
时间:2020-12-14 22:50:09

There are a few questions on this already, but nothing in them seems to provide accurate results. I need to determine simply if the phone is connected to a cell network at a given moment.




This class seems to be documented incorrectly, returning values for mobileCountryCode, isoCountryCode and mobileNetworkCode where no SIM is installed to the phone. carrierName indicates a 'home' network or a previous home network if the phone has been unlocked.

此类似乎记录不正确,返回mobileCountryCode,isoCountryCode和mobileNetworkCode的值,其中没有为手机安装SIM卡。 carrierName表示“家庭”网络或以前的家庭网络(如果电话已解锁)。

I also looked up and found some people claiming the following to work, which uses an undocumented method of the CoreTelephony framework, but the results have been useless to me, reporting seemingly random figures, where perhaps it is not itself updating consistently.


-(int) getSignalStrength
    void *libHandle = dlopen("/System/Library/Frameworks/CoreTelephony.framework/CoreTelephony", RTLD_LAZY);
    int (*CTGetSignalStrength)();
    CTGetSignalStrength = dlsym(libHandle, "CTGetSignalStrength");
    if( CTGetSignalStrength == NULL) NSLog(@"Could not find CTGetSignalStrength");
    int result CTGetSignalStrength();
    return result;



Edit: The app is connected to an internal wifi and must remain so, making a reachability check more difficult.


2 个解决方案



I'm playing with this function and I've noticed you're calling it in an interesting way. I'm calling it by adding CoreTelephony.framework as a compile-time link. For the function itself, you'll want to declare it's prototype somewhere (perhaps immediately above the method you call from):


int CTGetSignalStrength();

int CTGetSignalStrength();

This needs to be declared since it isn't in a public header for CoreTelephony.


Now, I built a simple app that prints signal strength every second.


int CTGetSignalStrength();

- (void)viewDidLoad
    [super viewDidLoad];

    while (true) {
        printf("signal strength: %d\n", CTGetSignalStrength());

I ran it on my iPad mini and it shows steady values until I picked it up, where the number went up. Wrapping my iPad in tin foil (tin foil is a debugging tool I have never used before) caused the number to go down. When I put my iPad in airplane mode, it kept repeating the last value, so this will not be an accurate measure for you.

我在我的iPad mini上运行它,它显示稳定的值,直到我拿起它,数字上升。将我的iPad包裹在锡纸中(锡纸是我之前从未使用过的调试工具)导致数字下降。当我将iPad置于飞行模式时,它会不断重复最后一个值,因此这对您来说不是一个准确的衡量标准。

If you want to test if a device currently has a cellular data network connection, you may be more interested in Reachability, specifically kSCNetworkReachabilityFlagsIsWWAN.




Ok I think I have the correct solution now, which was a bit simpler in the end.


The issue with the CTGetSignalStrength() method is that it works normally, but if you remove a sim, it reports the last signal before the removal. I found another method in the same framework called CTSIMSupportGetSIMStatus(), also undocumented, which can tell you if a SIM is currently connected. Using both as follows should confirm the current network signal.


First declare the methods:


NSString * CTSIMSupportGetSIMStatus();
int CTGetSignalStrength();

Then check connectivity to cell network like so:


NSString *status = CTSIMSupportGetSIMStatus();
int signalstrength = CTGetSignalStrength();
BOOL connected = ( [status isEqualToString: @"kCTSIMSupportSIMStatusReady"] && signalstrength > 0 );



I'm playing with this function and I've noticed you're calling it in an interesting way. I'm calling it by adding CoreTelephony.framework as a compile-time link. For the function itself, you'll want to declare it's prototype somewhere (perhaps immediately above the method you call from):


int CTGetSignalStrength();

int CTGetSignalStrength();

This needs to be declared since it isn't in a public header for CoreTelephony.


Now, I built a simple app that prints signal strength every second.


int CTGetSignalStrength();

- (void)viewDidLoad
    [super viewDidLoad];

    while (true) {
        printf("signal strength: %d\n", CTGetSignalStrength());

I ran it on my iPad mini and it shows steady values until I picked it up, where the number went up. Wrapping my iPad in tin foil (tin foil is a debugging tool I have never used before) caused the number to go down. When I put my iPad in airplane mode, it kept repeating the last value, so this will not be an accurate measure for you.

我在我的iPad mini上运行它,它显示稳定的值,直到我拿起它,数字上升。将我的iPad包裹在锡纸中(锡纸是我之前从未使用过的调试工具)导致数字下降。当我将iPad置于飞行模式时,它会不断重复最后一个值,因此这对您来说不是一个准确的衡量标准。

If you want to test if a device currently has a cellular data network connection, you may be more interested in Reachability, specifically kSCNetworkReachabilityFlagsIsWWAN.




Ok I think I have the correct solution now, which was a bit simpler in the end.


The issue with the CTGetSignalStrength() method is that it works normally, but if you remove a sim, it reports the last signal before the removal. I found another method in the same framework called CTSIMSupportGetSIMStatus(), also undocumented, which can tell you if a SIM is currently connected. Using both as follows should confirm the current network signal.


First declare the methods:


NSString * CTSIMSupportGetSIMStatus();
int CTGetSignalStrength();

Then check connectivity to cell network like so:


NSString *status = CTSIMSupportGetSIMStatus();
int signalstrength = CTGetSignalStrength();
BOOL connected = ( [status isEqualToString: @"kCTSIMSupportSIMStatusReady"] && signalstrength > 0 );