Ruby和Ruby on Rails Windows安装程序修改了哪些注册表值?

时间:2021-01-13 22:43:41

I am using Windows 7 and Windows 2008 Server. I used the Ruby and Ruby on Rails one-click installer. What registry keys does the installer modify and create? Thanks!

我使用的是Windows 7和Windows 2008 Server。我使用Ruby和Ruby on Rails一键安装程序。安装程序修改和创建哪些注册表项?谢谢!

2 个解决方案



It depends on the checkboxes you have selected.


Everything is in the source of the installer itself.


  1. Either SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment (Admin) or Environment (normal user), inside that PATH and PATHEXT. Source
  2. SYSTEM \ CurrentControlSet \ Control \ Session Manager \ Environment(Admin)或Environment(普通用户),在PATH和PATHEXT中。资源

  3. Software\Classes for .rb, .rbw and both RubyFile and RubyFileW either HKLM or HKCU. Source
  4. 适用于HKLM或HKCU的.rb,.rbw以及RubyFile和RubyFileW的Software \ Classes。资源

  5. Inside Software to identify the installer version, patchlevel and other information. Either HKLM (Admin) or HKCU (normal user). Source
  6. Inside Software用于识别安装程序版本,补丁级别和其他信息。 HKLM(管理员)或HKCU(普通用户)。资源

Hope that helps.




If looking at the source is not enough (see Lous Lavenas answer) then you might take a look at Process Monitor. It allows you to monitor all registry related activites of a process.

如果查看源代码是不够的(请参阅Lous Lavenas答案),那么您可以查看Process Monitor。它允许您监视进程的所有注册表相关活动。

Just start Process Monitor, add a filter for the installer, so you don't get spammed with registry actions from other processes, and run the installer.

只需启动Process Monitor,为安装程序添加一个过滤器,这样就不会通过其他进程的注册表操作发送垃圾邮件,并运行安装程序。



It depends on the checkboxes you have selected.


Everything is in the source of the installer itself.


  1. Either SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment (Admin) or Environment (normal user), inside that PATH and PATHEXT. Source
  2. SYSTEM \ CurrentControlSet \ Control \ Session Manager \ Environment(Admin)或Environment(普通用户),在PATH和PATHEXT中。资源

  3. Software\Classes for .rb, .rbw and both RubyFile and RubyFileW either HKLM or HKCU. Source
  4. 适用于HKLM或HKCU的.rb,.rbw以及RubyFile和RubyFileW的Software \ Classes。资源

  5. Inside Software to identify the installer version, patchlevel and other information. Either HKLM (Admin) or HKCU (normal user). Source
  6. Inside Software用于识别安装程序版本,补丁级别和其他信息。 HKLM(管理员)或HKCU(普通用户)。资源

Hope that helps.




If looking at the source is not enough (see Lous Lavenas answer) then you might take a look at Process Monitor. It allows you to monitor all registry related activites of a process.

如果查看源代码是不够的(请参阅Lous Lavenas答案),那么您可以查看Process Monitor。它允许您监视进程的所有注册表相关活动。

Just start Process Monitor, add a filter for the installer, so you don't get spammed with registry actions from other processes, and run the installer.

只需启动Process Monitor,为安装程序添加一个过滤器,这样就不会通过其他进程的注册表操作发送垃圾邮件,并运行安装程序。