如何从Installshield DoAction事件调用合并模块自定义操作?

时间:2022-11-16 22:40:51

I have a custom action in merge module and I am redistributing the merge module through InstallShield. Using DoAction event, I have called the merge module custom action on button click from InstallShield. But the custom action was not performed on button click. So I want to know how to call a merge module custom action from install shield on DoAction control event.

我在合并模块中有自定义操作,我通过InstallShield重新分发合并模块。使用DoAction事件,我从InstallShield按钮单击调用合并模块自定义操作。但是,单击按钮时未执行自定义操作。所以我想知道如何从DoAction控件事件上的install shield调用合并模块自定义操作。

1 个解决方案



If you've already made sure custom action is being added to the correct dialog but you are not selecting the mm from a dropdown [in IS2016], check if adding the module id after the module name helps. "modulename.moduleid"

如果您已确保将自定义操作添加到正确的对话框中,但未从下拉列表中选择mm [在IS2016中],请检查在模块名称帮助后是否添加模块ID。 “modulename.moduleid”



If you've already made sure custom action is being added to the correct dialog but you are not selecting the mm from a dropdown [in IS2016], check if adding the module id after the module name helps. "modulename.moduleid"

如果您已确保将自定义操作添加到正确的对话框中,但未从下拉列表中选择mm [在IS2016中],请检查在模块名称帮助后是否添加模块ID。 “modulename.moduleid”