Ajax、Web sockets和Web Workers

时间:2022-09-11 22:29:33

What is the difference between all three? They seem to do the exact same thing. Why and when would you choose to use one method over the other?


3 个解决方案



AJAX and websockets do similar tasks — they both establish a communication channel to a server. Web workers have nothing to do with either of them, they are just separate threads of JS execution.


AJAX is more mature than websockets — it has been around much longer and has a much wider browser support. AJAX is request-oriented — you make a request to the server, the server responds, and the connection is closed. Websockets on the other hand establish a persistent connection to the server, over which you exchange multiple messages in both directions.


Webworkers are useful if you want to perform a processor intensive task without blocking the browser interface.




They are not the same.


Ajax: It is a way of interacting with a web server asynchronously from a UI renderer


Web Sockets: An HTML5 feature using which you can interact with any Socket server extending the reach of the browser

Web Sockets:一个HTML5特性,您可以使用它来与扩展浏览器的任何Socket服务器进行交互。

Web Workers : Another HTML5 feature that helps you do multi-threaded programming from a web browser using Java Script

Web worker:另一个HTML5特性,它可以帮助您使用Java脚本从Web浏览器进行多线程编程



They are not same. But one can use them together to build advanced application.


Ajax: As abbrevation States is asynchronous javascript and xml.. is used to load the content dynamically from the server upon called.


Websockets : Websockets is the feature defined in HTML5 . As wikipedia states "WebSocket is a protocol providing full-duplex communications channels over a single TCP connection." so this is mainly used for real time communication such as video call, live chat etc..

Websockets: Websockets是HTML5中定义的功能。正如*所说,“WebSocket是一种协议,它提供了一个TCP连接上的全双工通信信道”,因此这主要用于实时通信,如视频通话、实时聊天等。

WebWorkers : this feature is also defined in HTML5. This is basically used to make bring multi threading feature in Javascript. Since javascript is a single threaded programming language , it breaks or pause whenever i.e heavy calculation tasks are done using it. to overcome this breakage , Webworkers are added to javascript.


You can perform Ajax and Websockets inside Webworkers . however you cannot manipulate DOM using webworkers due to security reasons.




AJAX and websockets do similar tasks — they both establish a communication channel to a server. Web workers have nothing to do with either of them, they are just separate threads of JS execution.


AJAX is more mature than websockets — it has been around much longer and has a much wider browser support. AJAX is request-oriented — you make a request to the server, the server responds, and the connection is closed. Websockets on the other hand establish a persistent connection to the server, over which you exchange multiple messages in both directions.


Webworkers are useful if you want to perform a processor intensive task without blocking the browser interface.




They are not the same.


Ajax: It is a way of interacting with a web server asynchronously from a UI renderer


Web Sockets: An HTML5 feature using which you can interact with any Socket server extending the reach of the browser

Web Sockets:一个HTML5特性,您可以使用它来与扩展浏览器的任何Socket服务器进行交互。

Web Workers : Another HTML5 feature that helps you do multi-threaded programming from a web browser using Java Script

Web worker:另一个HTML5特性,它可以帮助您使用Java脚本从Web浏览器进行多线程编程



They are not same. But one can use them together to build advanced application.


Ajax: As abbrevation States is asynchronous javascript and xml.. is used to load the content dynamically from the server upon called.


Websockets : Websockets is the feature defined in HTML5 . As wikipedia states "WebSocket is a protocol providing full-duplex communications channels over a single TCP connection." so this is mainly used for real time communication such as video call, live chat etc..

Websockets: Websockets是HTML5中定义的功能。正如*所说,“WebSocket是一种协议,它提供了一个TCP连接上的全双工通信信道”,因此这主要用于实时通信,如视频通话、实时聊天等。

WebWorkers : this feature is also defined in HTML5. This is basically used to make bring multi threading feature in Javascript. Since javascript is a single threaded programming language , it breaks or pause whenever i.e heavy calculation tasks are done using it. to overcome this breakage , Webworkers are added to javascript.


You can perform Ajax and Websockets inside Webworkers . however you cannot manipulate DOM using webworkers due to security reasons.
