
时间:2022-10-14 22:40:22

I'm using FTP Release feature provided in Installshield 2011.
My project complies and deploys via FTP properly if I compile it on my dev box.

我正在使用Installshield 2011中提供的FTP发布功能。如果我在开发框中编译它,我的项目将通过FTP正确地进行配置和部署。

When building the solution via teambuild, it doesn't ftp the file to the ftp server. It doesn't throw up any errors either.


In the build log, it says: Copy Files to Drop Location 00:00


I can ftp to the ftp server manually from the TFS server without problem. Even if I disable the windows firewall, it still fails.


There are no errors in the windows event log either.


Dev box:
Windows 7 x64
Visual Studio 2010
Installshield 2011
using cmd line msbuild to build the solution deploys the file via FTP.

开发框:Windows 7 x64 Visual Studio 2010 Installshield 2011使用cmd行msbuild构建解决方案通过FTP部署文件。

Windows 2008 R2 x64
TFS 2010
Installshileld Standalone Build
Windows Firewall Disabled.
using cmd line msbuild builds the solution but does not deploy the file via ftp and displays no errors.
No events in the event log, or in the firewall log.

服务器:Windows 2008 R2 x64 TFS 2010 Installshileld独立构建Windows防火墙已禁用。使用cmd行msbuild构建解决方案但不通过ftp部署文件并且不显示任何错误。事件日志或防火墙日志中没有事件。

Watching the build happen, it doesn't even appear as if Installshield is trying to FTP the file. It doesn't pause or hang like its trying to establish a connection at all.


Any Ideas?




1 个解决方案



People still use that feature? :-) FTP is an unsecure protocol.

人们还在使用这个功能吗? :-) FTP是一种不安全的协议。

Do you have a firewall installed on your build machine? I'm wondering if the service account you are using is restricted from opening the connnection.




People still use that feature? :-) FTP is an unsecure protocol.

人们还在使用这个功能吗? :-) FTP是一种不安全的协议。

Do you have a firewall installed on your build machine? I'm wondering if the service account you are using is restricted from opening the connnection.
