
时间:2021-01-13 22:43:29

I know, there are a lot of questions here about Installers, but all of them are old. What I need is an install maker, that can download .net framework 4.5 on demand(if user does not have it, install it) and then install my application. And it must be only one file. I've tried to use WiX, but it looks too complicate for me and I could not find any examples on how to make a simple installer with it. Also Ive tried to use InstallShield limited, that comes with visual studio, but it seems to be unable to download prerequisites from the web(or maybe I am missing something).

我知道,这里有很多关于安装程序的问题,但是它们都是旧的。我需要的是一个安装程序,可以根据需要下载。net framework 4.5(如果用户没有的话,安装它),然后安装我的应用程序。它必须是一个文件。我试着使用WiX,但是它看起来太复杂了,我找不到任何关于如何用它做一个简单的安装程序的例子。我还尝试过使用visual studio附带的InstallShield limited,但它似乎无法从web下载先决条件(或者我可能漏掉了什么)。

If you could help me to find a solution of my problem I'd be very gracefull. Of course, the best solution would be to make somehow InstallShield limited download nesessary data from the web.


Thank you.


3 个解决方案



As VRK said you will need the bootstrapper file, Advanced Installer is another good setup authoring tool that does exactly what you need. However, you will need a licensed version as this feature is not available in the free edition. You can still test it during the 30 days trial period, all features are available.




I don't know if it works for .NET 4.5, as only the RC build is available, but ClickOnce should do what you want.

我不知道它是否适用于。net 4.5,因为只有RC构建可用,但是ClickOnce应该做你想做的事情。



MSI Installer does have an option to install pre-requisites. but you have to run bootstrapper (setup.exe) from the setup output files.

MSI安装程序确实有一个安装先决条件的选项。但是您必须从安装输出文件中运行bootstrapper (setup.exe)。

setup.exe will detect if there is any pre-requisite needs to be installed and it will install. then continue installing your program by calling msi file.




As VRK said you will need the bootstrapper file, Advanced Installer is another good setup authoring tool that does exactly what you need. However, you will need a licensed version as this feature is not available in the free edition. You can still test it during the 30 days trial period, all features are available.




I don't know if it works for .NET 4.5, as only the RC build is available, but ClickOnce should do what you want.

我不知道它是否适用于。net 4.5,因为只有RC构建可用,但是ClickOnce应该做你想做的事情。



MSI Installer does have an option to install pre-requisites. but you have to run bootstrapper (setup.exe) from the setup output files.

MSI安装程序确实有一个安装先决条件的选项。但是您必须从安装输出文件中运行bootstrapper (setup.exe)。

setup.exe will detect if there is any pre-requisite needs to be installed and it will install. then continue installing your program by calling msi file.
