
时间:2022-11-28 22:50:36

I'm looking to be able to have the debugger break when it reaches a particular string match. As an example, I might have something like this:


Foo myObj = [self gimmeObj];

myObj might have a property called name. I want the debugger to stop on the assignment when


[myObj.name isEqualToString:@"Bar"];

How can I set my conditional breakpoint in Xcode to do that?


5 个解决方案



You can set a conditional break point in Xcode by setting the breakpoint normally, then control-click on it and select Edit Breakpoint (choose Run -> Show -> Breakpoints).

您可以在Xcode中通过设置断点来设置条件断点,然后控制点击它并选择编辑断点(选择Run -> Show ->断点)。

In the breakpoint entry, there is a Condition column.


Now, there are several issues to keep in mind for the condition. Firstly, gdb does not understand dot syntax, so instead of myObj.name, you must use [myObj name] (unless name is an ivar).

现在,有几个问题需要牢记于心。首先,gdb不理解点语法,因此代替myobject .name,您必须使用[myObj name](除非名称是ivar)。

Next, as with most expressions in gdb, you must tell it the type of return result, namely "BOOL". So set a condition like:


(BOOL)[[myObj name] isEqualToString:@"Bar"]

Often it is actually easier to just do this in code by temporarily adding code like:


if ( [myObj.name isEqualToString:@"Bar"] ) {
    NSLog( @"here" );

and then setting the break point on the NSLog. Then your condition can be arbitrarily complex without having to worry about what gdb can and can't parse.




I'm not sure if this will work, but you can try setting a breakpoint at that line of code, open up the debugger console (Cmd+Shift+R), and type


condition N (int)[[myObj name] isEqualToString:@"Bar"]

Where N is replaced by the number of the breakpoint (an integer).




Here is how you do using XCode lldb conditional breakpoints.

下面介绍如何使用XCode lldb条件断点。

First, double click the break point (or right click edit breakpoint), you can see a dialog popup.



Here is what those option means:


  1. Condition: The breakpoint will only fire under this condition.
  2. 条件:在这种情况下,断点只会触发。
  3. Ignore: The amount of times the condition needs to meet before fire the breakpoint
  4. 忽略:在触发断点之前,条件需要满足的次数
  5. Action: Action that runs after the breakpoint breaks.
  6. 操作:断点过后运行的操作。
  7. Options: Automatically continue after evaluating actions
  8. 选项:在评估动作后自动继续

Here is a summary. For the above example in image, it means that when the variable buildingId is equal to 13, break here. If I add ignore time to 1, then it will ignore the first time when buildingId is equal to 13 and break at the second time the condition is met.

这是一个总结。对于上图中的示例,它意味着当变量buildingId等于13时,在这里中断。如果我将ignore time添加到1,那么它将在buildingId第一次等于13时忽略,并在第二次满足条件时中断。

For actions, when you press add actions, there will be a list of choice. Usually what I do is to use the Debugger Command po to print variables that I need to check and I believe that there are better ways using the actions then I do.

对于操作,当您按add actions时,将有一个选项列表。通常我所做的是使用调试器命令po打印需要检查的变量,我相信有更好的方法可以使用这些操作。

It seems that you have to recompile and run the app if you change the conditions at runtime




If you mutate myObj.name using the setter, you can add a symbolic breakpoint on -[MyObjClass setName:] either from the Debugger Console or from the Run->Manage Breakpoints->Add Symbolic Breakpoint menu in Xcode. If not (why not? you probably shouldn't be modifying the instance variable directly except in the designated initializer or dealloc) you can set a watchpoint in gdb (use the Debugger Console in Xcode once the debugger is running). This page explains how. I don't believe Xcode exposes a UI for setting watchpoints without using the Debugger Console.

如果您使用setter修改myobject .name,您可以在-[MyObjClass setName:]上添加一个符号断点,可以从调试器控制台或从Run->管理断点->在Xcode中添加符号断点菜单。如果不是(为什么不呢?您可能不应该直接修改实例变量,除非在指定的初始化器或dealloc中)您可以在gdb中设置一个观察点(在调试器运行之后,使用Xcode中的调试控制台)。本页解释了。我不相信Xcode在不使用调试器控制台的情况下公开了设置观察点的UI。



At times when working with Frameworks (debug builds) and need to put a breakpoint in certain file/location that is hard to navigate or isn't exposed publically in framework under development. One option is to write a helper class to trigger conditional breakpoints & make step-in/step-out easier.


- (void)invokeFrameworkMethod {
    [DebugConditionalBreakPointHelper breakPointCondition:YES comment:@"from invokeFrameworkMethod."];

Header declaration in framework under development.


