
时间:2023-01-02 22:53:31

Thinking in regards to Sliverlight, I would like to know where would be good places to go to get a refresher on 3d space, transforms, matrix manipulation, and all that good stuff.


8 个解决方案



There's always The Bible


Foley & van Dam http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51HHC3024PL._SL500_AA240_.jpg

Foley&van Dam http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51HHC3024PL._SL500_AA240_.jpg

It is expensive and very heavy on the theory, so there's also the cheaper Bible Lite

这个理论很昂贵且非常沉重,所以也有更便宜的Bible Lite

alt text http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/513QBRR0VAL._SL500_AA240_.jpg


As pointed out in some comments and additional answers, it is definitely worth noting that this book is now quite dated. However, in the context of the original question, there's not really been any change in the low-level principles of linear algebra in a seriously long time.


If you are looking to learn about high-level graphics programming this may well not be the first book for you. But if you like to know about "the guts-of-the-machine" and the underlying maths -- perhaps you are the kind of person that thinks folk should learn C :-) -- then go nuts.

如果您正在寻找有关高级图形编程的知识,这可能不是您的第一本书。但是,如果你想知道“机器的胆量”和潜在的数学 - 也许你是那种认为民间应该学习C :-)的人 - 然后坚持下去。



It's not a place, but I've found 3D Programming for Windows by Charles Petzold excellent. It covers everything you ask about and is focused specifically on WPF/silverlight.

它不是一个地方,但是我发现Charles Petzold的3D编程非常出色。它涵盖了您询问的所有内容,并专注于WPF / silverlight。

Of course Petzold (as usual) is able to communicate the important concepts beautifully.




Think I may have found it myself. Was looking at: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc189037(VS.95).aspx and http://www.c-sharpcorner.com/UploadFile/mgold/TransformswithGDIplus09142005064919AM/TransformswithGDIplus.aspx




Nehe is good, if you want practical tutorials rather than theory.




Free graphics algorithms can be found in the comp.graphics.algorithms faq

可以在comp.graphics.algorithms faq中找到*图形算法



As previously mentioned you should really learn linear algebra, here are some great video lectures about it, MIT Linear Alebgra Video Lectures.

如前所述,你应该学习线性代数,这里有一些很棒的视频讲座,MIT Linear Alebgra Video Lectures。



Any linear algebra textbook should provide the math refresher; there's a fairly good one available online at Linear Algebra textbook home page.

任何线性代数教科书都应该提供数学复习;在Linear Algebra教科书主页上有一个相当不错的在线版。



Personally I think that although the bible (by Foley & Van Damn that is) was the greatest book for its time, but it is somewhat outdated.

就个人而言,我认为虽然圣经(由Foley和Van Damn所作)是当时最伟大的书,但它有点过时了。

I would suggest 'Advanced animation & Rendering techniques' by Alan and Mark Watt. The only problem with this book is that it gives you a good understanding almost about every broad aspect in CG but it assumes you have some familiarity with it, and does not explain it all the way. You can always have a look in the Bib and find enhanced articles and books about each subject you are interested in depth.

我建议Alan和Mark Watt使用“高级动画和渲染技术”。本书唯一的问题是,它几乎可以让你对CG的各个方面有一个很好的理解,但它假设你对它有一定的了解,并没有一直解释它。您可以随时查看围兜,查找有关您感兴趣的每个主题的增强文章和书籍。

If you want further on once you have more understanding, or if you want to dive into the world of computer graphics and the use of GPU I suggest to have a look at the three 'GPU Gems'.

如果你想进一步了解一下,或者如果你想深入了解计算机图形世界和GPU的使用,我建议你看一下三个'GPU Gems'。



There's always The Bible


Foley & van Dam http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51HHC3024PL._SL500_AA240_.jpg

Foley&van Dam http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51HHC3024PL._SL500_AA240_.jpg

It is expensive and very heavy on the theory, so there's also the cheaper Bible Lite

这个理论很昂贵且非常沉重,所以也有更便宜的Bible Lite

alt text http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/513QBRR0VAL._SL500_AA240_.jpg


As pointed out in some comments and additional answers, it is definitely worth noting that this book is now quite dated. However, in the context of the original question, there's not really been any change in the low-level principles of linear algebra in a seriously long time.


If you are looking to learn about high-level graphics programming this may well not be the first book for you. But if you like to know about "the guts-of-the-machine" and the underlying maths -- perhaps you are the kind of person that thinks folk should learn C :-) -- then go nuts.

如果您正在寻找有关高级图形编程的知识,这可能不是您的第一本书。但是,如果你想知道“机器的胆量”和潜在的数学 - 也许你是那种认为民间应该学习C :-)的人 - 然后坚持下去。



It's not a place, but I've found 3D Programming for Windows by Charles Petzold excellent. It covers everything you ask about and is focused specifically on WPF/silverlight.

它不是一个地方,但是我发现Charles Petzold的3D编程非常出色。它涵盖了您询问的所有内容,并专注于WPF / silverlight。

Of course Petzold (as usual) is able to communicate the important concepts beautifully.




Think I may have found it myself. Was looking at: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc189037(VS.95).aspx and http://www.c-sharpcorner.com/UploadFile/mgold/TransformswithGDIplus09142005064919AM/TransformswithGDIplus.aspx




Nehe is good, if you want practical tutorials rather than theory.




Free graphics algorithms can be found in the comp.graphics.algorithms faq

可以在comp.graphics.algorithms faq中找到*图形算法



As previously mentioned you should really learn linear algebra, here are some great video lectures about it, MIT Linear Alebgra Video Lectures.

如前所述,你应该学习线性代数,这里有一些很棒的视频讲座,MIT Linear Alebgra Video Lectures。



Any linear algebra textbook should provide the math refresher; there's a fairly good one available online at Linear Algebra textbook home page.

任何线性代数教科书都应该提供数学复习;在Linear Algebra教科书主页上有一个相当不错的在线版。



Personally I think that although the bible (by Foley & Van Damn that is) was the greatest book for its time, but it is somewhat outdated.

就个人而言,我认为虽然圣经(由Foley和Van Damn所作)是当时最伟大的书,但它有点过时了。

I would suggest 'Advanced animation & Rendering techniques' by Alan and Mark Watt. The only problem with this book is that it gives you a good understanding almost about every broad aspect in CG but it assumes you have some familiarity with it, and does not explain it all the way. You can always have a look in the Bib and find enhanced articles and books about each subject you are interested in depth.

我建议Alan和Mark Watt使用“高级动画和渲染技术”。本书唯一的问题是,它几乎可以让你对CG的各个方面有一个很好的理解,但它假设你对它有一定的了解,并没有一直解释它。您可以随时查看围兜,查找有关您感兴趣的每个主题的增强文章和书籍。

If you want further on once you have more understanding, or if you want to dive into the world of computer graphics and the use of GPU I suggest to have a look at the three 'GPU Gems'.

如果你想进一步了解一下,或者如果你想深入了解计算机图形世界和GPU的使用,我建议你看一下三个'GPU Gems'。