缺少NodeJS OpenShift应用程序IP地址环境变量

时间:2022-02-23 22:45:06

I am trying to deploy a NodeJS app to OpenShift and although all the deployment seems to function correctly and it looks like it's running, it seems like it's listening to the incorrect IP.


Every single tutorial instructs me to listen to process.env.OPENSHIFT_NODEJS_IP but using console.log I discovered that this variable is not set.


NodeJS Openshift official example starting point uses it:

NodeJS Openshift官方示例起点使用它:



Another question on this subject suggests the same: Nodejs openshift app deployed code not working

关于这个主题的另一个问题表明相同:Nodejs openshift应用程序部署的代码不起作用

Anyone who has used OpenShift 3 knows why I can't find the IP address/why those supposedly globally available/default environment variables are not available and how to fix this?

任何使用过OpenShift 3的人都知道为什么我找不到IP地址/为什么那些所谓的全局可用/默认环境变量不可用以及如何解决这个问题?

1 个解决方案



We are using NodeJS in OSE 3.2 and OCP 3.5, the only thing I could think of which we actively set was the port to listen to in the deployment configuration.

我们在OSE 3.2和OCP 3.5中使用NodeJS,我唯一能想到的是我们主动设置的是在部署配置中侦听的端口。

name: http
containerPort: 8082
protocol: TCP

This is under containers -> ports

这是在容器 - >端口下

Otherwise we haven't done anything actively. Our build is using the Docker-strategy with a Docker-file but it doesn't specify anything about IPs or Ports to open up.




We are using NodeJS in OSE 3.2 and OCP 3.5, the only thing I could think of which we actively set was the port to listen to in the deployment configuration.

我们在OSE 3.2和OCP 3.5中使用NodeJS,我唯一能想到的是我们主动设置的是在部署配置中侦听的端口。

name: http
containerPort: 8082
protocol: TCP

This is under containers -> ports

这是在容器 - >端口下

Otherwise we haven't done anything actively. Our build is using the Docker-strategy with a Docker-file but it doesn't specify anything about IPs or Ports to open up.
