与Visual Studio 2008一起使用Boost时出错

时间:2022-01-19 22:37:18

I am using Boost with Visual Studio 2008 and I have put the path to boost directory in configuration for the project in C++/General/"Additional Include Directories" and in Linker/General/"Additional Library Directories". (as it says here: http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_36_0/more/getting_started/windows.html#build-from-the-visual-studio-ide)

我在Visual Studio 2008中使用Boost,并且已经在C ++ / General /“Additional Include Directories”和Linker / General /“Additional Library Directories”中为项目配置了boost目录。 (正如它在这里所说:http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_36_0/more/getting_started/windows.html#build-from-the-visual-studio-ide)

When I build my program, I get an error:


fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'boost/python.hpp': No such file or directory

致命错误C1083:无法打开包含文件:'boost / python.hpp':没有这样的文件或目录

I have checked if the file exists, and it is on the path.


I would be grateful if anyone can solve this problem.


The boost include path is C:\Program Files\boost\boost_1_36_0\boost.

增强包括路径是C:\ Program Files \ boost \ boost_1_36_0 \ boost。

Linker path is C:\Program Files\boost\boost_1_36_0\lib.

链接器路径为C:\ Program Files \ boost \ boost_1_36_0 \ lib。

The file python.hpp exists on the include path.


2 个解决方案


Where is the file located, and which include path did you specify? (And how is the file #include'd)

文件位于何处,包括您指定的路径? (文件#include如何)

There's a mismatch between some of these But it's impossible to say what's wrong when you haven't shown what you actually did.



Given the paths you mentioned in comments, the problem is that they don't add up. If the include path is C:\Program Files\boost\boost_1_36_0\boost, and you then try to include 'boost/python.hpp", the compiler searches for this file in the include path, which means it looks for C:\Program Files\boost\boost_1_36_0\boost\boost\python.hpp, which doesn't exist.

鉴于您在评论中提到的路径,问题是它们没有加起来。如果包含路径是C:\ Program Files \ boost \ boost_1_36_0 \ boost,然后你尝试包含'boost / python.hpp',编译器会在include路径中搜索这个文件,这意味着它会查找C:\ Program Files \ boost \ boost_1_36_0 \ boost \ boost \ python.hpp,它不存在。

The include path should be set to C:\Program Files\boost\boost_1_36_0 instead.

包含路径应​​设置为C:\ Program Files \ boost \ boost_1_36_0。


How do you include it? You should write something like this:


#include <boost/python.hpp>

Note that Additional Include Directories settings are differs in Release and Debug configurations. You should make them the same.


If boost placed to C:\Program Files\boost\boost_1_36_0\ you should set path to C:\Program Files\boost\boost_1_36_0\ without boost in the end.

如果将升压放置到C:\ Program Files \ boost \ boost_1_36_0 \,则应将路径设置为C:\ Program Files \ boost \ boost_1_36_0 \,而不进行提升。


Where is the file located, and which include path did you specify? (And how is the file #include'd)

文件位于何处,包括您指定的路径? (文件#include如何)

There's a mismatch between some of these But it's impossible to say what's wrong when you haven't shown what you actually did.



Given the paths you mentioned in comments, the problem is that they don't add up. If the include path is C:\Program Files\boost\boost_1_36_0\boost, and you then try to include 'boost/python.hpp", the compiler searches for this file in the include path, which means it looks for C:\Program Files\boost\boost_1_36_0\boost\boost\python.hpp, which doesn't exist.

鉴于您在评论中提到的路径,问题是它们没有加起来。如果包含路径是C:\ Program Files \ boost \ boost_1_36_0 \ boost,然后你尝试包含'boost / python.hpp',编译器会在include路径中搜索这个文件,这意味着它会查找C:\ Program Files \ boost \ boost_1_36_0 \ boost \ boost \ python.hpp,它不存在。

The include path should be set to C:\Program Files\boost\boost_1_36_0 instead.

包含路径应​​设置为C:\ Program Files \ boost \ boost_1_36_0。


How do you include it? You should write something like this:


#include <boost/python.hpp>

Note that Additional Include Directories settings are differs in Release and Debug configurations. You should make them the same.


If boost placed to C:\Program Files\boost\boost_1_36_0\ you should set path to C:\Program Files\boost\boost_1_36_0\ without boost in the end.

如果将升压放置到C:\ Program Files \ boost \ boost_1_36_0 \,则应将路径设置为C:\ Program Files \ boost \ boost_1_36_0 \,而不进行提升。