安装程序VB 2012后保护信息

时间:2021-03-05 22:39:54

When in make Installer on my project in Visual Basic 2012. I'm using InstallShield - and filed that i need to create the program are only "Debug or Realese" Folder. But there are files "program.exe.config" files. Everyone can open it if he has VB or program that can open VB 2012 files. In those files there is an information about connection to server that program makes. So they have my server name and mine user/password that gives access to mine sql server. Can i make the line with server information crypted and it still workes to avoid - changing server/logging into my server.

当我在Visual Basic 2012中的项目中使用安装程序时。我正在使用InstallShield - 并且提交我需要创建程序的只是“Debug或Realese”文件夹。但是有文件“program.exe.config”文件。如果他有VB或可以打开VB 2012文件的程序,每个人都可以打开它。在这些文件中,有一个关于程序与服务器连接的信息。所以他们有我的服务器名称和我的用户/密码,可以访问我的sql服务器。我可以将服务器信息加密,并且仍然可以避免 - 更改服务器/登录到我的服务器。

Or how can i block the files while i'm making the installer. - So they could not open them.

或者我在制作安装程序时如何阻止文件。 - 所以他们无法打开它们。

1 个解决方案



Store encrypted password and username in config file. And decrypt them inside code right before connection. This should make the trick.


Make the same with server name if you'd like to.




Store encrypted password and username in config file. And decrypt them inside code right before connection. This should make the trick.


Make the same with server name if you'd like to.