#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>

@interface DebugConditionalBreakPointHelper : NSObject
+ (void)breakPointCondition:(BOOL)enabled comment:(NSString *)comment;

And implementation file:


#import "DebugConditionalBreakPointHelper.h"

@implementation DebugConditionalBreakPointHelper
+ (void)breakPointCondition:(BOOL)enabled comment:(NSString *)comment {
    if (enabled)
        NSLog(@"Triggerred Conditional Break Point. Comment: %@");



You can set a conditional break point in Xcode by setting the breakpoint normally, then control-click on it and select Edit Breakpoint (choose Run -> Show -> Breakpoints).

您可以在Xcode中通过设置断点来设置条件断点,然后控制点击它并选择编辑断点(选择Run -> Show ->断点)。

In the breakpoint entry, there is a Condition column.


Now, there are several issues to keep in mind for the condition. Firstly, gdb does not understand dot syntax, so instead of myObj.name, you must use [myObj name] (unless name is an ivar).

现在,有几个问题需要牢记于心。首先,gdb不理解点语法,因此代替myobject .name,您必须使用[myObj name](除非名称是ivar)。

Next, as with most expressions in gdb, you must tell it the type of return result, namely "BOOL". So set a condition like:


(BOOL)[[myObj name] isEqualToString:@"Bar"]

Often it is actually easier to just do this in code by temporarily adding code like:


if ( [myObj.name isEqualToString:@"Bar"] ) {
    NSLog( @"here" );

and then setting the break point on the NSLog. Then your condition can be arbitrarily complex without having to worry about what gdb can and can't parse.




I'm not sure if this will work, but you can try setting a breakpoint at that line of code, open up the debugger console (Cmd+Shift+R), and type


condition N (int)[[myObj name] isEqualToString:@"Bar"]

Where N is replaced by the number of the breakpoint (an integer).




Here is how you do using XCode lldb conditional breakpoints.

下面介绍如何使用XCode lldb条件断点。

First, double click the break point (or right click edit breakpoint), you can see a dialog popup.



Here is what those option means:


  1. Condition: The breakpoint will only fire under this condition.
  2. 条件:在这种情况下,断点只会触发。
  3. Ignore: The amount of times the condition needs to meet before fire the breakpoint
  4. 忽略:在触发断点之前,条件需要满足的次数
  5. Action: Action that runs after the breakpoint breaks.
  6. 操作:断点过后运行的操作。
  7. Options: Automatically continue after evaluating actions
  8. 选项:在评估动作后自动继续

Here is a summary. For the above example in image, it means that when the variable buildingId is equal to 13, break here. If I add ignore time to 1, then it will ignore the first time when buildingId is equal to 13 and break at the second time the condition is met.

这是一个总结。对于上图中的示例,它意味着当变量buildingId等于13时,在这里中断。如果我将ignore time添加到1,那么它将在buildingId第一次等于13时忽略,并在第二次满足条件时中断。

For actions, when you press add actions, there will be a list of choice. Usually what I do is to use the Debugger Command po to print variables that I need to check and I believe that there are better ways using the actions then I do.

对于操作,当您按add actions时,将有一个选项列表。通常我所做的是使用调试器命令po打印需要检查的变量,我相信有更好的方法可以使用这些操作。

It seems that you have to recompile and run the app if you change the conditions at runtime




If you mutate myObj.name using the setter, you can add a symbolic breakpoint on -[MyObjClass setName:] either from the Debugger Console or from the Run->Manage Breakpoints->Add Symbolic Breakpoint menu in Xcode. If not (why not? you probably shouldn't be modifying the instance variable directly except in the designated initializer or dealloc) you can set a watchpoint in gdb (use the Debugger Console in Xcode once the debugger is running). This page explains how. I don't believe Xcode exposes a UI for setting watchpoints without using the Debugger Console.

如果您使用setter修改myobject .name,您可以在-[MyObjClass setName:]上添加一个符号断点,可以从调试器控制台或从Run->管理断点->在Xcode中添加符号断点菜单。如果不是(为什么不呢?您可能不应该直接修改实例变量,除非在指定的初始化器或dealloc中)您可以在gdb中设置一个观察点(在调试器运行之后,使用Xcode中的调试控制台)。本页解释了。我不相信Xcode在不使用调试器控制台的情况下公开了设置观察点的UI。



At times when working with Frameworks (debug builds) and need to put a breakpoint in certain file/location that is hard to navigate or isn't exposed publically in framework under development. One option is to write a helper class to trigger conditional breakpoints & make step-in/step-out easier.


- (void)invokeFrameworkMethod {
    [DebugConditionalBreakPointHelper breakPointCondition:YES comment:@"from invokeFrameworkMethod."];

Header declaration in framework under development.


#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>

@interface DebugConditionalBreakPointHelper : NSObject
+ (void)breakPointCondition:(BOOL)enabled comment:(NSString *)comment;

And implementation file:


#import "DebugConditionalBreakPointHelper.h"

@implementation DebugConditionalBreakPointHelper
+ (void)breakPointCondition:(BOOL)enabled comment:(NSString *)comment {
    if (enabled)
        NSLog(@"Triggerred Conditional Break Point. Comment: %@");