
时间:2022-05-30 22:42:52

I'm trying to setup Django on an internal company server. (No external connection to the Internet.)

我正在尝试在内部公司服务器上设置Django。 (没有外部连接到Internet。)

Looking over the server setup documentation it appears that the "Running Django on a shared-hosting provider with Apache" method seems to be the most-likely to work in this situation.


Here's the server information:


  • Can't install mod_python
  • 无法安装mod_python

  • no root access
  • 没有root访问权限

  • Server is SunOs 5.6
  • 服务器是SunOs 5.6

  • Python 2.5
  • Apache/2.0.46
  • I've installed Django (and flup) using the --prefix option (reading again I probably should've used --home, but at the moment it doesn't seem to matter)
  • 我已经使用--prefix选项安装了Django(和flup)(再次阅读我可能应该使用--home,但此刻似乎并不重要)

I've added the .htaccess file and mysite.fcgi file to my root web directory as mentioned here. When I run the mysite.fcgi script from the server I get my expected output (the correct site HTML output). But, it won't when trying to access it from a browser.


It seems that it may be a problem with the PYTHONPATH setting since I'm using the prefix option.


I've noticed that if I run mysite.fcgi from the command-line without setting the PYTHONPATH enviornment variable it throws the following error:


prompt$ python2.5 mysite.fcgi 
 No module named flup   Unable to load
 the flup package.  In order to run
 django   as a FastCGI application, you
 will need to get flup from  
 If you've already   installed flup,
 then make sure you have it in your

I've added sys.path.append(prefixpath) and os.environ['PYTHONPATH'] = prefixpath to mysite.fcgi, but if I set the enviornment variable to be empty on the command-line then run mysite.fcgi, I still get the above error.

我已经在mysite.fcgi中添加了sys.path.append(prefixpath)和os.environ ['PYTHONPATH'] = prefixpath,但是如果我在命令行中将enviornment变量设置为空,那么运行mysite.fcgi,I仍然得到上述错误。

Here are some command-line results:


>>> os.environ['PYTHONPATH'] = 'Null'
>>> os.system('echo $PYTHONPATH')
>>> os.environ['PYTHONPATH'] = '/prefix/path'
>>> os.system('echo $PYTHONPATH')
>>> exit()
prompt$ echo $PYTHONPATH

It looks like Python is setting the variable OK, but the variable is only applicable inside of the script. Flup appears to be distributed as an .egg file, and my guess is that the egg implementation doesn't take into account variables added by os.environ['key'] = value (?) at least when installing via the --prefix option.

看起来Python正在设置变量OK,但该变量仅适用于脚本内部。 Flup似乎是作为.egg文件分发的,我的猜测是egg实现没有考虑os.environ ['key'] = value(?)添加的变量,至少在通过--prefix安装时选项。

I'm not that familiar with .pth files, but it seems that the easy-install.pth file is the one that points to flup:


import sys; sys.__plen = len(sys.path)
import sys; new=sys.path[sys.__plen:]; del sys.path[sys.__plen:]; p=getattr(sys,'__egginsert',0); sy
s.path[p:p]=new; sys.__egginsert = p+len(new)

It looks like it's doing something funky, anyway to edit this or add something to my code so it will find flup?


4 个解决方案


In your settings you have to point go actual egg file, not directory where egg file is located. It should look something like:




Try using a utility called virtualenv. According to the official package page, "virtualenv is a tool to create isolated Python environments."


It'll take care of the PYTHONPATH stuff for you and make it easy to correctly install Django and flup.



Use site.addsitedir() not os.environ['PYTHONPATH'] or sys.path.append().

使用site.addsitedir()而不是os.environ ['PYTHONPATH']或sys.path.append()。

site.addsitedir interprets the .pth files. Modifying os.environ or sys.path does not. Not in a FastCGI environment anyway.



import site

# adds a directory to sys.path and processes its .pth files

# avoids permissions error writing to system egg-cache
os.environ['PYTHON_EGG_CACHE'] = '/path/to/local/prefix/egg-cache'


To modify the PYTHONPATH from a python script you should use:



Try this instead of modifying with os.environ().


And I would recommend to run Django with mod_python instead of using FastCGI...

我建议用mod_python运行Django而不是使用FastCGI ......


In your settings you have to point go actual egg file, not directory where egg file is located. It should look something like:




Try using a utility called virtualenv. According to the official package page, "virtualenv is a tool to create isolated Python environments."


It'll take care of the PYTHONPATH stuff for you and make it easy to correctly install Django and flup.



Use site.addsitedir() not os.environ['PYTHONPATH'] or sys.path.append().

使用site.addsitedir()而不是os.environ ['PYTHONPATH']或sys.path.append()。

site.addsitedir interprets the .pth files. Modifying os.environ or sys.path does not. Not in a FastCGI environment anyway.



import site

# adds a directory to sys.path and processes its .pth files

# avoids permissions error writing to system egg-cache
os.environ['PYTHON_EGG_CACHE'] = '/path/to/local/prefix/egg-cache'


To modify the PYTHONPATH from a python script you should use:



Try this instead of modifying with os.environ().


And I would recommend to run Django with mod_python instead of using FastCGI...

我建议用mod_python运行Django而不是使用FastCGI ......