Install Shield 2009 Premier:在任何sysem重启时安装Windows Installer 3.1或2.0(最适合系统)

时间:2022-12-04 22:41:26

Basic MSI project, from release wizard I chose Install Windows Installer 3.1 or 2.0 (best fit for system), extract from setup.exe. When in installation, after installing Windows installer system restarts. Can this restart be stopped anyway?

基本MSI项目,从发布向导我选择安装Windows Installer 3.1或2.0(最适合系统),从setup.exe中提取。在安装时,安装Windows安装程序系统后重新启动。这种重启是否可以停止?

1 个解决方案



I am in Installshield 2008, and in the release wizard there is an option "Delay engine reboot until after your installation completes". Have you enabled this option?

我在Installshield 2008中,在发布向导中有一个选项“延迟引擎重启,直到安装完成”。你启用了这个选项吗?



I am in Installshield 2008, and in the release wizard there is an option "Delay engine reboot until after your installation completes". Have you enabled this option?

我在Installshield 2008中,在发布向导中有一个选项“延迟引擎重启,直到安装完成”。你启用了这个选项吗?