
时间:2023-02-01 22:39:33

We have a fairly large sized GWT based WebApplication project for Windows which is packaged using Installshield. GWT generates javascript and xml files of random names after each compilation. This makes it difficult to generate the Installable package without opening the installShield IDE and manually updating the GWT generated files.

我们有一个相当大的基于GWT的Windows WebApplication项目,它使用Installshield打包。 GWT在每次编译后生成随机名称的javascript和xml文件。这使得在不打开installShield IDE并手动更新GWT生成的文件的情况下很难生成Installable包。

I would like to automate this so that the .ism file is updated with the new .js and .xml file list from the command-line and a complete installer can be generated without having to open the IDE.


I can think of the simple approach of parsing the .ism file and updating it with new names using a custom script, but it will be difficult to make it portable across InstallShield versions; Do you know of a simpler and more standard means of achieving this ?


1 个解决方案



Are you targeting Windows Installer or InstallScript as your technology? The former sounds like a poor fit for randomly generated names if you care about traditional upgrades.

您是否将Windows Installer或InstallScript作为技术?如果您关心传统升级,前者听起来不适合随机生成的名称。

Setting upgrades aside, for the needs you mentioned, I would consider using a Dynamic File Link, especially in an InstallScript project. Or you can consider writing an automation script.




Are you targeting Windows Installer or InstallScript as your technology? The former sounds like a poor fit for randomly generated names if you care about traditional upgrades.

您是否将Windows Installer或InstallScript作为技术?如果您关心传统升级,前者听起来不适合随机生成的名称。

Setting upgrades aside, for the needs you mentioned, I would consider using a Dynamic File Link, especially in an InstallScript project. Or you can consider writing an automation script.
