)。有关更多信息,请参阅pip的安装选项。
You can execute these commands in the command prompt when switching to your Scripts
folder of your Python installation.
cd C:\Python27\Scripts
pip install -U pip
pip install --no-index --find-links=LocalPathToWheelFile PackageName
Note: It can still be that the package does not install on Windows because it may contain C/C++ source files which need to be compiled. You would need then to make sure a compiler is installed. Often searching for alternative pre-compiled distributions is the fastest way out.
注意:它可能仍然是因为它可能包含需要编译的C / C ++源文件而无法在Windows上安装。然后,您需要确保安装了编译器。经常搜索备选的预编译分发是最快的出路。
For example numpy-1.9.2+mkl-cp27-none-win_amd64.whl
has PackageName
例如numpy-1.9.2 + mkl-cp27-none-win_amd64.whl具有PackageName numpy。
If you want to be relax for installing libraries for python.
You should using pip
, that is python installer package.
To install pip:
Download ez_setup.py and then run:
python ez_setup.py
Then download get-pip.py and run:
python get-pip.py
upgrade installed
by pip:通过pip升级安装的setuptools:
pip install setuptools --upgrade
If you got this error:
Wheel installs require setuptools >= 0.8 for dist-info support. pip's wheel support requires setuptools >= 0.8 for dist-info support.
to above cmd:将--no-use-wheel添加到cmd以上:
pip install setuptools --no-use-wheel --upgrade
Now, you can install libraries for python, just by:
pip install library_name
For example:
pip install requests
Note that to install some library may they need to compile, so you need to have compiler.
On windows there is a site for Unofficial Windows Binaries for Python Extension Packages that have huge python packages and complied python packages for windows.
For example to install pip
using this site, just download and install setuptools and pip installer from that.
To install wheel packages in python 2.7x:
在python 2.7x中安装wheel包:
Install python 2.7x (i would recommend python 2.78) - download the appropriate python binary for your version of windows . You can download python 2.78 at this site https://www.python.org/download/releases/2.7.8/ -I would recommend installing the graphical Tk module, and including python 2.78 in the windows path (environment variables) during installation.
安装python 2.7x(我建议使用python 2.78) - 为你的windows版本下载相应的python二进制文件。您可以在此站点下载python 2.78 https://www.python.org/download/releases/2.7.8/ - 我建议安装图形Tk模块,并在安装过程中在Windows路径(环境变量)中包含python 2.78 。
Install get-pip.py and setuptools Download the installer at https://bootstrap.pypa.io/get-pip.py Double click the above file to run it. It will install pip and setuptools [or update them, if you have an earlier version of either]
安装get-pip.py和setuptools在https://bootstrap.pypa.io/get-pip.py下载安装程序双击上面的文件运行它。它将安装pip和setuptools [或更新它们,如果你有任何一个的早期版本]
-Double click the above file and wait - it will open a black window and print will scroll across the screen as it downloads and installs [or updates] pip and setuptools --->when it finishes the window will close.
- 双击上面的文件并等待 - 它将打开一个黑色的窗口,打印将在屏幕上滚动,因为它下载并安装[或更新] pip和setuptools --->当它完成时窗口将关闭。
- Open an elevated command prompt - click on windows start icon, enter cmd in the search field (but do not press enter), then press ctrl+shift+. Click 'yes' when the uac box appears.
打开提升的命令提示符 - 单击Windows开始图标,在搜索字段中输入cmd(但不要按回车键),然后按ctrl + shift +。出现uac框时单击“是”。
A-type cd c:\python27\scripts [or cd \scripts ]
A-type cd c:\ python27 \ scripts [或cd \ scripts]
B-type pip install -u Eg to install pyside, type pip install -u pyside
B型pip安装-u例如安装pyside,输入pip install -u pyside
Wait - it will state 'downloading PySide or -->it will download and install the appropriate version of the python package [the one that corresponds to your version of python and windows.]
等待 - 它将声明'下载PySide或 - >它将下载并安装相应版本的python包[与您的python和windows版本对应的版本]。
Note - if you have downloaded the .whl file and saved it locally on your hard drive, type in
pip install --no-index --find-links=localpathtowheelfile packagename
注意 - 如果您已下载.whl文件并将其本地保存在硬盘驱动器上,请键入pip install --no-index --find-links = localpathtowheelfile packagename
**to install a previously downloaded wheel package you need to type in the following command pip install --no-index --find-links=localpathtowheelfile packagename
**要安装以前下载的wheel包,你需要输入以下命令pip install --no-index --find-links = localpathtowheelfile packagename
Have you checked this http://docs.python.org/2/install/ ?
