安装期间更改XML(.config)(installshield 2010)

时间:2022-02-23 22:45:18

I'm developing installshield 2010 application but 'text file change' and 'xml file change' is not good to modifying configuration file(include app.config) because applying condition(like "if" statement) is not supported and make element(attribute) order in xml file fixed.

我正在开发installshield 2010应用程序,但“文本文件更改”和“xml文件更改”不适合修改配置文件(包括app.config),因为不支持应用条件(如“if”语句)和make元素(属性) )修复xml文件中的顺序。

Could anyone suggest "The Best Practices in configuration change during installation"?


1 个解决方案



InstallShield uses MSXML to do it's updates and this is the behavior of the DOM. If this is unacceptable to you, then you will have to either pretend it isn't XML and use the Text Changes pattern or write your own custom actions.

InstallShield使用MSXML来执行更新,这是DOM的行为。如果这对您来说是不可接受的,那么您必须假装它不是XML并使用Text Changes模式或编写您自己的自定义操作。

Since you asked about "best practices" I would say that valid XML is valid XML and if you are worried about readability for people editing it by hand that maybe they shouldn't be editing it by hand if they don't properly understand XML.


Reminds me of the old joke back in the 1990's about the user who knew just enough to be dangerous when he learned what an INI file was.


Another best practice that has been debated over the years is whether this sort of configuration even belongs in the installer. I do it all the time but there are many that don't / won't. They insist on keeping configuration in the application; typically done on first run.




InstallShield uses MSXML to do it's updates and this is the behavior of the DOM. If this is unacceptable to you, then you will have to either pretend it isn't XML and use the Text Changes pattern or write your own custom actions.

InstallShield使用MSXML来执行更新,这是DOM的行为。如果这对您来说是不可接受的,那么您必须假装它不是XML并使用Text Changes模式或编写您自己的自定义操作。

Since you asked about "best practices" I would say that valid XML is valid XML and if you are worried about readability for people editing it by hand that maybe they shouldn't be editing it by hand if they don't properly understand XML.


Reminds me of the old joke back in the 1990's about the user who knew just enough to be dangerous when he learned what an INI file was.


Another best practice that has been debated over the years is whether this sort of configuration even belongs in the installer. I do it all the time but there are many that don't / won't. They insist on keeping configuration in the application; typically done on first run.
