
时间:2023-01-02 22:53:55

I've written a bison parser using flex and c. The parser is compiled without error, but when I run the executable file the main function is not executed (It doesn't print out the first line after the main declaration that is actually a print instruction)


main( int argc, char *argv[] )
  printf("*** C2P version 1.0 @2015***\n");
  extern FILE *yyin;
  ++argv; --argc;
  printf("Open C file %s...",argv[0]);
  yyin = fopen( argv[0], "r" );
  if (yyin==NULL) {
  printf("ERROR file not found %s", argv[0]);
  yydebug = 1; //enable debug

I've used the following commands for compiling:


bison -d c_def.y
flex c_def.l
gcc c_def.tab.h lex.yy.c -o c2p -lfl

1 个解决方案



This is wrong:


gcc c_def.tab.h lex.yy.c -o c2p -lfl

The bison parser is in the file c_def.tab.c. c_def.tab.h is just the header file containing the token definitions.

野牛解析器位于文件c_def.tab.c中。 c_def.tab.h只是包含令牌定义的头文件。

So there wouldn't be a main() at all in c2p if it were not for your inclusion of the flex library (-lfl). That library includes a main function which calls the lexer until it returns an end-of-file indicator. (It does not call the parser, which is why your parser is not being called.)

因此,如果不包含flex库(-lfl),则c2p中根本不会有main()。该库包含一个main函数,它调用词法分析器直到它返回文件结束指示符。 (它不会调用解析器,这就是为什么不调用解析器的原因。)

You probably shouldn't use -lfl. Aside from the main() function which you don't need, the only other thing it contains is a fake implementation of yywrap which always returns 1; instead of relying on that, just include the option


%option noyywrap

in your flex definition, and then your lexer won't depend on yywrap at all.




This is wrong:


gcc c_def.tab.h lex.yy.c -o c2p -lfl

The bison parser is in the file c_def.tab.c. c_def.tab.h is just the header file containing the token definitions.

野牛解析器位于文件c_def.tab.c中。 c_def.tab.h只是包含令牌定义的头文件。

So there wouldn't be a main() at all in c2p if it were not for your inclusion of the flex library (-lfl). That library includes a main function which calls the lexer until it returns an end-of-file indicator. (It does not call the parser, which is why your parser is not being called.)

因此,如果不包含flex库(-lfl),则c2p中根本不会有main()。该库包含一个main函数,它调用词法分析器直到它返回文件结束指示符。 (它不会调用解析器,这就是为什么不调用解析器的原因。)

You probably shouldn't use -lfl. Aside from the main() function which you don't need, the only other thing it contains is a fake implementation of yywrap which always returns 1; instead of relying on that, just include the option


%option noyywrap

in your flex definition, and then your lexer won't depend on yywrap at all.