First you have to install the module
$ pip install requests
$ pip安装请求
Then, before using it you must import it from your program.
from requests import requests
Note that your modules must be in the same directory.
Then you can use it.
For this part you have to check for the documentation.
Install distribute by downloading and running distribute_setup.py. This will make easy_install available, and from there you can install pip with easy_install pip. Then you can run pip install CAGE. Using pip to install things is a lot easier than messing with manually running setup.py, because pip can do things like:
通过下载并运行distribute_setup.py来安装分发。这将使easy_install可用,并从那里你可以使用easy_install pip安装pip。然后你可以运行pip install CAGE。使用pip来安装东西要比乱用手动运行setup.py容易得多,因为pip可以执行以下操作:
automatically resolve dependencies
show you a list of all installed packages and their versions
install a set of specified packages from a requirements.txt
upgrade and uninstall packages
work with virtualenv
If you're on Windows, the one downside of pip occurs when there are C library dependencies, as pip will want a C toolchain installed so it can compile things. If that is the case, then there are two options. If there are precompiled binaries on PyPI, then just run easy_install package instead; easy_install knows how to use binary packages. You can also check Christoph Gohlke's site for executable installers of many binary packages. These can also be installed by easy_install if you want to use them with a virtualenv (just point it to the path of the .exe) or you can click and run if you don't care about virtualenv.
如果您使用的是Windows,那么当存在C库依赖项时,pip会出现一个缺点,因为pip需要安装C工具链才能编译。如果是这种情况,那么有两种选择。如果PyPI上有预编译的二进制文件,那么只需运行easy_install包; easy_install知道如何使用二进制包。您还可以查看Christoph Gohlke的网站,了解许多二进制包的可执行安装程序。如果你想将它们与virtualenv一起使用(只需将它指向.exe的路径),也可以通过easy_install安装它们,或者如果你不关心virtualenv,你可以点击并运行。
The main point is that no matter what route you choose to install packages, at no point are you ever moving around files by hand. You need to get out of the mindset of "I extracted this archive, where do I put these .py files?" That's not how it works. You're either running pip, running easy_install, running setup.py, clicking on an installer package, or using your distribution's installer. At no point are you ever doing anything by hand with the files directly.
Once you have a library downloaded you can execute this from the MS-DOS command box:
python setup.py install
The setup.py
is located inside every library main folder.
For windows, there are automatic installer packages available at this site
It includes most of the python packages.
But the best way for it is of course using pip.
You don't need to download exclusively from the website. Just make sure you have pip (which you probably will if you have python installed). Just open your Command Prompt (CMD) and run the command:
pip install pygame
It will automatically download the correct whl version of pygame compatible with your configuration of PC. Make sure you remember the version which appears while "downloading" as this is the compatible version of .whl packages you shall be looking for in the future.
Simple steps to install python in Ubuntu:
Download Python
$ cd /usr/src $ wget https://www.python.org/ftp/python/3.6.0/Python-3.6.0.tgz
Extract the downloaded package
$ sudo tar xzf Python-3.6.0.tgz
Compile Python source
$ cd Python-3.6.0 $ sudo ./configure $ sudo make altinstall
make altinstall
is used to prevent replacing the default python binary file/usr/bin/python
.注意make altinstall用于防止替换默认的python二进制文件/ usr / bin / python。
check the python version
# python3.6 -V
下载Python $ cd / usr / src $ wget https://www.python.org/ftp/python/3.6.0/Python-3.6.0.tgz
i have write the answer here How to add/use libraries in Python (3.5.1) but no problem will rewrite it again
if u have or you can create a file requirements.txt
which contains the libraries that you want to install for ex:
You gonna situate in your folder which contains that requirements.txt
in my case the path to my project is
C:\Users\LE\Desktop\Projet2_Sig_Exo3\exo 3\k-means
now just type
python -m pip install -r ./requirements.txt
and all the libararies that you want gonna install
C:\Users\LE\Desktop\Projet2_Sig_Exo3\exo 3\k-means>python -m pip install -r ./requirements.txt