
时间:2022-09-23 22:52:16

I am mostly interested in the theory of this than an actual code solution. How can I have one main ruby script invoking other scripts and sharing variables between each other? I am a bit confused.. Do I need to use environmental vars, session vars, methods, models, controllers, what is the best way to do it!!?


3 个解决方案



Let's assume you have a script.rb, which contains this:


$var = :value
def get; A end
load 'another_script.rb'
get  # Will it succeed?

When you run ruby script.rb, you spawn a Ruby process which will read the contents of script.rb and execute every line. The Ruby interpreter has an execution state which holds information such as object data, the variables that reference them, which scope they belong to, which method you're currently in and so much more.


When the interpreter reads the $var = :value line, it modifies its own state. It stores a global variable which references the newly-created symbol object. Next, it defines a method which will return the value referenced by the A constant. Calling it at this point will raise a NameError, since the constant does not exist. When it reaches the load 'another_script.rb' line, it is analogous to running ruby another_script.rb, except no second process is started. The contents of the script are read and interpreted within the same execution context.

当解释器读取$var =:value行时,它会修改自己的状态。它存储引用新创建的符号对象的全局变量。接下来,它定义一个方法,该方法将返回a常数引用的值。此时调用它将引发NameError,因为该常量不存在。当它到达load 'another_script时。rb'行,类似于运行ruby another_script。rb,但不启动第二个进程。脚本的内容在相同的执行上下文中被读取和解释。

Suppose another_script.rb contains the following:


$var = :changed
class A; end

The $var variable, which previously referenced the :value symbol, will now reference the :changed symbol. Then, a Class object will be created and assigned to the new A constant.


After loading this script, the call to get will succeed. Another implication is that order matters. For example:


load 'another_script.rb'
$var = :value

Whatever another_script.rb set $var to will be lost since it will be overridden immediately after it has finished executing.


No matter how many scripts you load, require or eval, as long as they are running on the same process, they will always share the same data. Only local variables will not be shared between files. Things get complicated when you want to share data between two different Ruby interpreters:


ruby script.rb &
ruby another_script.rb &

In that case, you have to use inter-process communication.




If you want two Ruby processes to communicate (even if they are running on different machines), then Druby is the built in way.




Depends on what you mean by invoking.


Generally when "a script invokes another script" it's basically the same as one "process starting another process". So there you would use inter-process communcation, not really specific to Ruby.. Yes, simple things like environment variables are one way to pass info down, but might consider files, sockets, etc..


OTOH, if you want to use Ruby code from in one "script" (.rb) file in another, you load/require it as the first answer pointed out. This makes the methods (def f), constants(CTE), instance variables(@f) and global variables($G) available in the file you're loading from; but not the local variables (like x=3).

OTOH,如果您想在另一个“脚本”(.rb)文件中使用Ruby代码,您可以像第一个答案所指出的那样加载/要求它。这使得方法(def f)、常量(CTE)、实例变量(@f)和全局变量($G)可以从您正在加载的文件中获得;但不是局部变量(比如x=3)。

In special cases, you can want to use 'eval' to access local variables too - but I don't think that's applicable in your scenario.




Let's assume you have a script.rb, which contains this:


$var = :value
def get; A end
load 'another_script.rb'
get  # Will it succeed?

When you run ruby script.rb, you spawn a Ruby process which will read the contents of script.rb and execute every line. The Ruby interpreter has an execution state which holds information such as object data, the variables that reference them, which scope they belong to, which method you're currently in and so much more.


When the interpreter reads the $var = :value line, it modifies its own state. It stores a global variable which references the newly-created symbol object. Next, it defines a method which will return the value referenced by the A constant. Calling it at this point will raise a NameError, since the constant does not exist. When it reaches the load 'another_script.rb' line, it is analogous to running ruby another_script.rb, except no second process is started. The contents of the script are read and interpreted within the same execution context.

当解释器读取$var =:value行时,它会修改自己的状态。它存储引用新创建的符号对象的全局变量。接下来,它定义一个方法,该方法将返回a常数引用的值。此时调用它将引发NameError,因为该常量不存在。当它到达load 'another_script时。rb'行,类似于运行ruby another_script。rb,但不启动第二个进程。脚本的内容在相同的执行上下文中被读取和解释。

Suppose another_script.rb contains the following:


$var = :changed
class A; end

The $var variable, which previously referenced the :value symbol, will now reference the :changed symbol. Then, a Class object will be created and assigned to the new A constant.


After loading this script, the call to get will succeed. Another implication is that order matters. For example:


load 'another_script.rb'
$var = :value

Whatever another_script.rb set $var to will be lost since it will be overridden immediately after it has finished executing.


No matter how many scripts you load, require or eval, as long as they are running on the same process, they will always share the same data. Only local variables will not be shared between files. Things get complicated when you want to share data between two different Ruby interpreters:


ruby script.rb &
ruby another_script.rb &

In that case, you have to use inter-process communication.




If you want two Ruby processes to communicate (even if they are running on different machines), then Druby is the built in way.




Depends on what you mean by invoking.


Generally when "a script invokes another script" it's basically the same as one "process starting another process". So there you would use inter-process communcation, not really specific to Ruby.. Yes, simple things like environment variables are one way to pass info down, but might consider files, sockets, etc..


OTOH, if you want to use Ruby code from in one "script" (.rb) file in another, you load/require it as the first answer pointed out. This makes the methods (def f), constants(CTE), instance variables(@f) and global variables($G) available in the file you're loading from; but not the local variables (like x=3).

OTOH,如果您想在另一个“脚本”(.rb)文件中使用Ruby代码,您可以像第一个答案所指出的那样加载/要求它。这使得方法(def f)、常量(CTE)、实例变量(@f)和全局变量($G)可以从您正在加载的文件中获得;但不是局部变量(比如x=3)。

In special cases, you can want to use 'eval' to access local variables too - but I don't think that's applicable in your scenario.
